The Mystery Begins!

  • @noun5101 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Użytkownik @realstyli napisał w The Mystery Begins!:

    To summarise, the clues we currently have are:

    TikTok code:

    • S4NOB59FBMN7I9B

    Memory vision clues:

    • 6:15 on the watch
    • DCADD musical notes
    • 5 and 7 on the dice
    • LI and VII (51 and 7 Roman Numerals)
    • DeMarco pointing NW (or westerly)

    Order of Souls tent picture:

    • QR7
    • ARBOY
    • B4
    • 3946

    And music boxes scattered throughout the map, that may or may not be a clue.

    Combination of all clues is also 15 signs long - 63dcadd57517NWW , i will try to decipher it using some encription software.

    That code varies depending on how you interpret the clues. It could be 63 or 615, same goes for Tracy's note which could be LIVII or 517. The 57 could be 75. The NWW could just be NW. I've not seen that vision myself (I'd rather not do that throne again!) but going by the video clips DeMarco could be pointing anywhere from WxSW to NW. The order of them could start at midnight or end at midnight.

    I'm yet to be sold on those clues forming a code, to be honest. I've ran everything through DCode myself and it didn't detect a cipher that was usable - other than substition ciphers, which we've already been trying to crack.

  • @realstyli

    There are actually quite a few repeated characters between the coded messages to date (so far, A, B, N, O, 4, 5, 7, and 9 are all repeated) and the remaining unique characters don't rule out a common transposition or substitution cipher (e.g. the Vignère cipher with 'WHOIST' as the key... which doesn't work).

    I'll be extremely surprised if each coded message has a unique cipher, though it is possible. The problem is that, with limited characters to decode and no common thread carried over, you can substitute nearly anything that you want in each case to suit your fancy. So even when the guess-and-test method leads to fun and/or fitting results, you can't rely on...


    hold on...

    'B' becomes 'O'...
    '4' becomes 'N'...



    Q R 7 A R B O Y B 4 3 9 4 6
    T R Y F R O G S O N A C N E

    TRY - FROGS - ON - ACNE!

    Our killer has zits! Let's search the map for some frogs ASAP!

  • @b0ttle-0-rum

    See Im more inclined to think that there are different ciphers for each code. The best First lead we have Is the tik tok one which seemingly makes sense. KNIFED THE PIRATE. The fact that the order of souls letters were specifically separated and not a line of code makes me believe that this clue is solved differently than the first one.

    After using deductive reasoning useing the repeated letters the one solution that actually made sense following the tik tok clue was THE CHILD IS NOSY. I get where your coming from with That frog and acne example but at least this actually makes sense.

    Knifed the pirate, The child is nosy.
    From a lore perspective we already know Demarco was sent to do something for the Pirate lord. The word child makes complete sense if you look at it from the perspective of someone writing about the pirate lords kid investigating something he maybe shouldnt be.

    Been looking around other channels and so far I think its the best lead we’ve got until something comes up that proves otherwise.

  • @b0ttle-0-rum

    There's always the Battletoads "Fightin' Frogs" easter egg :P

    I still think we need at least one more solid string of characters, like in the TikTok code to be able to really find commonality and crack it - assuming they do use the same cipher.

    The 3946 may not even be part of the Order of Souls code, that thought occurred to me. After all, it was on its own in the picture, whereas the QR7, ARBOY, B4 were close to each other. Perhaps 3946 is a key of sorts?

  • @realstyli

    lol and points for the Battletoads ref! :P

    Re: the OOS code 3946, nice! Hadn't thought of that. Might correspond to one of the four applicable* 'key' words -- SPIN, TURN, WIND, or ROLL**?

    *ruling out PIVOT for having one too many letters
    **not ruling out ROLL as some ciphers allow multiple letters to be assigned to the same letter

  • Sorry if this has been asked before but, in the vision of DeMarco and Scarlett on the throne, is there anything on the closet island in the direction DeMarco is pointing in? And is it possible that Scarlett’s compass is pointing not to the Red Sea but the Shores of Gold? Again, sorry if any of this is dumb! Just wondering if the codes correspond to the SOR map at all.

  • Taking a stab at the code in the Order of Souls twitter post.

    QR7 ARBOY B4 3946

    If we substitute the numbers with the corresponding letter in the English alphabet i.e. A=1, B=2 Etc. That becomes:


    Plugging this into a monoalphabetic substitution cypher we get:


    Taking this and running it through a multi-word anagram solver the first result is:


    I find this interesting.

