Hi there, My name is Distinctchip99.

  • I am a new member to the forum and the game. Just bought the game yesterday and started installing last night. Currently at work so will start playing this evening. I can't wait. Haven't seen much gameplay videos so don't really know what to expect but I am super excited

  • 9
  • @distinctchip99 Ahoy matey!

    Welcome aboard the forum and welcome to the game!

    You got here just in time, have you checked out the Forsaken Shores info yet? Youll have a patch to install tonight which expands the worlds, cosmetics and quests available to you, so you couldn't have joined at a better time.

    I hope our paths cross out at sea soon! Good luck on your adventures.

  • Welcome, and have fun ! :)

  • @distinctchip99

    if you'll feel lost or won't know how to do something, there's this older thread with pretty good tips. It's older, but most of them still apply.


  • @musicmee said in Hi there, My name is Distinctchip99.:

    @distinctchip99 Ahoy matey!

    Welcome aboard the forum and welcome to the game!

    You got here just in time, have you checked out the Forsaken Shores info yet? Youll have a patch to install tonight which expands the worlds, cosmetics and quests available to you, so you couldn't have joined at a better time.

    I hope our paths cross out at sea soon! Good luck on your adventures.

    Thanx alot

  • @sir-lotus said in Hi there, My name is Distinctchip99.:


    if you'll feel lost or won't know how to do something, there's this older thread with pretty good tips. It's older, but most of them still apply.


    Thanx man. I will check it out

  • welcome matey the game is amazing if you see the admiral benbow on the waves don't shoot ok?

  • Welcome Mr Disticntchip99...i can't tell what you are going to experience , see or feel because every game you start will be totally different than the one you've played before...Literally no two games are the same ...i think you will not believe yer eyes if you see how natural the Sea behaves and is depicted ...A warning, the skies in this game, are able to let you dream away even if you steer your ship to a massive Rock that can sink you when you hit it and wake up from one of the best daydreams one ever had... You will find all kind od pirates , from the nastiest cutthroats towards Pirates that roam the see with Honour , Valour and Pride...

    You will be pulled into crews that maybe will become good Friends , not only in a game, but also in real life ...You will hear cannons roar , pirates sheer and cry, of anger pain and joy...You will sing and dance, drink and sing and you will know ...Regret...Regret that you didn't bought this game earlier and regret that those stupid things ,called days, only consist 24 hours....You ,Sir , are about to become a Pirate ...Let us hear your Roar!!!!!!

    Good Luck at the Sea , May the wind blow in yer Sail towards riches of Gold and crew , and let the Sun And Moon guide you to new Adventures...

  • @distinctchip99

    Ahoy there and welcome aboard!

    Keep yer cutlass sharp and yer wits about ye, but most of all take time to enjoy those beautiful sunsets :)

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