Everything changes once you become a Pirate Legend

  • “I can’t wait until I’m pirate legend so that I can just play Sea of thieves for fun!” I can’t tell you how many times me and my crew mates have said this over the years..
    Now it’s a cliche to say that “there’s nothing to do one you’re Pirate Legend but to grief other people.” Which is dumb. Especially now that tall tails is out. But I just wanted to remind the community of the dream of becoming a REAL pirate legend.
    The community is watching. We genuinely enjoy watching people have fun playing this game. And you don’t have to be a streamer to get the spotlight.
    We all share the dream to be immortalized in game for doing something legendary. For the most of us that will never happen. But the adventure is VERY REAL!! I don’t want anyone to lose that dream! Be the first to do something creative. Be the Athena’s speed run record holder. Or do something so daring that it gains the respect of the community. But most of all have fun telling your own story.

    And make clips! I only took pictures when I first started my journey. And a lot of people just thought I was lying for attention.. No one else in the world solos skeleton fleets and then gifts the loot out after all!

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  • Whilst becoming a legend is great, there has always been a huge sense of loss for me ever since.
    That empty feeling when you deliver your treasure to the vender and no longer get too see your XP levels increase. Before long you even stop to even look at the amount of gold the items paid you. It all become irrelevant. You also start to not care if you lose it to another. Treasure loses its edge.
    If only the level cap never finished at 50!
    Perhaps it's just me who feels this way?

  • @needsmokes whist this is true. What I am trying to say is that you are liberated from the xp levels, Money becomes irrelevant, and then the world is yours! Interacting with other players is the life force of this game and I feel like so many players have tunnel vision for xp and they never realize the true potential of sea of thieves. Though rare updates the game so much so you always have commendations to keep you busy!

  • @straw-hat-blake

    I'm busier than ever being a Legend.

    The past months I have been playing more, chasing every achievement/commendation in game, and having a ton of fun doing so.

    There is so much more to accomplish.
    Helping me mateys achieve their goals too has certainly added to my enjoyment of the game, and we have had great laughs along our journey.

    It's true, "Legend" is only the beginning.
    There is so much more out there on the seas, & the 50's across the board (the core 3 factions) & the A10 completed... it is liberating.


  • The premise is that we are all pirates from the first time we set sail. The title of legend is given to those that have been able to successfully deliver enough treasure, though they are no more or less a pirate as any other apart from their experience on the seas.

    Being a true legend has nothing to do with the title nor the clothing one wears, it is the manner at which they approach and handle themselves on the seas.

    Stay true to your inner pirate and you will enjoy your travels on the seas. Be the pirate you want to be and withstand the dangers that roam the seas by mastering the abilities that you need to be that pirate.

    A true pirate legend just needs a ship and the call of the seas to be fulfilled. It is all about the tales we experience not the gold and glory that follow.

  • I can't wait to sink krakens, megs and skellie galleons and leave gifts behind at the outpost! I'm no legend yet, but getting very close.

  • @piratecraggy yes it has liberated me as well, focus on other things like conpleting commendations and achievements.

    I dont care for gold anymore and only recently started to care about rep again because now there is two new factions that have requested me to get to level 50 ;-) )

    But im getting close at least with the sea dogs lvl 42 in sea dogs and 25 in hunters call. At least there is now a high likelyhood that when i am level 50 in sea dogs i have also done all commendations and even the legendary one.

    I need 80 more kills with pistol and 150 more kills with cannons and 89 more wins till 240. (Yes i know about the rebalance but im gonna get that 240 before the now removed deadline of 24th of june)

  • @callmebackdraft said in Everything changes once you become a Pirate Legend:

    I dont care for gold anymore

    Yip.. gold is no longer where it's at.
    The journey is where we are at...... and it's glorious!!!

  • I agree there, hitting legend was step 1 on getting more fun in the game, after hitting athena 10 it is even better.

