[MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Legends of the Sea Discussion & Feedback

  • @dreamingnomad I'm pretty sure they are just randomly chosen for final wave at any of the forts in any region.

  • In regards to the pirate emporium:
    This may be better suited for another forum, but the idea is that the pricing for the items are too high. Don't get the wrong idea! I love the purchasable ship cosmetics and I don't mind paying for them, BUT why do we have to spend basically half the price of the FULL entire game to get a ship set!

    To me, this is something that should be $5 - $10. Not having to spend $35 just so I can afford to buy the special sail and figure head to go along with the set. And pets should be closer to $2-$5 range.

    I feel that more people will purchase them if they're offered at a lower price, and lets be honest, rare will still make their money they deserve for this amazing game.

  • @takuboto

    This is regarding the Gilded Voyages.

    I kind of feel cheated. First of all, it wasn't made clear in the in-game information that you could only do one single Gilded Voyage per lifetime -- I though it was either on one-day cooldown or one-month cooldown. Secondly, it was not clear from the in-game information that one of the voyages up for trade was locked for non-legends; the name of the voyage was confusing to me. So I simply bought the Merchant voyage, because my crew mate wanted some more rep with them.

    I play in a three-man crew, but I'm the only one who's a Legend so far. I figured that next time, one of my crew mates could pick up another type of voyage. Obviously, we have now learned that one of the voyages are for Legends only and has something like triple the normal award for doing an Athena's (three chests of legend!) in a fraction of the time it normally takes to do an Athena's. Unlucky for us, we can never do that one, because none of my crew are eligible to purchase it.

    Now, the limitations themselves are fine. I'm also fine with the risk of losing out on all your loot due to other pirates ruining your day. What makes me feel a bit cheated is that it was never made clear to me that one of the voyages was a Legendary voyage. If I'm eligible for that one, shouldn't it then be obvious that I want to take that one, rather than one of the lesser ones? Now I can't. Ever again. Not even next month or whatever.

    I'm a sad pirate today.

  • @dreamingnomad

    Several of Umbras easter eggs and journals are not translated to portuguese.

    When you interact with some of them, they are parcially translated (some sentences in each language) or the whole thing in english.

    Edit: forgot to mention that some texts on the Legends of the sea Commendation page are not translated as well.

  • Does the inclusion of further Mercenary cosmetics mean the full set will be available to everyone at some point? It's confusing to me that I can buy the equipment and instruments, but obviously everything else is unattainable. Same with a bunch of Wailing Barnacle stuff. I checked patch notes but don't see anything.

  • @kapten-teo It was literally called the 'Gilded Voyage of Legends'

  • While I really enjoy this game and have been playing it consistently for some time now, the times where I have to step back due to toxic players or glitches that ruin the experience are increasing. This update is no exception.

    I'm really grateful that the fort of the damned bugs have been fixed and that is now content I can enjoy again.

    I love the idea of gilded quests, however limiting the islands in which legend ones can spawn has just resulted in those islands being camped, and even if you find a peaceful server you are only 5 min away from someone server hoping to find people doing a guilded quest. I truly enjoy the PvE content however I believe this update encourages harassment on the seas, especially with gilded quests that can only be done once.

    One voyage I was on we spent 4 hours trying to avoid people chasing us down sinking us time after time, their sole intention was to halt our progress, they weren't interested in the loot. After 4 hours the solution was clear, we had to cut our losses and try a new server which meant loosing the one time use of the guilded quest for one of our crew. I would love to say this is a once off story however the bulk of my time on the seas currently is spent avoiding trolls and double gunning without losing out on voyages from shifting servers.

    The PvE is truly great and I wish there was a way to enjoy it without others ruining the experience.

  • double gunning is worse in this patch than ever before. and the inventory lock bug where you're unable to select any equipment or supplies happens quite often.

  • Hi,
    My name is Justice and I recently downloaded your game and love it to pieces.
    I especialy love the cosmetics and clothes.
    I was thinking if you could put some more clothes and hair in the game like a belt that goes diagonal over you torso and some actual long hair with curles and normal.
    Mabey you can put some actual pirates of the caribbean outfits and hair in.

    Thank you for making this awsome game and for reading this.


  • For some players or characters, the emotes do not work properly. When clapping, you always miss the second hand. When looking out, the hand is on the nose, not on the forehead.
    The heart symbol when dancing is also not working properly.

