Potential bug found. Anyone else having trouble?

  • I'd like to preface this thread by saying that I've already submitted a Tweet and ticket to the support staff, so hopefully they'll get back to me. But I wanted to know if anybody else is having this specific issue...

    When I logged in today I noticed that I could no longer redeem the previous two non-Reaper's Mark voyages for doubloons; the ones associated with The Wilds and The Ancient Isles. See, my health isn't the best, so I'd decided to wait until after I'd completed the requirements to get the Reaper cosmetics for my ship before doing them. I still have them in my inventory, but going to the Reputation - Mercenary Voyages tab revealed their icons to be non-existent. I can't even buy the voyages anymore. (Heck, I can't even purchase the Wanderer's Refuge voyage anymore.) That means I'm essentially out 25 doubloons, which I honestly really need right now, having lost 15 to a mixture of connection issues and the choice to let someone take my place on a voyage I put down 'cause they'd become glitched and unable to finish theirs normally.

    I was under the impression that the only things that'd be time-sensitive would be the rewards, not the voyages. Did I miss something somewhere that said that all Mercenary Voyages would be temporary?

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    Pirate Lord Bolton be bumpin' this here thread!

  • Yes all mercenary voyages only last for thier event. Take the rum runner one which was first and you can no longer purchase that either.

  • @starquest Great... So if I do the voyages now, will that just be it for them? I won't get the doubloons for them?

  • @nexrum As far as I'm aware that is correct.

  • @starquest I really wish there was a note of that in-game. I literally made myself sicker than I already was, going for the Reaper cosmetics first. If I'd known I wouldn't be able to do this stuff later I wouldn't have wasted my doubloons. Thanks.

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    Here's proof that I no longer have access to the commendations, even though I still have the two voyages in my inventory pending their completion.

  • Ahoy @nexrum,

    I know that some commendations from Cursed Sails have been hidden for players who have not been able to unlock them because they can no longer be. I think these Mercenary Voyages work the same way and are now just hidden for you as the system doesn't want to show you things you can't unlock anymore.

    That being said, if you still have The Wilds and Ancient Isles Mercenary Voyages in your inventory, I believe if you complete them you should unlock the commendations and the doubloons and they should appear in your commendations screen.

    Well, it's just a supposition and the support will probably have a better answer than me.

  • @skulliah I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you!

  • @Nexrum Sadly, I can confirm that you receive neither the doubloons nor the commendation when completing the Mercenary Voyage of The Ancient Isles after the event in which they were sold (I presume the same is true of version for The Wilds). It is understandable that the commendations are hidden as there is no longer a way in which these can be purchased, but I agree that these should be awarded retroactively if you do complete a voyage held over from the preceding event.

    @Skulliah From Cursed Sails, the commendations that were limited-time only had the date range during which they could be acquired. This should have been the case with these voyages if they are working as intended.

  • @cherenkovwolf In that case I'm going to hang onto 'em until the devs change that, because between those two voyages that's ten perfectly good doubloons right down the drain. I don't need more gold that I already have. Frankly, I think it's ridiculous that you have to pay doubloons to get doubloons now, although I understand why that is. Still, when one actually sacrifices their health like I did, staying up until dawn just to ensure you get something done in time? I can't help but feel cheated...

  • Was doing Ancient Isle just yesterday after patch, i bought it before but didn't do it :)
    You says that you can't "redeem" by redeem you mean placing them on a quest table or buying from Duke ?
    If 1st (placing) then its bug because like i says before i did it just yesterday after patch.
    If second (buying) - yeap you can't buy voyages that's already expired, Devs says few times that's if you want to do Mercenary stuff do it before March 20, coz there will be new ones :)

  • That's a shame. I think they should have still rewarded the doubloons for completing them (not the reaper's challenge and obviously not the ship cosmetic rewards, but just the doubloons for completing the other two voyages).

    I agree that 5X the reapers run plus two other somewhat lengthy voyages, to be accomplished within two weeks, is not tailored to people with limited playtime (and I can relate to battling through health issues that impact your playtime). Especially so, I feel as those these directed focus voyages/events/achievements (within a limited time) take away from one of the game's greatest aspects - the emergent spontaneity and free roaming choices for adventure in any given session.
    Not that I'm wholly against focused events - I just am not sure they should take as much time as this, within such a limited amount of time.
    Obviously, we don't have to do the 5x challenge - but attach a time-limited cosmetic and we're likely to jump through hoops for 'em, hehe.

    I had nearly forgotten about the Ancient Isles and Wilds voyages until a few days before the deadline... and only ran them, and completed them, the last night they were available. I had thought I might be able to just buy them, and complete them later, but also was uncertain - so, I happened to have the time to go ahead and do them (although, due to many delays from added emergent encounters, that session became much longer of a play session than my partner and I had wished - it was still fun, but it went later than we planned).
    I'm sorry you missed out on them, but you didn't miss much - if that helps any. Still, I can understand wanting the doubloons... if you don't have a huge pile of them like I do, hehe (I've been here since launch, played through all events, and never spent mine on anything other than the time-limited cosmetics, so I have around 500 or so).

