Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.5

  • Patch Notes - 1.2.5

    Ahoy pirates!

    We're in the second and final week of the Cursed Crews Bilge Rat Adventure! It's your last chance to ensure you have the pistol, Eye of Reach, blunderbuss and cutlass from The Wailing Barnacle weapon set. These weapons are only available for this Bilge Rat Adventure, so make sure they're in your inventory before they disappear from the shops! The Commendations, Doubloons, and Titles will still be available after the event ends, but the time-limited cosmetics will no longer be up for grabs.

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    Patch 1.2.5 includes some updates to the barrel inventory system, key performance improvements, crash fixes and other fixes for known issues.


    After feedback shared with us about the changes made to Barrels and inventory management in Patch 1.2.4, Design Director Mike Chapman gave further insight into why the changes were made and what the future holds for these systems.

    In Patch 1.2.5, we see the first of our quality of life improvements to the barrel system. These improvements to empty barrel identification and resource level increases are the first of many improvements we have planned for future updates.

    • Bilge Rat Doubloons - To reward pirates who keep the skeleton scourge at bay, Doubloons for Cursed Crews Commendations will remain available to earn even after the Cursed Crews Bilge Rat Adventure ends.
      Senior Producer Drew provides some more insight into why this change was made in this Forum Post.
    • Empty Barrel Tooltip - Barrels now display a tooltip to indicate they are empty. Players will no longer need to interact with a barrel in order to discover there is nothing inside.
    • Resource Balancing - Barrels are less likely to be found empty in the world, helping to reducing the time taken to restock ships.
    • Quick Menu - The "Equipment" and "Resources" tabs within the Quick Menu have been swapped around as the "Resources" tab is used most commonly and should be the easiest to access.
    • Here, Take This... Too! - Players can now give and share treasure items in the same way they give and take cannonballs and bananas! Gunpowder Kegs and the Chest of a Thousand Grogs will still need to be dropped to be exchanged.

    Fixed Issues

    • Athena's Fortune voyages will now correctly trigger the final chapter.
    • Fixed issue with telescope clipping.
    • Caged pigs can now be fed again!
    • Bounty Skulls which are washed up on islands can now be picked up.
    • The Hunter Jacket and Trousers now display with their correct colours.
    • Solo sailor crews can now access Crew Privacy settings.
    • Items placed at the bow of the Brigantine can now be picked back up.
    • It is no longer possible to be kicked out of the ship's Cannonball Barrel inventory due to the ship's movement on the waves.
    • Players hit by the Emote Cursed Cannonball will no longer experience the hit animation when the effect wears off.
    • It is no longer possible to scroll through the UI on the Ship Selection Menu.
    • Shooting a Blunderbuss underwater will now display the correct VFX.

    Known Issues

    • Merchant Alliance crates on board a ship which sinks will not float to the surface and cannot be picked up.
      We have identified the issue and we're working on a fix.
    • Gold Metal Skeletons cannot be affected by buckets of water.
      We have a fix for this coming in a future update.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 2.03GB
    Xbox One X: 2.03GB
    Windows 10: 1.18GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • @khaleesibot

    Here, Take This... Too! - Players can now give and share treasure items in the same way they give and take cannonballs and bananas! Gunpowder Kegs and the Chest of a Thousand Grogs will still need to be dropped to be exchanged.

    Oh that's awesomeee! I hope to be able to do that with the kegs in the future, I already see the mini games we could be able to do :D

  • @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

  • Sad that bug spyglass is gone

  • Still no Xbox text speak. 😢

    Pleased with the speedy fix to several bugs though, glad to hear washed up skulls can now be picked up. Sharing treasure items is a great inclusion too! Now if only we could raise our tankards with LT...

  • We still need a way to pick up items from barrels instantly like we used to be able to do. Having to go into the barrel inventory slows you down, making it feel clunky and unnecessary.

    Let us pick up items 1 by 1 if we need to in the heat of the moment, as well as giving us the option to open the barrels and "take all/give all" like you intend to do!

    Some players on the forums already had a nice UI planned out for these changes.

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  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

    Nope, not in this update!

    He said: "Beyond that, the two major improvements we want to make to this are a take all and a kind of give all [...] and also when you're on a cannon [...]"

  • What about just saying the barrel is empty? I mean come on!

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

    It's something that we're working on, to test with the Pioneers first before giving to the wider community!

  • @skulliah thanks mate for clarifying that to me.

  • Have Athena quests/chests been fixed?
    Didn't see it in the patch notes and haven't heard much about it.

  • @khaleesibot Joe Neate mentioned the Athena Quests were fixed. It's not mentioned in the patch notes here? :)

  • @slash-kaimei said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    Have Athena quests/chests been fixed?
    Didn't see it in the patch notes and haven't heard much about it.

    Do you mean the issues which appeared after Patch 1.2.4? We rolled out an updated mid-week to resolve that issue!

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

    It's something that we're working on, to test with the Pioneers first before giving to the wider community!

    @khaleesibot NDA BREACH! ;)

    I can now see if i barrels empty before i enter ! Im a happy sailer.
    Good job on getting those fixes out quickly. It must have taken alot of hard work and been a stressful week for the team. Fridays almost here so ill head out and get you all a chest of a thousand grogs to chill out with for the weekend!