    The ping is still pretty bad and this update is not really exciting. There have been better ones, but you can't get something good out every month

  • It’s game braking that a sloop can be in the same world as a 4 man ship, this game has lost a lot of followers and support for this game due to the fact that the fairness of it all is fundamentally broken, they are faster, stronger, and do more damage; whilst a sloop an turn faster WHOW! I’m not in a city we are in a sea turn circle doesn’t matter if your 3x faster with grappling claws. What do u do????

  • A way to balance it out would be to put sloops on one server and the bigger ships on another, remove certain world spawns to balance gameplay such as sloops servers only having sloop ghost ship which would have less loot that a bigger ghost ship on the other server, the kraken would have 2,4 or 6 tentacles depending on your ship and you have to kill all tentacles to escape it.

  • I liked the part of the easter eggs hunt.
    The rest is a little bit Business as usual. Not sure i can do it in time this month, the flame tomes, but i wont buy the cosmetics, because the Forsaken Ashen ones look better to me.

    DG and DGE is still annoying!!!

    Had several crahes and got no option to rejoin my session.

  • @texas1s1k but its good for fort PVP, it really increase the amount of players at a normal fort

  • Turning in for double at Reaper's Hideout: Great idea, poor execution.

    I love the idea of creating an increased risk/reward for going to a single, central area of the map. It's a great PvP incentive and rewards both those taking the risk to turn in there and those willing to invest the time to lie in wait in ambush. However, limiting what can be turned in at the Hideout completely defeats the purpose and has not increased traffic by any noticeable margin.

    Let's say I've been doing some voyages, maybe hit up a stronghold, and my ship is now overloaded with goods. I've got plenty of chest. I've got exotic silks and rare spices. I've got a plethora of skulls of shapes and sizes! I even found a Chest of a Thousand Grogs, not to mention mermaid gems and a fine assortment of gold and silver goblets. Great, its time to turn in!

    But where should I go? That cool Reaper Hideout is offering me double, or so I heard, but its only double on a few things I'm carrying. Out of all my skulls, only two are Villainous. I've got a few Captains chest, but I also have a some marauders, a Stronghold Chest and this awesome Grog chest. Only my Captains Chests, Exotic Silks, and Villainous Skulls (and Athena's Chest, if I have one) can be turned in at the Reaper's Hideout. All the rest of my haul I'll have to risk making another stop for. Seems not worth it to me for just a couple extra thousand, and I'd rather just log after turning this all in. I'll just hit up one of the plenty of available Outposts.

    The idea of turning in for double was sound. I liked it. Limiting the items available to just a few unique types was a mistake.

  • I don't think you should be able to meet other players at Outposts.

    Article 3 - Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves states:
    "None shall quarrel or overly dissent against another crew, but let every engagement be settled by sword, pistol and good seamanship."
    Sword - ✔
    Pistol - ✔
    Good Seamanship - ✘

    It's the same problem I've always had since Beta, but a different potential solution.
    Fair game when we're on the high seas, I think this is absolutely in the spirit of the game. However, not when you're 10 seconds away from cashing in your plunder.
    It really does leave an absolutely rotten taste in my mouth, every time.

    The effect it has on other players that I've had the pleasure to meet and talk to, is really devastating.
    I came across one player (at an Outpost) begging me, and I don't mean "Please don't kill me." he said politely begging, I mean through pain of tears, getting choked up begging. Because he was so afraid of all his hard work being torn away at the last second that he couldn't take it.

    I can also say that I have NEVER had a PvP fight at sea, it has 90% of the time been at an Outpost that another player has been at and the other 10% on islands. (I don't don't have a problem with this. This actually doesn't bother me nearly as much.)

    Not once has a player ship harpooned and boarded me, not once have they engaged me in true naval combat. Only a smattering of cannon blasts as they pass.
    This is where the Arena Mode really shines.
    "Well, why don't you play Arena?" I hear you ask.
    Great question.

    Why should that style of combat be strictly limited to Arena Mode? I would ask. Strictly speaking "Arena Mode" is just where to go to earn Sea Dog rep. That's it's purpose functionally.
    It's a great place for TRUE PvP. Where everyone puts in effort to out-skill their rivals with Sword, Pistol and Good Seamanship, this makes for fun, interesting and immersive gameplay. This is also imitated, but not replicated (at least in my experiences) during confrontations at Skull-Forts, Reaper Chest locations etc.

