[CLOSED] Time to win some loot!

  • Ahoy! It's me, Daley, one of the more elusive Community Managers here to drop some goodies on your heads.

    So, as you can see, we have some exclusive swag to give away this week! Ta-da:

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    What must you do to win? Well, I want you to reply below and tell me what you think makes YOU a good pirate.

    You've got until 4pm GMT tomorrow to enter, I will pick 2 winners at random!

    Bye! :)

  • 436
  • @itsdaleykong Hey there. Im certainly the best red circles drawer, which is one of the core aspects of being a pirate imho. So this makes ME a very good pirate :D

  • @itsdaleykong A pirate is only as good as his crew.

  • @itsdaleykong I'm Syrio Forel, mighty pirate. I can hold my breath for 10 minutes

  • @ItsDaleyKong
    It is my extraordinary sense of style, I am the best dressed pirate on the seas.

  • @itsdaleykong I know the Grog recipe from Monkey Island.

  • I understand that good fortune and bad fortune are only waves in the sea

    Edit to add: We are Ice Cream Sundae avatar buddies - which should obviously increase my complete random chances at winning!!

  • That's a very philosophical question, What makes anyone a good pirate. Somehow I doubt the answer is so simple, as can be answered in but a short paragraph but I shall try.

    Copious amounts of rum...

  • I am more of a social pirate, setting up strangers to help me against bigger ships and conquering the sea with friendship :)

  • I was in the Coast Guard for 6 years. I’ve piloted many ships and I love the feel these ships have in the game. I’m a leader and my crew follows my orders to a T which resulted in us consistently coming out on top! My crew and my experience is what makes me a good pirate! Love this game!

  • @itsdaleykong that's easy. My nickname. Chance Pants Wilson! How is that not the most fearsome pirate name?

  • You have to be one with the sea, able to take on any challenges that comes across your path. You have to be a jack of all trades and able to adapt to your surroundings as new events take place in the forseeable future. Last but not least you have to find all the booty every last bit of it and make a name for yourself as the most recognizable pirate to ever sail the sea.

  • @itsdaleykong I can drink a lot of Rum! and not be an ***!

  • @itsdaleykong The thing that makes me a good pirate is my pants.

  • Because IRL I would do almost anything for anyone, I need an outlet for my frustration, so I love to swashbuckle my way to victory! No prisoners, No defeat! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!

  • A good pirate takes what he wants! Now gimme this sweet loot

  • I think I would be good as I be on it 24/7 when it fully come out.

  • @itsdaleykong i'm a good pirate because i am the reason the rum is all gone...

  • I will tell you why. That email you send everyone? With the statistics and all. I will reveal the truth about those statistics. They are fake. not the whole community drank 583,678 tankards of Grog, I DID. And that is why I am the drunkest pirate of them all. What was I supposed to tell you again?

  • Im the best pirate with mah best parrot har har.

  • look behind you... a 3headed monkey. Im Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate

  • When we're not a pirate, we do not know this quote!

    "When you do not know which port you are sailing, no wind is the right way"

    I know her, so I'm a good pirate, right?


    Captaine Mcfly. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh....

    Sorry for my bad english.

  • Ahoy! @ItsDaleyKong I am the biggest rum drinker of the seven seas! I always carry my own barrel ... which makes it difficult to carry the treasure chests.

  • this book makes me a good pirate :D
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    and for easy styling....
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  • @bezy96 said in Time to win some loot!:

    look behind you... a 3headed monkey. Im Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate


    Look behind you, a three headed sea chimp!

  • A good pirate goes for treasure but a great pirate steals other pirates ship. Captain Jack Sparrow taught me that lol

  • What makes me a good pirate? I take what I can, and give nothing back. And I always have my crew with me, a cadre of intensely loyal pirates who would have me back against any mutiny or other scourge of the sea!

    Besides, no one can hold their grog like I can, and I've never had scurvy, so that's nice.

  • @itsdaleykong
    Putting up with @Tartansnake-8 & his 'snakes for snake island' campaign since our 1st session together in February last year!!!
    I have the patience of a saint :)

  • I find myself a good pirate because I know when to pick my battles.
    By myself with a horde of swag and a galleon on the horizon? You better believe I'm dropping canvas and makin' way to the nearest OP to cash it.
    With a crew? I'll risk it all to blast a hole or two in an enemy ship.
    All the same, let's knock back some grog at the OP and sing a shanty or two.

  • Because I am the only pirate pirating for the honor of the red-crested breegull for which the legendary bear&bird figurehead was carved!

  • @itsdaleykong I’m a good pirate because I let the enemy have an option. Join or die is what I say to them. If they join then we will share the loot we get with them. If they don’t join they can say goodbye to their ship.

  • @itsdaleykong I make a good pirate because I don't care. I don't care that your ship might sink. I don't care that you lost your treasure. And I don't care that you spent 2 hours grinding meaningless quests just so you could get a different pair of shoes. I take, I steal, I kill, and I leave nothing but a burning hull behind in your remembrance.


  • Thanks for the give aways! Well so far i havent really been a very good pirate BUT as any newbie practice makes perfect. And i do plan on practicing and rising through the ranks and become a great Pirate like Edward Teach. Wish me Luck!

  • Im a good pirate because. "I Aim to Misbehave"

  • RUM! Rum is what makes me a good Pirate! burp Rum.. and my Hurdy-Gurdy! Oh the songs!... the songs I we played drinking Rum!
    My Bell Skills are great too! Playing Songs, Playing the bell.. BURP and drinking RUM!
    Ahoy! WHERE IS MY RUM?! burp

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