Beyond the Mega Update April, 30th - Time assigned to bug fixing, QoL, and combat revamping

  • Quite simply I would like to kindly ask if it is possible, having into account the project management plan of RARE, to dedicate a reasonable amount of time after the Mega Update to only fix the bugs, introduce QoL changes, and exclusively work on making the combat system fun and reliable.

    Let me add a couple of additional details as bases for my question:

    • according to the publicly known information, all RARE's team are working very intensly on delivering the Mega Update on 30 April 2019;

    • the combat system, either the fire weapons and the sword still do not "feel" good and need some additional efforts and attention;

    • as a well-known fact, the game development process brings inside the established core game new bugs, inevitably. We can reasonably expect new bugs to appear with the Mega Update. Moreover there are still bugs and flaws that are not funny (not like riding the Megalodon for instance, so you would not like to keep them in the game) that need to be ironed out for good.

    Would it not be appropriate to dedicate some time only to those activities (bug fixing, introducing QoL changes either in the Aventure mode and Arena mode and combat system revamping) after the Mega Update is out and at the same time give the teams a bit of less 'high-pressure' time too?

    ROI (Return On investment) relative to polishing activities is in general positive and increases the customer trust in the company.

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  • @capsuleroom5010 Personally, I'd like to see improvements made to the servers. Ever since the last update, I've had D/C issues, Lag spikes, and Ping problems... none of which existed (for me, at least) prior to its release.
    Rare needs to give the servers some serious attention, because these issues ruin play sessions, and sometimes make me wonder why I bother to log in.

  • No matter what the teams are working on, or how many teams are assigned to a project, bug fixing is always ongoing.
    Game development is exceptionally complex, and involves hundreds of people working together, but it's a well oiled machine.

    There's really no need to basically want every single team to work on nothing but bug fixes, because that's not productive. Just because a particular bug hasn't been fixed yet, doesn't mean that the developers aren't working on it, it just means it's not that easy a fix, but throwing more people at it also won't magically solve it faster.

  • @jack-flintlock Hi, thank you for your answer. With bug fixing and QoL introduction, I meant to ask RARE to dedicate time and resources also to the overall technical compartment, including issues with the servers as well as netcode (possible hitbox registration improvement).

    Thank you for pointing this out.

  • @tundra-793 Perhaps not, but addressing it in the video updates might be appreciated by the community, as opposed to only talking about adding content.

  • @tundra-793 Hi and thank you for your answer.
    Yes, I agree with you: bug fixing and general amelioration of the techincal compartment of the game is an ongoing process in game development.
    My question is relative to increase, for a limited amount of time, the resources and working hours on those aspects with the aim to iron out as much bugs as possible (ideally once for good, and with the understanding that they may be back with future updates) and improve the game with small but significant (low effort/high impact) QoL changes. In summray to prioritize these activity on other production projects for a given amount of time.
    According to what I understood, bug fxing, technical improvements are activities that dovetail in the priority ladder of RARE's project management plan, I am asking to prioritize those.
    I disagree on the fact that these activities are deemed "not productive": polishing a product in general increases its added value.

  • Actually, I'd prefer this :

    • Better Kraken (more difficult, being able to destroy everything on the ship : masts, anchor, wheel...)
    • Better Skeleton Fort (Seriously, it's totally dumb !) : Here what I think about it !
    • Better underwater environment, with underwater ground under the shipwreck, some shipwreck totally destroyed with loot in deep water where there are sharks, morays, jellyfishes etc...

    When this kind of things will be fixed and added, the game will be gorgeous everywhere. After that... Add everything you want, it would just be a bonus for me !

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