Stop sinking the loot so fast after a minutes or two

  • Yesterday again boat full of loot 2 fort many pirating over 40 vilainous skull taken in PVP battle etc.. We got sunk by a cheated kraken who blocked the bottom deck preventing to bail water or take back amo to shoot heads ..

    But then they made us respawn at smugler bay when we were at few metres away from galeon grave ... wich is totally on the other side of the map wich is totally stupid ... and when we arrive only half of the lighter loot was still there wich is not even 2% of what we had ...

    This only make it that peoples will want to rush to outpost to sell loot wich make PVP less interesting ... we dont mind loosing loot to PVP but losing loot because it sunk so freaking fast is bad bad bad ..

    Make that the loot stay afloat much longer ..

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  • @stew360 Think about it. Why sink the loot at all? Another stupid idea from the creators.

  • @captainluke56 that it can sink after a reasonable amount of time like 20 minutes , 30 minutes or so is ok ... but sinking it after few minutes not allowing players to fight over it , is kinda BAD BAD design to say the least

  • @stew360 said in Stop sinking the loot so fast after a minutes or two:

    @captainluke56 that it can sink after a reasonable amount of time like 20 minutes , 30 minutes or so is ok ... but sinking it after few minutes not allowing players to fight over it , is kinda BAD BAD design to say the least

    I agree, we fought with the Skeleton ships (The ones that appear beneath the ship cloud) and then a Galleon came in (we were with the Brigantine), but no worries, we circled around the area untill the last two Skeleton ship of the last wave was focusing more on their ship.
    That gave us a little time to resuply on the go by looting the floating barrels.
    Then in the crossfire both NPC ship were taken out and the Galleon was taking on water as well, their crew held steady for a while but we managed to sneak in a powder keg to the lower level and sink them with that move, but by the time it took to pull that trough, all the loot from the Skeleton Captain's ship was sunk, we basically had nothing to show for defeating the NPC ships, plus a Galleon, in an otherwise epic battle. . . . and that felt . . really disappointing.
    We found a Sapphire Mermaid Statue on the way back and sold its gem for a thousand gold . . and that was about it.
    Our victory was bittersweet to say the least, we were happy for taking out that Galleon, and we definietly would've deserved the booty from the NPC ship after such a battle but sadly it sunk.

  • The loot sinks faster yes. And yes that's annoying to us all, I know for 100% sure that if Rare was able to leave it out there forever they'd do that.

    The loot sinking is't done to annoy you. And the speed at wich it sinks is higher now probably because it lessens server load. Every item in game needs to be rendered by the server. The server keeps track of where items are. If items were to float indefinately they'd cause too much strain on the server having to keep track of so many things. Having it sink faster frees up precious memory for skeleton forts roaming skeleton ships krakens megladons etc.

    In time the code will improve server archetecture will improve and we'll get a better experience because of it. But for now this is what we've got.

  • Take a look at this topic made by @UrihamRayne .. That is a fantastic idea to solve this :)

  • @ktingaling ill take a look but something as to be done , its kinda ridiculous and isnt fun to fight for loot in PVP if there is no round 2 or 3 over the loot itself because everyones know it will sink before anyones can get back there lol

  • NO! You people always want everything simple and safe. Well, the stuff just sinks after a short time, so you have to act quickly and decide for the most valuable things! That's what the game is all about: you have to make quick decisions, you're often under time pressure, there's danger at all times and there's no guarantee of survival.

    Please leave it as it is and don't make the game a lame, cosy duck!

  • @captainluke56 said in Stop sinking the loot so fast after a minutes or two:

    @stew360 Think about it. Why sink the loot at all? Another stupid idea from the creators.

    As @Hynieth has said this is not a "stupid idea", but a constraint in place by the system.
    Can you imaging a crew dropping 20/30/40/50 chests overboard when they sank, to only have those bobbing along indefinitely?

    The game as a complex time, wave, weather and wind system that syncs across every single instance of the game to allow for seamless streaming in and out of instances and server merges to force ships together.
    The strain on the server is such that we are limited to the number of items that the server can compute locations for (not render - your console does that for you) at any one time (they bob up and down after all with each wave).

    So then add to that those 50 chests, from ONE crew (more could sink and drop loot) and then leave them indefinitely in the waves... do you want server crashes and ALL your loot gone? Or do you want sinking loot?

    To the OP: @Stew360 as a Founder you must know that the sinking times were INCREASED a couple of times since launch? Loot stays in the the water for much longer than it used to. It sucks that the Kraken locked you up like that (happened to us the first new fort we did), but surely that's the risk vs reward aspect of Sea of Thieves; we win some, we lose some?!

    I have to agree with @Goedecke-Michel here - prioritise which loot you want and let the rest sink.

  • The distance with which loot is visible in the water now should make longer loot float times be a thing. I would love to come across a nice bunch of loot someone left behind or to be able to get back to defend loot I've lost to a kraken.

    It's not fun when you are soloing a Kraken and A Meg comes along to finish you off only to sail back from the next island over and your loot is still gone. Also I've noticed a bug that Skulls and Chests sink way faster than merchant crates. I don't think this is intentional but I've lost a lot to this bug.

    Rare increased the float time during Cursed Sails and I thought loot floated for about 20-30 minutes which would be perfect. It's 5 or 10 now and it's not near enough. Finding floating treasure should be a thing and right now even going back to check where you sank for loot is a waste of time.

    Please Rare, rethink this.

  • Considering row boats are a thing now, I think the need for loot to stay afloat longer due to environmental hazards isn't needed. Being able to pile the loot in the boat should make sure it is much more easily recoverable. To my knowledge Meg and Kraken don't attack rowboat. The most you would have to deal with is players (They most likely have a boat still alive to recover loot) and increased shark spawn rates when Meg is around. However, Meg shouldn't really be sinking crews, it really isn't hard to kill the Meg once you understand the fight.

    I will be honest, I don't think Rare needs to rethink things. It might be time for us the players to adapt.

  • Did they shorten the time it takes to sink recently? I must have missed that. Thought it was always like 5 minutes to sink & despawn.

  • @nabberwar our rowboat sunk with our ship in the storm after the kraken wrap itself around the entrance and exit of our brig bottom deck , the rowboat sunk 3 sec after out ship did lol and they made us respawn at the other end of the map with the wind in our face the entire time .. the only loot who didnt sunk was the Wood base crate of loot like esquis spice ... etc.. and they were about to sink and some kept sinking even after we took them and let them go we had to take them every 2 sec to prevent them from sinking on their own ... its really bad and i dont think its a good system ...

    Loots should drive players to PVP more and loots should matter in the equation ...we keep always the most loot before these patch , we actually kept over 5 forts worth of loot as a reward for anyones able to sink us .. and yet now the only way we lost it was due to combinaison of Kraken wrap around the brig entrance and curse pirate ships such as "Sleeping " and " dancing " ones wich prevent you from doing anything while your ship is sometime in critical condition and your there watching this loot going to waste because so far recently we get respawned across the map in the opposite direction of the wind ...

    Krakens , megladon and pirates ships are not " chalenging " at all they are mostly easymode ... the problems is somes have bad mechanics and when those happen then its a garanteed loss with bad spawning combine with bad wind ...

    Loot should remain way longer afloat otherwise ... PVP become useless everyones wont risk to keep loot on board anymore and will always sell non stop ... wich is what we will eventually do if nothing is done on that regard

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