Naughty or Nice? Competition (Community Giveaway)

  • Ahoy! Pirate Santa's little helper has a bag of loot to share with the good members of the Community!

    Hunter's Drum (plays Merrick's shanty!)
    Gold Reaper's Mark T-shirts (x2)
    Order of Souls Tankard
    Fort Key
    Sea of Thieves playing cards
    Sea of Thieves notebook with pencil
    Obsidian 6 pack code
    Ebon Flintlock code (x3)
    Mini lantern

    To be in with a chance to win something from the pic above just convince me with a story on how "Good (Or bad) a Pirate you have been this year on the Sea of Thieves" and I will be giving away 1 item every day to a good Pirate for 12 days.

    Starts December 1st for 12 days, so get sharing!

  • 92
  • A great initiative Mrs Lizalaroo and oooooh , i see a few Lizalaroo's Original's between all those goodies ...Oh, i have been behaving a very good boy lately ( * Why you bloody liar , you stole the teamleader's lollipop yesterday and the poor man was crying from rage and blamed the wrong one while you were sniggering in yer thieving paws...He is absolutely not qualified to enter the contest ...Wait i disqualify him myself ...WHACK...He will no longer bother you, Mrs Lizalaroo....Dear Pirates , Good or Bad , nope the Ugly part is already taken that's George's role , take yer chance)

  • @ant-heuser-kush you are on the nice list me matey! ;D

  • I've been a good pirate both inside and outside the game. Like you I share my treasure with new pirates sailing in gane and by giving treasure away on twitter.

  • I have been stealing from the rich and poor equally. Kinda good and bad.

  • @lizalaroo oh where to start here?!

    1. I have helped to introduce at least 4 news Pirates to the game, taking the time over a session to teach all of the new mechanics and how to best sail the sea, clear Forts and expand their horizons.
    2. I have spent time during the Skeleton Thrones event to sit in the chairs waiting for other crews to come along so that they could get the event doubloons as well
    3. Did the same thing actually for Meg during THD - went back and fought her twice with other random crews to help them finish her off (and to see the sweet animation we got when our tattoos GLOWED!)
    4. I have followed a rule of "don't fire unless fired upon" for any encounters with other crew
    5. I have, on numerous occasions helped friendly Pirates out by filling their stockpiles with our resources upon the end of our session, including CCs of course! :D
    6. My first act as a newly fledged Legend was to go and open the doorway for a random crew and put an Athena quest down for them! Literally the first thing I did after becoming Legend and my crew logging off.
    7. I have befriended SO many new folks, just form this one game - whether that is the wonderful @Boatswain crew, or those Pirates we have loved and lost to other games in recent months. I have been there to celebrate all manner of events with crew, not least of which the celebration of a new baby Pirate!

    Sure there will be other folk out there with better stories to tell, but for me these are the best.

  • I've been a pretty good pirate. I make sure no other pirate gets loot by killing them and taking it for myself when I can. Kind of like a Robin Hood thing, but for myself.

    But actually, I think I've done good. I've helped quite a few streams in the background by helping quite a few of them collect loot for giveaways, the Junk Brig, or hoarding hauls. I just try to be helpful when I can.

    I've also never dropped my crew's loot overboard.

  • Good pirate? Yes of course! Good enough to gain just the amount of trust to pilfer every last coin ya got! Oh, um err...Look the Kraken!

  • @lizalaroo I've been very good well at least from my point of view. I have helped many confused wayward pirates at the new forts understand that it wasn't really their fort! That they were just holding a parking spot for my crew and I . After a short and silent swim over to their ship with a Mega Keg I politely help escort them to the ferryman and made sure their ship followed......

  • Liz your stuff is ABSOLUTELY insane!
    Honestly thank you for giving us all the chance to win some of your stuff.

    As for my pirate.... yeah I try to be nice. I help pirates unload at outposts and my crew member Pigeonqueen and me always try to drop Athenas for people. However... if someone tries to cross us we wont roll over and allow it, Karma is deserved. Good luck everybody

  • I am loving these stories!
    That GIF @IceMan-0007 Bwahahaha!
    Some very 'good' pirates we have out there! :D

  • Oh my look at those fantastic items love them all. Great talent 😀 and such a generous thing to do.

    I consider myself an on the whole good pirate, my highlight story of shivery would be.

    During the Cursed Sails campaign.

    I play the majority of my time with my Partner (she was with me at EGX). She works funny shifts with long hours. Meaning that completing the time sensitive battles was always going to be difficult. So during the campaign I would log in and play with an LFG crew to complete the battles myself. Then I would log in as her account and repeated the battle again, some days spending hours just getting set up with a capably crew.

    Trying to convince other players that I was using her account was sometimes difficult, as joining parameters were sometimes to steep for her character.

    Admittedly it was quite a strain towards the end, but I know she would do it for me.

    She currently sits at PL A8, not bad for a girl who hadn’t picked up a controller before she met me. Another case of Sea of Thieves bringing people together and creating memories. We both play when we can, and share a love and passion for the game.

