[CLOSED] E3 Giveaway!

  • my one is the bilgerat spade-peg-leg .. i love those crazy designs

  • Mine is the Day One Patch, that was so funny and still makes me laugh haha, and it was cheap haha

  • @realterrortesin my fav one is the gold hoarders compass, i love the green reflect on the broken glass !

  • The contest has probably expired, but I'd say the Day 1 Eye Patch is my fav, sure it's a novelty item, but still cool to have :)

  • @realterrortesin Best item? In game has to be the compass. It's one of the best-used items in the game for me. I love taking newer players out into the world and having them find their first treasure chest using a riddle map. That feeling they get when they feel the footsteps as they're counting out the paces to the chest is such a pirate thing to do. It's underrated at how important knowing what direction other ships are or where to go. Most people will probably say guns or musical instruments, probably some will say the spyglass. To me, it's the one thing every adventurer needs, the compass.

  • I’ve bought a bunch of stuff but my favorite thing to wear is my default Underwear

  • My favorite item would have to be the unicorn for hitting legend. I was so excited to hit legend I seriously almost cried like foreal. Lol I look at it everytime I play and think to myself how much hard work and sweat I put in to make pirate legend. That's my favorite. 😁😊😎

  • Definitely the broken bottle peg leg! I mean whoever thought of that is probably a pirate to begin with! That things is hilarious. Next add a peg leg that’s a banana please🤣

  • Favourite Item has to be the golden sword. I love showing it off when fighting. :)

  • Arrrrr me ole crew dogs its gotta b tha day one eyee paatch... best bargin on tha seas, for 1 golled coin. looks nasty and evil black wif red 1 on it... like snakes eyee. arrrr yar arrrrr

  • The majestic sovereign peg leg :)

  • Bananas!

  • Mine is Bilge rat cloth with the hat; because it's funny and limited edition : )

  • @cpt-deadlydaley said in E3 Giveaway!:


    Swooping in to steal the glory and dishing out prizes.

    So our winners, who will scoop up a limited edition Sea of Thieves coin and playing cards pack are:

    @Irish9399 & @PumpkinKangaroo

    And the runners up, who win a pack of Sea of Thieves cards each are:

    @Guitar-Hobo & @scarletshimmer

    Congratulations all. Shoot me a message with your names and postal addresses so I can SHIP your loot out.

    ~ Deadly Daley out.

    As the winners have been selected, this thread is now locked.

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