Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!

  • @captain-plank said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @eguzky I like the idea of there being a sound or some indication of a ship arriving by portal. I know whenever I get a server merge I normally drop what I was doing to check my map table for new Reapers.

    Thank you. The idea fixes the one exploit portal hopping as a Reaper has; being a ninja-Reaper & appearing in stealth.

    Well, the other thing is to ensure they don't spawn next to anyone.
    Forcing them to either spawn as far away as possible
    Not allowing them to use their cannons for a few minutes

    Either one of those fixes appearing next to an Emissary like a ninja after a server hop.

  • @f-hollo said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @pithyrumble No middle ground then?

    We have a middle ground currently.

  • @f-hollo Your ‘solution’ only encourages server hopping, which you think needs a nerf. Your suggestion only kills portal hopping altogether and makes server hopping the only way to go like it was before portal hopping,

  • @f-hollo said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @sweetsandman I am interested, please post here.

    Here's my idea. I've suggested it before so I'll just copy/paste it...

    -1) Get rid of all the little ships on the Emissary tables at the outposts. If you want to run an Emissary, do it. Your decision should not be based on knowledge of the server that can be obtained before leaving the dock. Your decision should be based on your understanding of the risk/reward elements of the Emissary system.
    -2) Crews can only see a Reaper on their map if they are running an Emissary of any kind and are Grade 3 or higher. The logic here is that crews would be invested enough in a server that they'd at least consider continuing with their risk even if they end up seeing a Reaper on their map after they've hit Grade 3. Sure, some people would still immediately sell, lower, and abandon the server, but those are the folks that aren't going to fight anyways. At least with this, their rewards/time would be impacted accordingly.
    -3) Grade 5 Reapers can only see ships on their map that are Grade 3 or higher. The logic here is to complement the above rule so that you don't have a tactical advantage on low grade emissaries.
    -4) Reapers can only see other Reapers once they've achieved Grade 2 or higher.
    -5) Allow broken Reaper's Bones flags to be sold to the other factions for 2x gold (no rep). It's actually silly that this isn't already in the game, but this would certainly help to make it not such an eye-roll when a G5 Gold Hoarder sees that G1 Reaper headed their way knowing that they have no loot and a flag worth ~1200 gold and an inconvenient trip to Reaper's Hideout to sell it (I'm more apt to leave them floating in the water).
    -6) Eliminate Emissaried portal hopping.

    All of these things together would make the risk/reward system of Emissaries on every server way more organic and high stakes.

  • @super87ghost said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    Sorry, but this is just ridiculous. Other emissaries don't avert the risk/reward system, they play it exactly as it is intended to be: you want the reward of a higher amount of gold and rep at the risk of the Reaper-5 knowing exactly where you are, or do you think it's not worth it.

    Except that's not who I'm referring to...What % of players - that plan to run an Emissary - would you say log into a server, see that there's a Reaper (of any grade) somewhere on the map, and click "leave game" and then set sail again in hopes of landing on a different server without a Reaper? I'm guessing that's a tremendously high % of Emissaries out there.

    A risk/reward system doesn't mean you are forced to do that part of the game, it means you are being given a choice and you can opt in or opt out. Other emissaries chosing not to play as an emissary with a Reaper-5 on the server is just making a choice in that risk/reward system, just like intended.

    Well yeah that's literally the risk aversion I'm referring to.

    It is the portal hopping Reaper-5's who want to avert the risk/reward system, because part of the risk of being a Reaper-5 is that others don't want to play as an emissary because they don't think the risk it worth the reward, since being seen on the map for other emissaries is just making voyages very hard to impossible, since you need to leave your ship. Portal hopping Reaper-5's want to take away that risk they have and that destroys the risk/reward system and doesn't give people the intended opportunity to make their choices.

    Chicken or the Egg argument...

    My proposal Eliminates portal hopping while making the Emissary system a more conscious acknowledgement of risk/reward without being able to cheese it by quickly hopping to another server.

  • @f-hollo a dit dans Server/Portal Hopping FIX?! :

    Furthermore why should a Reaper crew be able to use a game mechanic that forces other factions to lower their emissary flag while other factions don't have that power over the Reapers?

    I don't understand : Reapers don't have the game mechanic ability to force other emissaries to lower their flag.
    When I'm attacked by a Reaper ship, I just sink it until it doesn't come back or until I've sunk myself. The fact that some emissaries don't want to fight is their own choice, not a game mechanic attached to the Reaper faction.

  • @sweetsandman

    I never get past point 1 of your presentation.

    I understand why you want to remove the tables. Reaper soapScum 🤣

    But no, the option to mitigate risk in a game that is about risk and tools not rules... leave the tables alone and I might read further. I do decide what I'm doing on a server based on the tables. Sometimes I stay. Buuuuut you can bet Fort of the Damned skippy I ain't running emissary lol.