  • Hey everyone, first time really posting anywhere on the Forums, but I was directed here by the #mystery-hunt channel in the official Discord to share my findings. About a week ago when we started this whole "Who is T?" stuff and subsequently got the last note, I decided to try and piece together the entire dialogue now that we supposedly have all the notes.
    I say "supposedly" because I'm assuming that, now that we're discovering things like the visions instead of more notes, we have all the notes. Anyways, this is what I've come up with for the dialogue:
    DeMarco: Don't startle me like that! I nearly shot you.

    Lesedi: As if you could.

    DeMarco: I mean it. I don't trust anyone, not anymore.

    Lesedi: I've never seen you this upset…

    DeMarco: How could I not be? They're coming for me. I can feel it.

    Lesedi: You're being ridiculous.

    DeMarco: I don't think so. I have to cover my tracks.

    DeMarco: No-one can know I was here.

    Lesedi: The truth will come out. It always does, sooner or later..

    DeMarco: You're the last person I expected here.

    Lesedi: You thought I'd just let this go?

    DeMarco: You said yourself we were done.

    Lesedi: So? I lied.

    DeMarco: Don't tell me you're becoming sentimental after all this time.

    Lesedi: Just listen! None of this feels right…

    DeMarco: This isn't a joke!

    Lesedi: Of course it is. Right from the start, it has been.

    Lesedi: He made that perfectly clear

    DeMarco: He didn't want you involved. You know that. You're too impulsive.

    Lesedi: Me? I’m not the one throwing their life away.

    DeMarco: So? It's my life we are talking about.

    Lesedi: You’re an idiot. I know exactly what you two talked about.

    DeMarco: Like it or not, this is goodbye.

    Lesedi: I don't think so. I found you once, I can hunt you down again.

    DeMarco: You! Determined as ever to follow in my footsteps, I see.

    Lesedi: Hardly. That’d me a coward, and a liar.

    DeMarco: Heh… I think this is the first truly brave thing I’ve ever done.

    DeMarco: I don’t have time for this, Lesedi. We’re finished here.

    Lesedi: NO. We are NOT finished, DeMarco. Get back here! DeMarco!

    I can’t let him do this… Whatever it takes, I have to… Huh? What was that sound? There’s a skelly hiding here! Get out of the way, T-

    Now, I pieced this together under the assumption that it was only DeMarco and Lesedi talking, since they seemed like the likely candidates, but there's room for interpretation still like, say, "T" was talking at some points too. I don't really know how relevant the full dialogue is to the mystery at this point, or if my stringing together of the lines even IS the right way, but nonetheless I figured I would share it here to see if you all on the Forums can make anything of it

  • @flagusco said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Taking a stab at the code in the Order of Souls twitter post.

    QR7 ARBOY B4 3946

    If we substitute the numbers with the corresponding letter in the English alphabet i.e. A=1, B=2 Etc. That becomes:


    Plugging this into a monoalphabetic substitution cypher we get:


    Taking this and running it through a multi-word anagram solver the first result is:


    I find this interesting.

    Nice find. I tried doing this with the TikTok code (S4NOB59FBMN7I9B). I got PRESTIONTHEFOOT from a monoalphabetic substitution, but I wasn't able to find anything really relevant with an anagram solver after that. Still, good idea replacing the numbers with letters.

  • I might have missed a post, but has anyone considered this other image, tweeted a few days ago, containing a VERY obvious (hiding in plain sight?) roman numeral on her back ( IIX =8 ) to add to the others? I know this wouldn't crack the case wide open or anything, but it just seems odd it's so prominent in the image. Maybe it's nothin'.
    alt text)

  • Given the "mole" painted on the mask, imma go with Amaranta as my final answer to who killed DeMarco:

  • @kommodoreyenser
    Not gonna spoil anything, but wait until the end of the new adventure to save Merrick...

  • @realstyli

    I tried various methods of substition shift ciphers on that code with the idea being one of the keys (spin, pivot). Shift ciphers allow you to choose clockwise or counter-clockwise directions. I didn't find anything of note. This one is a real stumper so far.

  • @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Not gonna spoil anything, but wait until the end of the new adventure to save Merrick...

    Lol just played through it. Well she was upset about being accused. Seems like the mystery should of been wrapped before this adventure launched?

  • @kommodoreyenser said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Not gonna spoil anything, but wait until the end of the new adventure to save Merrick...

    Lol just played through it. Well she was upset about being accused. Seems like the mystery should of been wrapped before this adventure launched?

    Nope just red herrings. Find T

  • @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Memory vision clues:

    • 6:15 on the watch
    • DCADD musical notes
    • 5 and 7 on the dice
    • LI and VII (51 and 7 Roman Numerals)
    • DeMarco pointing NW (or westerly)

    Could be {63, 43144, 57, 517}... and whatever DeMarco and/or the compass are up to with Scarlett.

  • @meanliar who's Scarlett?