  • I solo slooped over to an active crows nest fortress only to find a brig already there. Rocking the offer alliance flag, I slowly sailed around the island, making sure to sail around slowly, unthreatening, and throwing up "LET'S FORM AN ALLIANCE" multiple times. Initially the brig seemed friendly. I didn't even want to stay at the fort, I was just looking for an alliance.

    After a minute of repairing the holes the towers made, I start to pull my sloop up next to their brig in a spot out of the range of the towers. That's when I heard a prepubescent kid say "just shoot him" and I was immediately hit in the face by a cannonball and killed.

    I respawn with a new ship and sail back. This time acting friendly, but not really. I park my sloop on the opposite side of the fort and throw up a couple more "LET'S FORM AN ALLIANCE" but instead of running down and repairing like they probably thought I would. I jumped onto the fort, snuck around looking for the closest keg, and used it to sink their empty ship. I don't even know if they realized it sank as they were picked off by skeletons one by one.

    Eventually the brig came back but with only one crew member. As he hit his anchor, he also hit a keg I had floating in the water. Instead of repairing, he abandoned ship and started to swim to mine until I sniped him in the back.

    Kindness can and will be rewarded, but unnecessary aggression is punishable and won't be taken lightly. If they had just allied with me, they would have completed the fort and probably made a bunch of money off my chickens. Instead they weren't nice and they lost everything.

  • @rich223820 Love your story! Taking commitment to another level entirely there - bravo you! Have an upvote ;)

  • @lizalaroo
    I always give aid to another crew with Kraken woes, but I also sometimes use the alliance flag to lull other pirates before ambushing them. Pirate Santa can make of that what they will, har har.

    • I rowed my rowboat up behind a galleon who had been tormenting a server I was on, docked it on the back, stole two Chests of Wonders that they had sitting on their table in the captain's quarters, and rowed away to cash them in.
    • I convinced two crews to willingly fire themselves into the volcanos as sacrifices to "appease" the Devil's Roar, then made off with their treasure
    • I snuck into a fort where an alliance was doing the fort, pretended to be from one of the crews, then rowed off with the stronghold goodies in my rowboat.
    • During a kraken fight I grabbed a keg, jumped in the way of a tentacle to be grabbed, then detonated it when it got a hold of me.
  • @lizalaroo Wow very generous of you!

    I think if I had to submit a story my personal favourite and most in-expected would of been when me and Tartan got betrayed by our alliance on our little sloop and dished put some sweet revenge.

    I’ll let you all decide who was naughty or nice haha

  • I’ve been... a “decent” pirate? I’ve...just give me the coal -_-

  • @barnacle-blake I don’t think stealing constitutes as good but at least you do it without discrimination

  • @sytoki said in Naughty or Nice? Competition (Community Giveaway):

    @barnacle-blake I don’t think stealing constitutes as good but at least you do it without discrimination

    All that gold could of corrupted them in the long run. I Feel I did my part preventing a case of OG AKA (over gold)

  • @barnacle-blake Of course you wanted to save them from that temptation what a good man! Perhaps if we meet on the seas I’ll save you from temptation!

  • @sytoki or die try'n

  • Well one of the nicest thing I did as a pirate in my eyes was to teach a random 9 year old kid how to play.
    After joining him on a Galleon with 2 legends I thought it best he learned the ropes on a sloop. I chose this voyage instead of pursuing those Cursed Sails I was looking for.
    Naughty?... Well there was this one time to celebrate becoming Pirate Legend (as a crew) we attacked a brig at a Skull Fort and all I remember was hearing these young voices shouting "why are you attacking us?!"
    It seemed like the Pirate Legend behaviour at the time... we have never really been that mean again.

  • @lizalaroo my tale is I have friended a lot of pirates and we on the bane of the seas with the captain @elcapo60 and first mate 'hare and crew some times steal and kill other pirates and some times not that's all I have to say sorry for it being so short and early

  • @lizalaroo This is an amazing giveaway idea! and even more amazing gifts! I would like to claim i have been a good pirate... but alas, time has defeated me and my piracy has been minimal.

    I have been a good pirate in real life! Helping students at work (been commended for going above and beyond for a few lol)

    I wish everyone the best of luck though! Maybe I will have to wrap up a good list for the next christmas giveaway haha!

  • I've been a greedy pirate. Making others do the hard work only to try and get their rewards. But I fail too often, so with bad intentions I've been kinda good, letting other get what they want without critical interruption.