  • Eh, I think the only thing that should change is that reapers lose 1 emissary grade when hopping. I don't hop that often, but I think that would balance it so emissaries don't immediately have a target painted on their back.

  • @pithyrumble

    But no, the option to mitigate risk in a game that is about risk and tools not rules...

    Portal hopping is a tool 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Sometimes I stay. Buuuuut you can bet Fort of the Damned skippy I ain't running emissary lol.

    There's a huge difference between staying on the same server and just not running an Emissary versus hopping to a different one to run an Emissary. The former is a conscious decision to not take the extra risk/reward of running an Emissary....the latter is an aversion of risk that I disagree with.

    I don't like portal hopping one bit...but when I sail to the four corners of the map only seeing fresh spawns at outposts...meh, I'll slap down that checkpoint and head through that portal with no guilt whatsoever.

  • Unfortunately it is.

    But there's little difference between I need to change my strategy and I don't want to be here. My strategy was: I don't wanna be here sometimes. Even without portal hopping or even old style hopping, I don't wanna be here was always a valid strategy and you would go and do something else. Someone at the island you need? Sink em or do something else. 👾

  • Lemme guess, you sank by an hopping reaper.

    Imagine starting at level 1 everytime and everytime you get to level 5 all emissaries on the server are gone beside that gold hoarder grade 1 at Golden sands xd

  • @tossico94

    Yes and no? I've been ambushed amazingly.

    I don't fault the action. Portal hopping as a whole is sketchy.

    It's funky and I don't mind it. It could get wilder and it could easily be eliminated.

  • @f-hollo said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:


    Soo... You guys all know about server/portal hopping. Some love it, some hate it and others just don't care about it. I'll just cut straight to the chase!
    Emissary flag status lost?!
    My idea is that after You "travel" between servers:

    • While sailing under the Reaper emissary flag You would become emissary level 1 no matter what level You had before. It would be like starting on a new server only You keep your supplies and loot.
      - would make it less boring for Reapers as they would need to raise thier emisarry level every time they "find" themselves on a new server to see what they can "borrow" from other players
      - would make it more similar to gameplay intended by creators
      - would make it easier to defend against Reaper crews as other players would have time to prepare against level 5 Reapers as they normally would
      - Nothing comes to mind.. since its easier to gain level 5 as a Reaper because ANY loot will increase your emissary and tall tales are rarely done with Reaper emissary.
      - would make it impossible to server/portal hop the old way.. but that is kind of the point, ain't it? :)

    Whlist sailing under any emissary flag EXCEPT Reaper You would lose a maximum of 2 (maybe 3) levels of your emissary depending on your current emissary level.
    - would make it fair against Reapers since they too would have a reduction in emissary level when they "get" to a different server
    - would make it more similar to gameplay intended by creators
    - would make it fair against Reapers since You give a chance for Reapers to attack You until You reach emissary level 5
    - would make it harder to earn money after You "appear" on a new server - if server/portal hopping is a thing with PVE crews

    All of the above would exclude server merge.

    In my humble opinion server/portal hopping needs a nerf.
    I am open to suggestions of course, hit me!!

    Have a Good One, Mate(y)s!!

    Cons: you lose reaper 5 status.

    You fail to realize that before we could portal hop we would have to wipe every boat emissary or not on the server to get a server merge. With the portal hop those not running an emissary are mostly left alone. Therefore, this is better for those who are trying to avoid fights while not running an emissary flag and sailing in the roar. Furthermore, if you don't want the added threat of running an emissary then you do not deserve the reward. Same goes with completing the fort of the damned or fort of fortune. Risk vs Reward, Id say its fine as it is since if its removed reapers 5's will only intentionally sink non emissary boats to force a merge.

  • @f-hollo a dit dans Server/Portal Hopping FIX?! :

    For example.. an athena emissary level 5 could portal hop and after that they would know exactly where are the athena loots are - on the map - and most likely good loot as well. As if someone would collect it there for them.

    Reapers don't see where loots are, they only see where Emissaries are. Most Emissaries don't have much loot on board by the way (only the ones stacking do and many don't do that mistake nowadays). Pure pvp reaper hopping don't make that much gold on average, PvPvE reaper focusing on convenient targets do however (do world events, sink nearby emissaries if any, sell then portal hop, sink nearby emissaries if any, do world events, sell then portal hop etc).

    Imo people often overestimate how profitable pure pvp Reaper is on average. pure PvE Reapers make a lot lot more. The fun things about pure pvp Reaper are the adrenaline rush on the occasional good fight and huge payday.