    Arguments that you should treat Outposts as an active Skull Fort, don't quite work with me, because as a game (even about pirates) their is no actual place to take a breath and relax for a second.
    It happens in the Arena Mode between matches as well as with every other PvP game on the market in the form of lobbies between matches.
    In this example, the Outpost would be the lobby between expeditions, and the tavern is where everyone relaxes, has some beers together and shares some stories.

    Obviously it's just a matter of finding the balance between "This is a pirate game," and "We want people to have consistent fun."

    It's also an issue that no other game has had to deal with, as no other game (as I understand it) offers a true Adventure Mode as this one. So I understand its a difficult and weird line to approach.

    I'd also like to clarify that I'm not saying this is an absolutely must. It's just something that I thought should be worth mentioning. See if sparks an ideas or something. I figure it's worth being said.

    P.S. In relations to the Legends of the Sea. I absolutely love the additional lore added, as well as Rare's acknowledgement and appreciation for their players. Great work.
    Little bit irritated that only one commendation is behind the Pirate Legend wall, but that's just another reason to work towards Pirate Legend.
    I've had a lot of fun hunting them down and reading about them though.

    Keep up the good work, Rare!

  • @kapten-teo This is news to me. I one level away from becoming a legend and I'm extremely glad that I read this post because I would've done the exact same thing you did. Not much direction has ever been given in-game. I feel like pirate legends in this game are notoriously left in the dust. This game is purely cosmetic, yet the number of cosmetics and lack-luster of the cosmetics is honestly just sad. I personally feel like I have bought more than enough cosmetics already and still have a crazy amount of gold that is honestly worthless. Would love for Real to show some type of love to the pirate legends.

  • @commandant-salt Take this as least hostile and trolly as possible please, but this isn't "Sea of Friends" its "Sea of Thieves". When Rare starts limiting its PvP (what this game is based on) is when the game begins a a major decline in active players. I feel you on this argument, but it just wouldn't make sense.

  • The Lightning..CMoN MAN...Are we just not supposed to play in areas when it's storming? What fun is that? What's not fun is using up all your fruit healing because your getting struck by lightning over and over and over and over and over again... Dude... Can you turn down the strike frequency... PubGs redzone is like an amusement park compared to your lightning JESUS MAN

  • I think that Rare should introduce forced gamechat so plotting and communication has more risk to it. Please like this post if you agree.

  • Before adding more content, please fix your consistent inconsistencies.

    1. LOADING TIMES- How is it that the loading times can vary so vastly! 30 seconds respawn? How about the 1:30 I waited to get back. NOT ONLY THAT! My skeleton is there before my game loads. I spawned in with 50% heath cause they shot my skeleton BEFORE my screen stopped being black. UNFAIR! NO FUN!

    2. The movement glitches are annoying. Do I need to say anything else? Going to board a boat and suddenly I see the bottom. Even though I wasnt touching the boat. RIDICULOUS! Makes PvP POINTLESS! Better chance of running than hitting their brakes!

    3. WHY IS YOUR GAME COSMETIC BUT THE COSMETICS NEVER LOAD? People running around as green skeletons in a game thats cosmetic. Switch to my Merc Bucket, wait its the sai... Oh NOW its my merc bucket... REALLY? Really... Smh. Very disappointing.

    4. Shouldnt Ashen Chests be duller in color if theyre gonna get waterlogged? I mean, the ashen chest skin has water glitch through it? So we can see the ocean through the chest as were sailing? You kidding?

    This stuff has to be fixed. I try to get people to play but whenever they do they get sick of the glitches and play a new game with no glitches. Not a 2 year old game with glitches that shouldnt be there from launch. Youre worrying about content more than gameplay. Get your priorities right.

  • Please listen to my story proud traveler:
    During my legend of the sea voyage, the last crew to hunt for the last quest spawned inside the hill of lone cove. Me and my mates didn't loose our moral and search the seas for gun powder baril, 3 time we gathered them on the hill. Each time we killed the skeletons hiding beneath earth, the last we had the notifications for killing 2 of the 4 captains needed to complete our journey. Unfortunately the fate under the form of a lightning strike our ship during the last convey, setting our precious black powder on fire, dispersing our ship and our hopes in ashen.The crew disbanded leaving me with the salt of the sea.
    My question is the following: Can i get another quest for the legend of the sea from duke or did this bug kill my only ticket for this ride?