  • @nefrit-od said in Potential bug found. Anyone else having trouble?:

    Was doing Ancient Isle just yesterday after patch, i bought it before but didn't do it :)
    You says that you can't "redeem" by redeem you mean placing them on a quest table or buying from Duke ?
    If 1st (placing) then its bug because like i says before i did it just yesterday after patch.
    If second (buying) - yeap you can't buy voyages that's already expired, Devs says few times that's if you want to do Mercenary stuff do it before March 20, coz there will be new ones :)

    I meant being able to collect the doubloons that were associated with them, they being worth 10 each.

    @PDT-Mindstream. Really, all I can find myself wanting to say in response to that block of text is "No words, should have sent a poet." You hit every proverbial nail on the head. I really hope that this thread garners the attention of the devs, because above all else they need to see a Legend like you saying that.

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    Submitting this here for the record. My trouble ticket was recently marked as "SOLVED" but this clearly shows that the two voyages I still have in my inventory cannot be redeemed for commendations or doubloons. I will be sharing this image with the devs via SoT Support in the hopes they'll fix the issue and make sure it doesn't happen again with other voyages of a time-sensitive nature.

  • @nefrit-od Where did the Devs comment on the March 20 deadline (link if possible please)? I don't dispute that they did, I just never saw it if so. Even then, it would be most appropriate if they included the deadlines as subtext in the commendation as was done during the Cursed Sails expansion.

    Personally, this is less about the lost doubloons (I'm sitting on a fair pile TBH); it's more about the feeling that Rare has gone back on their statement that doubloons could be acquired anytime after an event. The voyages being purchasable only during an event seems fair, but there's nothing in game to clearly indicate that they must also be completed during said event.

  • @cherenkovwolf Yes, exactly!

  • I haven't been having the same issues as many of you have had, as I completed all of mine in a timely manner, but I am livid that Rare blatantly lied to us - in a past update, they said that we would be able to get the dubloons for all future events, even after the events were over, and that only the cosmetic rewards were going to be time-limited. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!

    The only reason I can think of that they're doing this is that said mercenary voyages will come back at some point in time, although with the way things are now, we have no idea whenever the heck that'll be. Rare, you gotta communicate more clearly with your community, or they will be lost.

  • @cherenkovwolf написал в Potential bug found. Anyone else having trouble?:

    @nefrit-od Where did the Devs comment on the March 20 deadline (link if possible please)? I don't dispute that they did, I just never saw it if so. Even then, it would be most appropriate if they included the deadlines as subtext in the commendation as was done during the Cursed Sails expansion.

    Personally, this is less about the lost doubloons (I'm sitting on a fair pile TBH); it's more about the feeling that Rare has gone back on their statement that doubloons could be acquired anytime after an event. The voyages being purchasable only during an event seems fair, but there's nothing in game to clearly indicate that they must also be completed during said event.

    and in videos before
    And on Twitter
    And many times on a forum

  • @nefrit-od Maybe I'm just continuously missing something, but nowhere in that video did I hear talk of the devs removing one's ability to earn commendations and doubloons voyages that'd been purchased before a designated cutoff date.

  • Update: My thread over on support.seaofthieves.com keeps being tagged as "SOLVED" by the devs. I have shown them the pictures I've taken, linked them to this page, but beyond their initial reassurance that they'd look into the issue they have not bothered to speak to me. And as of five minutes ago I still cannot complete those two voyages I have and hope to receive commendations and doubloons. Frankly, this is the first time I've felt any kind of negative emotion for the people running this game. Heck, I even sent 'em a link to this thread over on Twitter but even there I have yet to be acknowledged! That said? I'll still play the game, still enjoy myself, but this is officially strike one.

  • Update: As of tomorrow it'll have been exactly two weeks since I made my last post in this thread, and just a little over two weeks since I threw up this Tweet. I can no longer reopen my ticket over on support.seaofthieves.com. The issue has not been resolved. I've yet to hear back from any of the devs. To say that I'm disappointed in their handling of this situation would be an understatement.

  • @nexrum

    Ahoy there, this might help, it's something which was posted a little while ago, but basically outlines the process involved when you submit a ticket.

    Said in Teleporting Issues, Drifting Sloop, and Other Gameplay Issues:

    For anyone who reads this and stopped submitting tickets because they felt like they weren't being heard, here's a quote from Drew Stevens (Senior Producer) a while back about how the process works:

    "For a little insight behind the scenes - All the bug reports are collated and passed to our internal test team for Review, Repro and Assigning out to the team/individual best served to fix the issue.

    With each team our Leads are triaging bugs and assessing priority against new work at all times, we certainly aren't ignoring these - however will always have the challenge of balancing bug fixing based on their impact against new and exciting work!

    We also see what is trending on our Forums/Social & Reddit and add bugs to our backlog as required. We certainly don't need another format for visualizing bugs - we have a pretty well defined process for our reports!

    Sorry you don't feel like your bug is being addressed, it's more likely a prioritization call based on upcoming work."

    Source for context: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/api3b6/do_we_have_a_way_to_convey_a_bug_report_list_to/eg8khoe/

  • @katttruewalker Bless you, cap'n, for sharin' that. I feel a little better now!

  • @nexrum You're very welcome, mate! :)

  • A bit sad. I just got back from a lengthy road trip, and found out that things hadn't been fixed alongside the Anniversary Update. :(

  • Two months since I made the last post, and still nobody has done anything to fix this issue. Furthermore I'm no longer receiving replies from the devs in other mediums. It's like I've been blacklisted...

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