  • Considering the end of the Forsaken Hunter, I think the Masked Assailant we tracked as a suspect was a red herring. So we need to look at other potential suspects.

  • Hi all !

    So something strikes me with the music boxes :

    The music boxes in the game are either:
    -The one near DeMarco,
    -Next to every T persons, Tavernkeeper and Toolshop owners, (except for Tristan).
    -At every Sea post,
    -At every Cargo dealers on non-outpost npc.

    However, no other Shop dealer have one, so I don't think it is necessarily cargo related. The fact that they started to appear might be just rare placing some hint. The fact that Rare is clearly hinting at us with the music box, and that every T person has one, I think it might not be a coincidence.

    However, Tristan, at the Sea dog tavern, do not have a music box by his side. And I found this surprising.

    What if T left his music box near DeMarco ?

    Does anyone knows if Tristan had a music box before ?
    Since he has a stand and not a shop, maybe he never had one. But still, there might be something there.

  • @p1rat3-l0rd3905 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @meanliar who's Scarlett?

    The shipwright at Galleon's Grave Outpost. She can be seen in the vision with DeMarco on Marauder's Arch.

    Considering the end of the Forsaken Hunter, I think the Masked Assailant we tracked as a suspect was a red herring. So we need to look at other potential suspects.

    Yep. I never held much weight in her being a suspect. It seemed too easy.

    My theory all along has been that DeMarco killed himself so he could go on a secret mission in the Sea of the Damned, under instruction from his father, The Pirate Lord. A lot of the conversation we found on notes hints at this.

  • I had a thought on the TikTok video code.

    I reversed the order of the code and you get B9I7NMBF95BON4S
    What struck me as interesting/odd is B9I7NMBF95 BON4S - If you replace the 4 with an E you end up with the word BONES.

    Now, this might be a stretch but... if 9 = O and 5 = F, we end up with BOI7NMBFOFBONES. 7 could be an L to get BOILNMBFOFBONES. Separate this into 3 words =

    Again, this is probably a stretch but I haven't seen anything else significant regarding this code and I don't have a solid reason for the number replacements, just things that popped out to me as potentials.

  • @maxylos5650 What about the other two Sea Dog tavern keeps: Tilly and Tessa?

  • A whole month has gone by and I have never noticed this forum!? How do I continue to miss things like this!!?


  • Has anyone tried playing the music notes DCADD on Davey Jones' piano?

  • @twistedmarie said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Benoni also means the son of sorrow which is something to possibly speculate when we have a chest of sorrows in the game @fanghorn13

    Stitcher Jim calls Grace Morrow 'Captain Sorrow'


    • Nevermind, this has been stated before:
      Also I noticed there have been clues given to the ghostly visions by Characteres starting with a T on all Outposts except 'New Golden Sands' where Tina and Tom can be found. If you approach Tina with the Fallen SeaDogs Lantern in hand, she talks about how dark the place is and candles.


    shot in the dark:
    maybe its also a code like the 2 codes we got from the vid and the screenshot
    it would make sense to stick to a theme with the clues. so if there are 2 codes out of 3 hints why would the only different hint be different at all?! why is it not code aswell but hiden in these simple facts? Snd since the other two codes we made out have no roman numerals in them (assumingly) maybe this one doesnt have them neither?! which would mean 63DCADD57517NW or 1815DCADD57517NW or 183DCADD57517NW or 615DCADD57517NW - my guess its the simple one which would be 63DCADD57517NW - 14 digits,
    assumingly in the right order.

    @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @p1rat3-l0rd3905 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @meanliar who's Scarlett?

    The shipwright at Galleon's Grave Outpost. She can be seen in the vision with DeMarco on Marauder's Arch.

    Considering the end of the Forsaken Hunter, I think the Masked Assailant we tracked as a suspect was a red herring. So we need to look at other potential suspects.

    Yep. I never held much weight in her being a suspect. It seemed too easy.

    My theory all along has been that DeMarco killed himself so he could go on a secret mission in the Sea of the Damned, under instruction from his father, The Pirate Lord. A lot of the conversation we found on notes hints at this.

    To me the idea of DeMarco killing himself to go to the Sea of the Damned to do business for his father seems all the more plausible. maybe the visions are about ppl he had contact with before he went, so its a conspiracy, a move in the shadows by the Pirate Lord to foil the Dark Brethrens plan or what not. Tilly is still missing. To me she is a prime person of interest. it would make sense she'd be near the two of them during that transcript scene. she boasts knowing all sorts of secrets about all sorts of pirates and extorts them for money. she wants info on DeMarco for a long time she might be a spy, she might be double crossing or she just might be a witness to a staged suicide with the help of a skelly...