  • You must make some changes to fort of the damned and they are: remove cloud when fort is active because you spent so much time to find all flames of fate and skull stashes voyage costs 30 dabloons, second is to change skeletons because there is to many skeletons with firearm on Fort of the Famned. You must change that 2 articles because When you do that everybody knows where you are and they can come and take it without strugle. I have proposal, instead of cloud above fort, just make a sound through whole Sea of Thieves when forts activates and when Skeleton Ghost lord is defeted.

  • @rorenxbox said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Legends of the Sea Discussion & Feedback:

    I think that Rare should introduce forced gamechat so plotting and communication has more risk to it. Please like this post if you agree.

    That wouldn't be good for data protection, since you could accidentally share personal info via voicechat because the game always listens.

    I'm a fairly new player but i'd like to see a feature that allows you to swap your ship / change your crew size on the fly (maybe via NPC interaction at an outpost). It would sink your current ship (so you have to carry your loot onto the island) and spawn a new (bigger or smaller) ship nearby.

  • I don't understand the relentless skeleton ship encounters. Super 1 dimensional, not that fun and they happen so often and there is no way out unless you beat them. Love the game but these boring skeleton ship encounters are ruining it for me. How is it fun to shoot a bunch of cannons into an NPC ship?

  • @jacktheripper95 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Legends of the Sea Discussion & Feedback:

    You must make some changes to fort of the damned and they are: remove cloud when fort is active because you spent so much time to find all flames of fate and skull stashes voyage costs 30 dabloons ... When you do that everybody knows where you are and they can come and take it without strugle.

    It's almost like that is the point of the very obvious cloud. Hmm. Maybe next time put up a struggle to keep it?

  • Hey Guys,

    First, for the record I am on Xbox one. Secondly, ever since the most recent update I have noticed a major lag/rubber banding. Anytime something serious happens such as a PvP/PvE interaction, I lag uncontrollably to the point where I cannot aim or control what I'm doing whatsoever. Being a pirate legend, I am focusing heavily on Arena play now. The major lag over the span of an entire arena game while being put into numerous PvP battles makes it impossible to win a match. I know that there are "good" servers and "bad" servers, but for the past month or so I have not had a single match without a major lag. I would love for this to be fixed. It kinda sucks becoming a pirate legend and attempting to push for the new skins the Sea Dogs offer just to be murked in the midst of a lag every time. I know I'm not the only one with this problem, so lets make sure the Dev's take notice!

  • @k3rber0z If it was important enough to be leaked, you wouldn't be talking about it on sot.

  • I believe it would be wise to slow down the content update process to once every 2 months (for example) and use the other month to fix bugs (there are plenty) and rebalance the game (fighting, weapons, quests).

    Windows Insider program is kinda doing the same thing, slowing down from 2 major updates per year to only one.

    The community would appreciate and this game would see its lifespan boosted.

  • Too many monster spawns. My friends and I hate it. We’re are struggling to just trying to get through the first couple tall tales. It’s impossible, when we get the megalodon spawning at the same time as the kraken, and a skeleton ship we have to fight after every island we stop at. We can’t even enjoy the story cause it always gets cut off by the excessive number of monsters, we sink, and then have to start over. It’s unenjoyable and at this point there’s no satisfaction out of killing them cause it’s just another chore keeping us from the actual story. Dial it back, cause us story driven players have had it with the game.

  • @phant0m-redwing said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Legends of the Sea Discussion & Feedback:

    Too many monster spawns. My friends and I hate it. We’re are struggling to just trying to get through the first couple tall tales. It’s impossible, when we get the megalodon spawning at the same time as the kraken, and a skeleton ship we have to fight after every island we stop at. We can’t even enjoy the story cause it always gets cut off by the excessive number of monsters, we sink, and then have to start over. It’s unenjoyable and at this point there’s no satisfaction out of killing them cause it’s just another chore keeping us from the actual story. Dial it back, cause us story driven players have had it with the game.

    For experienced players, what you have described isn't difficult. Why should their experience be altered?

    You could have a look in this section of the forum https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/62/gameplay-guides-tips for a suitable thread which may help with your troubles. If one doesn't exist, try making one and asking for advice.

  • I would say buff the loot you get from normal skull forts, I just feel they don’t really give any gold hoarders items. Or that much reputation in general, if you’re trying to grind to pirate legend by doing forts it gets quite hard towards the end. That’s my suggestion. Buff the loot and reputation you get from normal forts. Thank you for hearing my suggestion!

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