Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes

  • So update went live, got on, stocked up the boat and all that good stuff. Went to a few islands and found a ton of blue sapphires that were easy to solo obviously and take about 3 shots from blunderbuss up close to destroy. Found an emerald, parked the boat next it managed to kill it using a sniper and blunderboss (spent all bullets). Found a ruby, used 2 kegs, refilled ammo prolly about more than 10 times. Still not dead, do they regain hp? do you have to destory them in 1 go? I am not exactly sure.

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  • Yes! They do regenerate.

  • @ginstinctstv Ahoy matey!

    You will definitely need the help of more crewmates as the ruby ones do regenerate too quickly for less than 3 crewmates to be able to tackle.

  • @uzugijin

    Okay, I see. This ruby was deep underwater, which took me forever to get back to the boat. I am assuming if you''re boat is super close and the ruby is closer to the shore (This one was way outside the shore and deep down underwater) then you can stack 4 kegs and prolly get it?

  • @ginstinctstv

    We were only able to destroy the ruby ones by being at least 3 players :)

    You'll need either to find another crew willing to help you or have a bigger one!

    Good luck matey!

  • @ginstinctstv I've read on reddit that you need at least 5 keg to detonate at the same time. didn't tested though

  • @uzugijin

    So you can solo with 5 kegs right? assuming ruby spawns closer to the shore/sand right? because if ruby is deep underwater i dont think you can put up the kegs because they feel float up to the surface.

  • it is possible to 2 man the ruby ones even without using gunpowder it's a lot more difficult but it is possible just make sure you're stocked up on bananas just don't attempt this if the ruby one is really deep.

  • I've also read that a keg floating on water will sink down to the bottom eventually and you'll have a little time (to detonate it) before it dissapears completely.

    btw, I had a ruby one deep down at tri-rock isle, so it's just random spawn, i guess

  • @Uzugijin I'm not so sure about kegs... treasure will sink after a few minutes, but kegs - intended for doing damage to ships on the water - float (if there is a time when they do sink, it's probably a long time since I've logged in and found GP kegs floating near the dock.)

    In fact, I sank at Sandy Atoll, respawned at Plunder, did some resource gathering, sailed back and my treasure was sunk, but the GP kegs were still floating and that was a good 10-15 minutes.

  • @musicmee said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:

    @ginstinctstv Ahoy matey!

    You will definitely need the help of more crewmates as the ruby ones do regenerate too quickly for less than 3 crewmates to be able to tackle.

    @Musicmee It can be done with two. I and shipmate Boss Shankie did a few tonight. Was not fun but doable. Best if it is either partially on shore or in less than a fathom of water. We went in hard first then alternated air/cronching till they were destroyed. Course the last one we duo-ed was made more difficult by about 5 sharks that refused to leave the area. We likely used about 30 bananas in the effort. Was a touch deeper than a fathom :-/

  • I am almost at 50/100 Statues, done with all rubies as well. I found a way you can solo them and a really easy way to 2-Man them with not much stress. I am creating a full commentary video guide for all things Cursed Statues. Stay tuned, should be up tomorrow :)

  • @ginstinctstv following this thread, you gonna post here?

  • @iamwilliamb

    No, will make a new thread dedicated to it - i actually just finished the video editing :) All I have left to do is do a voice over recording and hit the render button and its a done deal. The video is about 5-7 minutes long covering ALL the statues colors and multiple examples for the Ruby as well :)

  • @musicmee I just finished my night by doing a Ruby solo. I went a little overkill with 7 GP barrels, but... I think 6 would’ve done the trick without having to hit the thing after.

  • @bran-the-ent 5 is actually enough. I tested it.

  • @ginstinctstv I used six kegs on a ruby one and it didn't register when it was destroyed. Is it worth trying that method again?

  • A buddy and I were duo slooping and honestly I have no idea why people think the ruby ones are so difficult. We had 0 issues breaking about 7 of them with just us two.

    I would suggest not using Gunpowder. Really no point, and you're probably gonna end up damaging yourself, and by the time you heal/respawn its already gonna be healed. Just position yourself far enough away from it where it won't hurt you, but close enough where your sword can still hit, and just wack away with your partner. Try not to go too long without hitting it, if someone needs to go up for air, make sure someone else is still hitting it. Once you see it's close to breaking, just commit to breaking it, don't worry about going up for air, eat bananas if you need a quick heal, but just keep hitting it.

  • @rich223820 Maybe it's delayed? I destroyed an emerald one with the classic hack and slash way and it didn't register until a few minutes. I thought it's broken.

  • @ginstinctstv said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:

    I found a way you can solo them and a really easy way to 2-Man them with not much stress.

    Can't wait.
    Will this work on every statue (regardless of its depth) or is it like "go find one that's close to the shore"?

  • @iduskk said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:

    Just position yourself far enough away from it where it won't hurt you, but close enough where your sword can still hit

    Ha, thanks a lot for confirming that.
    Yesterday night we weren't 100% sure if such a "distance" existed.

    Thx mate.

  • @ginstinctstv Hey, most have already spoken about this, bit @khaleesibot mentions in the patch notes :

    Not all statues are bound by the same curse but*** they all regenerate health over time***, and while some will require more firepower than others to destroy, no more than four players will be required to destroy even the toughest statue.

    It's a pain, also I don't know how quickly, but they certainly do regen!

  • @lefaux2

    Yes will work regardless of depth :) You can check it out here - the video/voice guide is finally made


  • @sshteeve said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:

    @ginstinctstv Hey, most have already spoken about this, bit @khaleesibot mentions in the patch notes :

    Not all statues are bound by the same curse but*** they all regenerate health over time***, and while some will require more firepower than others to destroy, no more than four players will be required to destroy even the toughest statue.

    It's a pain, also I don't know how quickly, but they certainly do regen!

    I think as long as its taking damage, it doesnt regen. So make sure one person is damaging it at all times if you need to go up for air or deal with a shark.

  • @ginstinctstv said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:


    Yes will work regardless of depth :) You can check it out here - the video/voice guide is finally made

    Ok, saw the vid and wanted to thank you for making it.
    The strats used are pretty much the same as we do it (we save the kegs on rubies though, because we don't need them for it.

    I want to add that - as I expected - there is no way to solo them (ruby ones) regardless of depth (other than you suggested in your post).

  • @uzugijin said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:

    @ginstinctstv I've read on reddit that you need at least 5 keg to detonate at the same time. didn't tested though

    4 kegs plus a single quick rifle shot after the explosion. problem is that kegs float...so it has to be very shallow water.

  • If I may add another question.

    Have you noticed that the curse damage radius is larger above water than underneath the water?

  • @isaac-occam said in Quick question regarding Ruby Sapphire Statutes:

    If I may add another question.

    Have you noticed that the curse damage radius is larger above water than underneath the water?

    It's exactly the same. And if you target the head you can stand far away enough to not get damage at all (other than drowning under water)

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