Screw this game

  • I'm done with this annoying [mod edit] of a game. Can't even do the simple festival of the damned commendations without some idiot deciding to climb onto my ship and kill me over and over again. Unless they decide to patch in some form of singleplayer only mode I will be uninstalling and letting people know just how terrible this community really is.

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  • Did the title of the game not clue you into the premise of the game? Literally has the word THIEVES in title. Game description talks about taking other players stuff...

    So what you are really saying is you don't want to play a Pirate game, you want a Sea of No Difficulty.

    Enjoy your next game

  • @refugee-mike Make sure that if you are solo you are keeping a constant eye on the horizon and a constant ear out for players swimming.

  • @braxkedren There are plenty of singleplayer games that have "Thief" or a variation in their titles. I wouldn't have an issue with it if I was in the arena portion of the game, but for it to happen about 20 times within just an hour is a bit excessive and ridiculous.

  • @xcalypt0x It's a bit hard to do that when I'm busy lining up my cannon so I can shoot myself to the beacons. I'd get back to the ship and they'd be already on it.

  • @refugee-mike said in Screw this game:

    @braxkedren There are plenty of singleplayer games that have "Thief" or a variation in their titles. I wouldn't have an issue with it if I was in the arena portion of the game, but for it to happen about 20 times within just an hour is a bit excessive and ridiculous.

    You could always find another aerver that doesnt have these players. Its not that hard.

  • @refugee-mike said in Screw this game:

    I'm done with this annoying P.O.S. of a game. Can't even do the simple festival of the damned commendations without some idiot deciding to climb onto my ship and kill me over and over again. Unless they decide to patch in some form of singleplayer only mode I will be uninstalling and letting people know just how terrible this community really is.

    it's a pirate game deal with it

  • @braxkedren It doesn't matter. I'm just gonna uninstall the game on my xbox and pc and maybe I'll come back when they decide to add a PVE only option.

  • Goodbye.

  • @refugee-mike said in Screw this game:

    @braxkedren It doesn't matter. I'm just gonna uninstall the game on my xbox and pc and maybe I'll come back when they decide to add a PVE only option.

    goodbye salty boi

  • See ya!

  • [mod edit]

  • [mod edit]

  • @refugee-mike Just give peeks at the horizon at certain time intervals. It shouldn't be too hard even if you are trying to launch yourself to the beacons.

  • @refugee-mike get reported for swearing mate @Quartermasters

  • @refugee-mike While we understand your intention is to leave feedback and explain your reasons for leaving, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in Feedback & Suggestions. This topic will now be locked.

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