  • @coyote4711 Tessa who was also stationed at the sea dogs tavern apparently had an old grog she mixed herself called “old clawful” which had snake venom (as well as dog nail clippings and grog that sat outside for two moons) in it (people speculated the skeleton looked poisoned) also it had already killed a pirate named Tearle the pearl. Another T named suspect?

  • New code from Sea of Thieves podcast:


    51:07 at the shelf in the back.

  • Yep, just saw that Ancient Isles University quote tweeted that from Captain McGuffin... Well spotted...

    So we know that's the "Speaking trumpet, LI, VII" (51:[0]7 in Podcast) clue... it's likely the other memory vision clues are related to social media as well.

    Edit: 5, 7 might be relating to the date the podcast was posted. Given it's ambiguous which way around they should be, it works for both US and non-US date standards. 7/5 or 5/7.

    So that would still need us to figure out what the 6:15 on the watch relates to, as well as the musical notes (DCADD), and NW (or where DeMarco is pointing).

    And the three codes:
    QR7 ARBOY B4 3946

  • @realstyli Thought you might be interested in this idea from the Discord: What if the Key to the cipher is whatever name T is, like Tad or Tracy? Doesn't really narrow anything down too much but figured you might like to hear the idea since you started the whole deciphering stuff

  • @obsinyx

    I doubt I started the "whole deciphering stuff", plenty of folk out there trying... I just took a stab at it. But I doubt it's as simple as a substitution cipher at this stage, so my original guess is more than likely wrong.

    It could be a Vigenère cipher or something else more complicated. The key could be the name beginning with T, if it's another cipher that needs a key. At this point, we don't even know what kind of cipher they used.

    I'm kind of burned out on figuring it out, so I'm leaving it to folks who are more clever than I!

  • Okay hear me out... what if the vision of Scarlett and DeMarco isn't about the cardinal directions? What if, instead of a compass, it's actually a clock with N being 12? And the two directions they're pointing at are actually 1 and 9?

    The TikTok code was shown at 1:09...?

    I feel like I'm grasping at straws, lol.

  • I just applied the same logic I mentioned earlier when looking at the "QR7" code. These are the results of the 3 new codes after monoalphabetic substitution:

    TIKTOK: S4NOB59FBMN7I9B (original code) - SDNOBEOEBMNGIOB (number to letter replacement) - IMENTONOTHERANT (monoalphabetic substitution) = MENTION OTHERANT (there are many possibilities here)
    TWITTER: QR7ARBOYB43946 (original code) - QRGARBOYBDCIDF (number to letter replacement) - INGONTHATEDRES (monoalphabetic substitution) = THREATENINGSOD
    PODCAST: 75995H5UYR57FOHOD (original code) - GEOOEHEUYREGFOHOD (number to letter replacement) - ETSSTATIONTERSASK (monoalphabetic substitution) = SET STATION SKATERS (possibly).

    At this point, I personally don't know enough of the lore to string any of this together but there could be words and phrases here that someone may recognize so have at it.

  • @flagusco said in The Mystery Begins!:

    I just applied the same logic I mentioned earlier when looking at the "QR7" code. These are the results of the 3 new codes after monoalphabetic substitution:

    TIKTOK: S4NOB59FBMN7I9B (original code) - SDNOBEOEBMNGIOB (number to letter replacement) - IMENTONOTHERANT (monoalphabetic substitution) = MENTION OTHERANT (there are many possibilities here)
    TWITTER: QR7ARBOYB43946 (original code) - QRGARBOYBDCIDF (number to letter replacement) - INGONTHATEDRES (monoalphabetic substitution) = THREATENINGSOD
    PODCAST: 75995H5UYR57FOHOD (original code) - GEOOEHEUYREGFOHOD (number to letter replacement) - ETSSTATIONTERSASK (monoalphabetic substitution) = SET STATION SKATERS (possibly).

    At this point, I personally don't know enough of the lore to string any of this together but there could be words and phrases here that someone may recognize so have at it.

    Since the code isn't exactly clear, I found another variation of 75995hSUYR57FOHOD which becomes GEOOEHSUYREGFOHOD and a monoalphabetic substitution yields ATEETHINGSTAKEHER
    A TEETHING STAKE HER or A TEETHINGS TAKE HER...still not solid but this seems to be the right cypher being used.

  • @flagusco

    I'm fairly sure there is no S in the last code, they are all 5s.

    alt text

    Note the straight edge at the top and on the top left side in each, and the sharp corner going into the curve at the bottom.

  • @coyote4711 Ended up finding a new tidbit of lore but idk if it will matter but with the notes being in the siren shrines and such it might. "Captain Flameheart's theme, Who Shall Not Be Returning, shares melodies with the Siren Song found in the Shrine of the Coral Tomb and the track, Heart's Desire." Would those same melodies or tunes consist of DCADD?

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