    Nice to see the Doubloons staying, is this going to be a continuous thing with the events now and any chance of the mermaid and thrones ones coming back?

  • @skulliah
    Did someone say.. hot potato?


  • @khaleesibot my mistake. Thank you for the clarification!

  • @erinom3 hahahaha I love how the guy jumped in the sea when he saw your boom boom 😂

  • @khaleesibot Oh okey! Thanks for making that clear.

  • A pretty impressive amount of bug fixes in this update :D

    Its also good to see the doubloons for some of the commendations will be staying after the event, giving those new to the game more time to earn them whenever they join is amazing!

    Love the idea of being able to pass treasure between each other too!

  • @knifelife said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

    It's something that we're working on, to test with the Pioneers first before giving to the wider community!

    @khaleesibot NDA BREACH! ;)

    I can now see if i barrels empty before i enter ! Im a happy sailer.
    Good job on getting those fixes out quickly. It must have taken alot of hard work and been a stressful week for the team. Fridays almost here so ill head out and get you all a chest of a thousand grogs to chill out with for the weekend!

    Nice to see the Doubloons staying, is this going to be a continuous thing with the events now and any chance of the mermaid and thrones ones coming back?

    Hehehe! How incredibly kind of you!

    We will not be retroactively enabling the Doubloons for previous Bilge Rat Adventures. As for future events, we'll make sure to let players know in the Patch Notes what, if any Commendations will continue to have their Doubloons after the adventure is over. They'll also be visible in the UI!

  • @khaleesibot when can we see the forsaken trailer!!!

  • @roughleech03117 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot when can we see the forsaken trailer!!!


  • Nice I like it!

  • Good job on fixing many bugs. If you need more pioneers for testing builds get at me!

    So glad you take the players feedback into account but don't rush for content! I personally would rather see thoroughly tested content make it to the live build rather than you guys having to deal with the backlash of folks complaining the game is broken.

    This game is amazing and I love where you're taking it. So many great mechanics in there now that once we get used to we'll wonder how we got along without them.

    But where is there a right click to cheers with the tankard?

  • @khaleesibot Come on don't leave me hanging

  • @khaleesibot will we see it today?

  • Love all the fixes this week and the fact this one sticks around after but why why WHY DID U REMOVE THE TELESCOPE GLITCH ;(

  • I just had 2 server crashes after 10 min of play time. Anyone else got it after this patch?

  • @roughleech03117 Yes, the trailer is supposed to come today and will probably be published in one or two hours me think :)

  • @khaleesibot and about the bug after exiting a barrel that you stayed stuned for a while?

    was this fixed too?

    also thanks for fixing many bugs, the team made a good job.

  • Lol great fix I JUST WANT THAT TRAILER

  • @jacketedlawyer6 In Rare fashion... #Soon! Hehe.

    I'm sure it won't be too long before we see those luscious volcanos again!

  • @musicmee

    I'm sure it won't be too long before we see those luscious volcanos again!

    Volcanos? Naah I just want to see Scuttles the crab!

  • Bilge Rat Doubloons - To reward pirates who keep the skeleton scourge at bay, Doubloons for Cursed Crews Commendations will remain available to earn even after the Cursed Crews Bilge Rat Adventure ends.

    I like this change the most. No longer grinding solidly for 2 weeks to hit the doubloons! This will make the events much more relaxed and fun

  • I don't know what to say about this game any more. As an Athena 10 PL the only good thing that has come out lately has been the new boat. I have worked so h*****n this game and played it almost every day since day one. Until the accommodations were changed. They were the only real reason I had for continuing this game and now I feel the titles and accommodations I had worked so hard for a struggled with and was enjoying working towards are just being given away. Like Merchant of the Dawn Caller means nothing. Hoarder of the castaways gold which I haven't earned but a friend has means nothing. I have only sailed 6.6 million meters myself but I have a friend who has sailed more than 15 million. We're both about to uninstall the game. What is the point if we had to work hard to earn and felt proud of the work we did and the titles we earned. Now they mean nothing it went from 1,000 castaway chest to 90. I have sold 3,244 gold hoarder chest 4th on my friends list, 962 voyage completes 3rd on my friends list, 4637 merchant alliance cargo delivered, and more states. Most of these I'm in the Top 5 on my friends list all of whom play this game. I was working with noobs and helping teach them the game in order to get that done but there's no point anymore. Why should I work with low level people and help them learn to play this game when my entire reason to do so has been taken from me? I don't want to do Athena's anymore I want to work towards earning all these accommodations that were actually somewhat hard and worth the work and effort. Oh wait I've already earned them all and all I had to do was sell 1 of each type of chest and animal.
    I'm going to be uninstalling SOT today and I don't know that I'll ever give it another chance. This was my first online game and I'm sad that my time with it has come to an end. I feel like Y'all have been prioritizing the new players and don't care about the people who have been around and actually loved this game and loved grinding this game. I haven't posted in the forms before because I was never mad or upset enough about anything to care to until I saw the developer update today. Joe just proved RARE doesn't care about those players who have been here since day one and are upset. I'm just one player and I'm sure won't make a difference but I'm completely saddened and disappointed to know that my time on this game has come to an end until what has been made wrong has been made right and Joe basically said that's not going to happen. So thanks for ruining a big part of my life.

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