Sea of Thieves Scale Test this weekend

  • @ditronian but what im really wondering is if there is gonna be an closed or open beta

  • @roughleech03117 said in Sea of Thieves Scale Test this weekend:

    @ditronian but what im really wondering is if there is gonna be an closed or open beta

    The wider experience was mentioned as being in an upcoming beta before it’s release in a few weeks.
    Guess that means a beta in the next 14 Days.
    Also I guess if any other stress test is needed that would happen in the next 7 days

  • @grand-atrocity is it gonna be on a week or weekend

  • Sweet Grog K******s!

  • If there isn't another test this weekend, I'm holding Kato hostage!

  • @dakotam0813 said in Sea of Thieves Scale Test this weekend:

    If there isn't another test this weekend, I'm holding Kato hostage!

    NOT KATO!! We will ban you until you return him!!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Can't ban me if I'm already a leaf on the wind!

  • @dakotam0813 said in Sea of Thieves Scale Test this weekend:

    @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Can't ban me if I'm already a leaf on the wind!

    You underestimate us, leave Kato alone, Kato is required for the development of the game!

  • Oh my god, it's cruel to bump this thread, i though there were a new Scale Test this weekend, please don't do this, my heart is fragile.

  • Can this thread be locked please? @Muse986

  • Dash it all!!!! I thought this was a third scale test!! I agree with @Kid-The-Rat , please just lock it...

  • @sir-kringle LOL you missed the 14 days ago thing huh? i did that too XD

  • Locking this thread to avoid anymore confusion! Thanks!

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