~Vote what content comes in 2019 Sea of Thieves!~ POLL COMPLETE

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    Hello! A while back there was an unofficial poll with a list of content. Players voted what they wanted to be in the game upon release. It has been almost a year since then and a lot has changed. As there is a new year here, I decided to start another poll in hope to get a decent amount of votes to help Rare know what the community wants!

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    Hello! Result time! From the top, Fishing claimed first at 282 votes, claiming first place 76 votes above second place. Second place was voyage types with 206 votes, 83 votes above third place. At third, we have weapon types. I think it is obvious what the people of the SOT community want and I think we have executed our opinions well. A HUGE thanks to everyone who participated making this poll a success in my book. I have learned a lot on how I should run a poll if i were to do this again. I hope Rare takes our votes to heart.

    Poll at time of deadline:
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    Extra Information:

    • The StrawPoll created has IP Duplication checking and each person can only select one option.

    • On the deadline, You can still technically vote on the poll link, but it will not but counted or acknowledged on this thread. The information will be tallied on the date of and any votes afterwards will be irrelevant to this thread and the graphs shown.
      Though if you are still interested, You can click the link and see the results to see how they have changed after the deadline.

    • StrawPoll Link - Click Here!
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    • Jan 21- This post has reached a crazy amount of 10K+ views and the poll at 1000+ votes and its not even the deadline! Thanks guys! I'm sure we've caught Rares attention.
    • Feb 11- With 12.6k views and almost 1600 votes I would definitely say this poll was a success in my book! With only 2 days till the deadline I would love to thank everyone who votes and took time to share and spread this post. I also loved all the creative ideas mentioned below. Above, in results, I've updated the results tab to let everyone know I will collect the results and on Wednesday and post the graphics on this thread on Friday of this week!
    • Feb 14- The poll has ended! Thank you everyone for participating and for voicing your ideas! The results are shown above and listed within the link.
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  • can we take Fishing off? I think they've heard our feedback on that plenty.

  • A community HUB

  • A sketchbook to unlock poi/flora/fauna

  • @dekeita said in ~Vote what content comes in 2019 Sea of Thieves!~:

    can we take Fishing off? I think they've heard our feedback on that plenty.

    Aye, probably coming in with the Tall Tales Expansion.

  • I like what you are trying to do but the options are kinda very broad or they said they were going to add it already and is in the pipeline.

  • Sry I don’t get it!? 90% from The Poll selection we’re gettin for 100%, or an mix of that! Things like new BRA or Time Limited Cosmetics are no brainers or an Map expansion is in the pipeline too like Fishing, and a Lore crafted update is confirmed already for 2019!

  • I'm just really looking forward to embarking on a quest that resembles a true pirate tale and gets closer to that vision of the Goonies as Rare has said so many times! We already know that's coming though so I guess there's not much of a need to vote. I voted regardless but Rare has sort of changed in that they know what players want (sort of) and have it all charted. Those plans could change through feedback, but I don't think to the point where they would scrap a whole DLC event.

  • Aye, voted.

  • @dekeita said in ~Vote what content comes in 2019 Sea of Thieves!~:

    can we take Fishing off? I think they've heard our feedback on that plenty.

    Do we actually know what fishing would look like, or play like? Are there any rumors or designs?

    I voted Fishing...a 100x over if I could. Should have been a day one feature with a dedicated rep NPC.

  • @uberkull we don't know anything about it. But it's coming for sure. Probably soon.

  • Thanks for the Poll. I think Rare found the first one useful, as 99% of what was most voted was delivered in 2018.

    It does seem however there are a number of things in the poll we know 100% we are getting. Fishing (Been in testing for ages) and Lore for example are leading the poll, with all those votes wasted. I suppose it could be argued the people that voted for them are too stupid to understand the reason of the poll anyway :D so no loss!

    Map Expansion is labelled Map Exploration in the Poll.

    My vote will go with Other.

    1: The Seas are dead at the moment. We need more player ships on the servers especially in light of the expanded map.

    2: More Pirate Legend content. Athena is a joke. Repeating the same thing again is not new content. This issue will grow and grow. Or should I say more and more players will leave.

  • Captaincy?

  • @d4king55 ahoy matey.
    The Pirate Council already released a similar post to this one last Thursday:

    Might be worth joining forces with them to collate the data together as one? Otherwise we have a duplicate thread of sorts here that will dilute possible results from each other.

  • Lets go Lore! A great amount of fun to be had there; interacting with more elabroate NPC's is what this game needs

  • All these categories for 2019 and we can only vote on one? Why?