  • Listen my children and you shall hear, of the midnight sail of Elscoot(evere). Twas a dark and stormy night upon the Sea of Thieves, and my faithful crewmate ChiefPie299 and I had just finished conquering another crew at Thieves Haven. We sank their ship, and stole their loot, but we are charitable pirates; we told them they could join us on our sloop and have part of the loot we plundered from islands and other crews. As we began to pull away from the island with our new "crewmates," I heard a sound from behind me. It sounded like a microphone being connected. Just then, a galleon smashed into our side. Panic ensued, but we managed to ready our weapons and prepared for them to try to board us. At that moment, I heard a noise from atop their ship...
    "It's free real estate." We began to laugh, and the other crew jumped down onto our sloop.
    "Hello friends!" the one named ChealseaFanUSA exclaimed. I trusted the other crew, and we allowed them on board our ship. We forged a friendship and sailed the server on our sloop, gathering all of the other players we could find. We messed around for hours and shared all of our loot. The next day, we went around on a galleon with our new friends and handed out treasure to any other player we could find. When asked why, we simply responded with "it's free real estate."
    This is the end of my (true) story. I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope each one of you has the privilege to meet people that you can connect with upon the Sea of Thieves.

    Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  • Define "Bad" - because I'm actually the worst at being a Pirate... I'm not good at it... Many would say I'm bad.

    Does this alone qualify me for the list? Haha
    (Yeah I didn't think so, good luck to all you actual Pirates out there)

  • Was doing some voyage in the devils roar, when I was waiting for the Volcano to stop, a brigantine pulled up.
    My heat started pounding, cause I had all the stuff from the Athena voyage, an was glowing like a Christmas tree.
    It was a solo player to, he just wanted to see the devil roar, but thought of it to rough, so I made friends with him, an invited him to my game.
    He had 24K of gold, an I promised him, before the session is over, I would double that.
    He had 75K an the skull fort key when I left him(because of work Irl.)

    But it's my favorite thing to do, sailing with new players, an when the trying to turn in the legend chest to the wrong place.
    it just crack me up every time.

  • Recently on a dark night, Me and my fellow crewmates were sinking ships and clearing skull forts. Before we began to turn in our massive haul, a ship spawned in at the damned Dagger Tooth Outpost. We were about to sink them so we could sell, but the one person was telling us he was friendly and he was new to the game. As the generous pirates we are we formed an alliance and sold the loot so that he earned himself over 15 levels in nearly every faction.

  • How have I been amongst the seas? As naughty and ruthless as one can be! I've sunk many vessels throughout the year, as I raise my tankard and shout 'cheers!'. One story that comes to mind, is a tale of wretchedness that shows my might! Within the Devil's Roar, two Sloops there be, one with nothing, and one with booty! I was nearing the rank of Pirate Legend, and gave this sloop a simple question. "Want to form an alliance?". But laziness seemed to be a trait for this crew, they both be just two fools! They left in a hurry, as we did the same, we plotted to steal their loot with no shame to our name! They stopped at a nearby island, for this was perfect timing! We rammed head first into the Scurvy dogs, dropping our anchors and filling our tankards! The sloop stood no chance, and sunk without a second glance. We nicked the loot and brought it aboard the sloop. As we lowered our sails and raised our anchor, a sloop was in the distance, charging with anger. I put down my grog and dived in, jumping aboard their sloop, and getting under their skin! Dropping their anchor and blasting about, "Tally ho, mateys!" I shout! Their hopes in catching up were crushed, now but turned into mush! We stopped at the outpost, and turned into our fortune, our adversaries left with but misfortunes! Though the sloop was full of hate, we couldn't help but bait. We put up the good fight, but were slain, without our ship we couldn't remain. But remember this, dedication to piracy shall never be questioned, once you earn the hideout of Pirate Legend! Yar har! Is that enough for ya, matey?

    -By the Legendary, bloodthirsty drunkard, Captain C. Crasher!

  • I have been a good pirate on the seas thus far! I gave my lantern colors to other ships in need and saved smaller ships and other pirates from bigger threats such as naughty alliances that pillage. If there was a hug emotion I could do, I'd hug me other mates in need because they need em!

  • @lizalaroo as always, an awesome Giveaway!

    Unfortunately, I USED to be a good Pirate (in nature if not in talent), solo slooping and minding my own business....unless provoked or attacked. More recently though, I have taken to erring on my side of caution and if a threat presents, I'll act pre-emptively....

    I'm still a good Pirate to those who are also good to me! does that count in my favour? :D

  • @ken-crossbones Ha! Your great distraction tactics have made you the first of me 12 days winner! Please check your messages. Congratulations!

    1 present delivered, still 11 to go! I’ve got me eye of a few already written. 🎅🏼

  • My story began last year, when a close friend of mine told me about this Sea of Thieves game packed with adventures and riches, seas to be tamed and skeletons to be killed. I got accepted in Technical Alpha and I've been playing through every available session. Back then when there was only one faction available and max level capped at 20, and look where we are now.

    After the game released, I played so much because I wanted to see what is like to become a pirate legend. In 3 weeks I managed to accomplish this mission and since then I've been helping lots of new pirates, teaching them tricks and giving them tips for an easier journey towards becoming pirate legend themselves. Even now with all those updates that brought in new features, new voyages, new ways to play, I still find players in need of help I and would gladly answer their call.

24 out of 92