    Less stress, no "concerns" about loot (hence we gave away alot off loot the last 3 times we sailed to lil sloops) and they really appreciate the loot which gives me and i guess my crew (@CallMeBackdrafT @DarkMage613 @mark147258 ) a good feeling aswell

    Noticed last few journeys that protecting lil sloops from annoying wanna be pirate brigs is so much fun!

  • @nessiroj if all those new lil sloops only know how much gold worth of loot we have left behind during our athena’s speedruns in order to get you @mark147258 and @DarkMage613 up to athena level 10 well the last one still has a couple to go but still thats easily half a mil to a mil

  • there is still a lot to do when you hit PL.
    then you are on the road to PL Athena 10.

    the problem with that, is that it was focus on new PL, an not the ones that was already PLA10.
    We had to complete more Athena run, sink more skelly ships, steal Legend chest. an etc.

    An as I was sailing for miles, just doing the voyage waiting on my friend.
    Ended up finish the Voyage an gave away the Legend chest.

    The only thing that holed any value in reputation for me is: Fish, mermaid gems, An bottle mec. voyage.

    But sailing around teaming up an having a good time is the main objective.
    Right now im trying to defend people doing Tall tales, while im just fishing nearby

  • @greencamillion1 said in Everything changes once you become a Pirate Legend:

    Right now im trying to defend people doing Tall tales, while im just fishing nearby

    That's a true legend!

  • @straw-hat-blake

    Nothing changed for me as a PL and also not for Athena 10.

    The real beauty of this game, what many players don't get is, that progression is completely seconded and not gamechanging at all.
    Your Problem is you all can"t let go and think you need to work it off to be" free" playing the game as intended from the very first minute.
    Those who work it off, aren't able to play after they're done as they weren't able to play before, because they work it off and do Speedruns for example. And then ask for new things to grind off.
    To me this is a silly aproach playing the games progression is completely meaningless regarding gamemechanics.
    It's extra this way.
    But all the gamers can't let go and see this.

    I want you all direct to this post.
    Don't rate it by the title of the topic.
    Give it a read if you want and stop gaming systems, start playing the game.


  • @bugaboo-bill thats the thing buggaboo, some players like the grind, like me, no there is no vertical progression and the message you are trying to convey lately is not new to me, i have been saying this all along.

    Gold holds no value to me, cosmetics do however (just ask @Nessiroj ;-) ), doubloons are value less (i have almost 800 of those without missing out on a single cosmetic)

    I can complain about somethings and sometimes i complain in a joking manner about the grind but truth is i love to set hard goals, like now with the un-re-balance of the legendary seadog com, i have imposed the now non existant deadline upon myself and i will get those 240 wins before the 24th of june. Not because i have to or it is anything special (because there are quite some players with that comm in their possesion already) but because i want to, i chose to set this goal, better yet i have upped the ante abit and im trying to get all seadogs comms done in that same time. (And as of yet the only one not on schedule is the cannon kills)

    Anyway, tl;dr:

    I love the grind, i love that i can finally see rep going up again and work for a goal, i have been keeping myself busy with finnishing comms and set goals that way, nit because its necesarry or makes me better, but because i want to rep, comms and cosmetics are the only thing that hold value to me, because gold and doubloons and thus loot have stopped being valuable a long time ago! For me at least

  • @straw-hat-blake
    My friend and I have always considered ourselves to be "Alternative Pirate Legends." Recently, he achieved the actual rank of Pirate Legend and, after weeks of continuing to play, has yet to even throw down an Anthena's Voyage. We did, however, use the harpoons to get aboard some Skelly ships and fish for Battlegills off of the back. There was a sloop who came to fight the ship and we wondered what his thoughts were in that moment.

    While I have yet to hit Legend, I was excited when our characters were chosen to be immortalized in the upcoming short story publication. Maybe one day someone will see us fishing off of the back of one of those haunted vessels and cry, "Why, is that ol' Gran herself!? By the Pirate Lord's britches!"

  • The problem with money becoming irrelevant is that the act of catching pigs, digging up chests etc is not much fun. It does kind of need an incentive to do it, especially after you have done it a thousand times already.

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