    I was expecting a 1 - 10 "how interested" type voting system. I dont think a one option only vote for updates throughout 2019 will do the poll any favours personally.

    Either way.. I'm just waiting to hear what's next

  • there is a lot of options here that are already planned or have already been added so im going with "other" on this one.

    it would be nice to have more sandbox tools. items that can be found within the world and are either used for a limited time, destructible, or used once. examples are rowboats, explosive barrels, or cursed cannon balls.

  • @d4king55 Can we have ship types in there? Ship customization is not the same. And I really want new ship types..

  • Tools specifically ones that makes just moving around on foot less tedious and more fun.
    I have a few ideas for items that I think would be great, I just got to finish a couple of crudely done photoshops and make a legit post about them

  • Go go beautiful sea lifeeeeee!!!

  • Lore is the top voted...?


    Out of all the things SoT needs, lore is not one of them. More gameplay additions please.

  • @tre-oni

    Agree, I wanted to be able to vote for 3.

  • I voted Voyage types!

  • Voyage/Quest Types is #1 for sure, we need different quests badly for Athenas Fortune and all the other Factions.

    #2 is Weapons, we need alot more unique weapons to add to our sandbox; Rapier, Daggers, Axes etc

    #3 is new NPC enemies; Islanders, Mermaids/Sirens, Royal Navy etc

    Honorable mention a new ship: 6 Player Man-O-War. It could be introduced with a Royal Navy update. You have to capture one by boarding it. They are found patrolling the Sea of Thieves new zone "Port City". That is like the civilized area where you can find new vendors and loot to collect. To gain access to it you need to complete a quest to get a "Mark of the Viceroy" which grants free passage through his waters.

  • I'm not sure why fishing is top when we've been told that's coming!

    Voyage type gets my vote

  • Character customization here. I want a free use of the ipg or something like that to change my pirate from time to time. But I actually wanted to vote nearly all of them

  • @d4king55 Even though they listened and added the stuff from last year it seems the game is still in the exact same place it was before it started. The reason for this is because the content they added isn't very fun. Besides row boats and a new ship type all the PVE content like Skeleton Ships, Kraken, and the MEG are just an annoyance.

    There is little to no reward when fighting these monsters and when you do they can pretty easily single handidly sink your ship or ruin a play your trying to make. There is nothing worse than being Kraken'd or Skeleton shipped when chasing or being chased. The RNG decides who wins and losses there.

    The Volcano islands or no different than Storms that have lightning hurt you every few minutes. They should have made it so these islands had dedicated levels or missions that offer a bigger reword for just going there. As they are now there is little incentive to play near there.

    Lastly the combat needs a major overhaul. If there is anything that should be added to the straw poll it's improving the combat. Make the Sword viable. Maybe add another gun or different sword. Make it so the sword doesn't just swing wildly.

  • I would really like to see a system where the longer chests have been out of the ground the more valuable they become. This gives pirates on both the attack and defense of such loot new priorities that they have to balance. The change would give all players reason to risk keeping more loot on their ship longer which creates more opportunities for the kraken, meg, skeleton fleets, storms, and other pirates to truly become epic defenses of your hard fought loot. This could also be applied in a different manner where you get like a gold hoard bonus for turning in some value of loot within a specified time. Either way something to encourage higher stakes on the high seas would make me a happier pirate!!!

  • More different ship da!! And able to join a crew friend with ship for ally with our own and made war in the seas.

  • So tell me what is usefull with fishing in this game. What it is for! For fun? No i dont need more unusefull things.

    • A solo ship, smaller than the sloop and features a forward and rear facing cannon.

    • The ability to change ships mid game to accommodate more or less players, for example, if we're on a brig and a friend wants to join us (and there is room on the server), then we just go back to port and upgrade our ship to a Galleon. Saves us from swapping over from a good server.

    • A throw able grapple that takes up a weapon spot. This can be used to grab and pull a player (which can be cut by the victim) or climb certain parts of a ship or environment with a key cue (similar to docking the rowbot). The loss of a weapon slot makes it a huge choice as it doesn't cause damage, but it allows players different options to boarding ships other than the two ladders.

    • Hand grenades, another item that would take up a weapon spot. It can be used as a crowd disperser or put holes in a ship with multiple hits.

  • @d4king55

    Just pasting a link to the previous poll for those who are interested in seeing what the Community voted for last time!

  • @d4king55 This is amazing, and i can't wait for Rare to continue doing amazing things. Bump

  • @remarka6le ooo the grappling hook idea is good!

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