  • @grog-minto said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @f-hollo a dit dans Server/Portal Hopping FIX?! :

    For example.. an athena emissary level 5 could portal hop and after that they would know exactly where are the athena loots are - on the map - and most likely good loot as well. As if someone would collect it there for them.

    Reapers don't see where loots are, they only see where Emissaries are. Most Emissaries don't have much loot on board by the way (only the ones stacking do and many don't do that mistake nowadays). Pure pvp reaper hopping don't make that much gold on average, PvPvE reaper focusing on convenient targets do however (do world events, sink nearby emissaries if any, sell then portal hop, sink nearby emissaries if any, do world events, sell then portal hop etc).

    Imo people often overestimate how profitable pure pvp Reaper is on average. pure PvE Reapers make a lot lot more. The fun things about pure pvp Reaper are the adrenaline rush on the occasional good fight and huge payday.

    haha wow great facts
    too bad i refuse to be a reaper because flameheart is a bad leader and dad...
    Damn efficency vs morals
    why can't i have BOTH?!?
    i am gonna slap that flameheart when I see him

  • @pithyrumble I vote nothing. You get freedom if you're running, but it's essentially the same as if you'd scuttled. You still essentially lose.

  • @pithyrumble

    The only reason you get ambushed is because you didn't dare to check the map often.

    Literally takes 0.5 seconds expecially if you use pc, but seems like peoples forget that.

  • Portal hopping is in my opinion a very important mechanic to the game. It was from my understanding a unintentional consequence of adding the sea of the damned... but it's fun and saves people looking for pvp a lot of time. If anything I think they should just add a portal voyage captains can buy that you can drop down and create a portal as the way it works now can be looked at as an exploit.

  • @realwebber69 a dit dans Server/Portal Hopping FIX?! :

    i am gonna slap that flameheart when I see him

    But.. but... Aren't your supplies dwingling by now ? :O

  • @tossico94 It takes half a second while You are on your ship doing nothing but then You wouldn't mind the reapers because You most likely don't have loot to lose?

  • @jaxycafe It is fun for the Reaper. The problem is they can instantly see the other emissaries on the map and what level are they. At outpost You can only see how many emissaries are and not where and what level they are.

  • @pithyrumble We don't. We keep everything when we portal hop.

  • @scurvywoof Yes it would kill the OLD way of it. In the new portal hopping You would have to level your emissary again as You would normally do.

  • @grog-minto Technically Reapers are the only ones who have this mechanic since other factions can't utilize it. Why would You portal hop in other than as a Reaper emissary? You can more loot on the same server with voyages.

  • @animeowl0807 Would be somewhat better then what we have now I think.

  • @ssolutionss I never said they should remove it. I only said nerf it. I don't mind the threat - part of the game. What I mind is one Reaper ship appearing out of nowhere with level 5 emissary. With the crew knowing where to get loot instantly. I can't remember a faction which has a voyage where You can instantly go to the end goal without any draw backs.

  • @super87ghost Well said.

  • @f-hollo said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @animeowl0807 Would be somewhat better then what we have now I think.

    Yeah, I wouldn't mind it.

  • @f-hollo said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @jaxycafe It is fun for the Reaper. The problem is they can instantly see the other emissaries on the map and what level are they. At outpost You can only see how many emissaries are and not where and what level they are.

    Reapers can't see what level other non-reaper emissaries are, just that they are an emissary (with the exception of other reapers, but everyone can see their levels).

  • @f-hollo You don’t see my point. By nerfing portal hopping for Reapers as the way you suggest, everyone will just server hop instead. It’s practically the same thing, except you spawn at an outpost. You still raise a Grade 1 flag.

  • @grog-minto said in Server/Portal Hopping FIX?!:

    @realwebber69 a dit dans Server/Portal Hopping FIX?! :

    i am gonna slap that flameheart when I see him

    But.. but... Aren't your supplies dwingling by now ? :O

    AND NOW!
    You may sink me…

  • @f-hollo


  • @lem0n-curry You are right, my bad. You can still see where the other emissaries are - instantly.

  • @scurvywoof No they would have a choice between the two. With portal hopping You would get better spawns - for instantenious combat there for faster loot - also You keep all the loot and the resources aswell. Not the same. The portal hopping spawns would still be unfair as hell but I would leave it that way since in server merges the same thing can happen.
    Or You can just use server hopping... Losing all the loot - if You had any to begin with - getting all the resources back not to mention You would always and would only spawns on outposts.

  • Because you can see reapers aswell as the grade 5 seeing you, I don’t see it as an issue.

    I’ve never been subjected to pvp because of people portal hopping and there’s nothing to stop you using the portal to get away yourself.

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