Bring back all limited time items

  • I'll be frank here, I hate limited time content in games, always have. It does absolutely nothing but reward people who were lucky enough to happen to play a game at a certain time, or it mentally forces people to do stuff like pre-ordering, and buying special stuff.

    I'll lay this out for you simply:

    • limited time content = small number of people are happy
    • content available to everyone at all time = everyone is happy

    Since this game has no micro-transactions, it's completely pointless to make stuff time limited (i'm fine with stuff like the day one patch, as it shows a player's love and support for the game), since it doesn't create a mental burden for people to buy doubloons or gold for real money, before the content is no longer available.

    It puts a huge hole in my soul (as a completionist player who wants to get absolutely everything the game has to offer) every single time I find out there existed content in a game that is no longer available.

    I was lucky enough to decide to play the game as the Wailing Barnacle ship set was available, and I got every item from it. But just today I find out there were Wailing Barnacle clothes, weapons and possibly even equipment...... WHAT?! Not only that. They were available only all the way back in July 2018!

    Who's idea was it to section up the Wailing Barnacle set, and make it available in parts (Clothes, ship, (equipment?), weapons), throughout different time periods. Honestly how does that benefit anyone? Not a single player in existence is going to feel happy that they missed out on content. I genuinely don't get why games do this.

    Either bring back all limited time items for good and introduce a micro-transactions system, or don't create limited time content in the first place. It's a waste of time for the artists when only a very small amount of people can admire their art. And it's a waste of a good experience for players when they find out they missed out on content. It honestly feels like everyone on earth is just kinda accepting it since I never see anyone on the entire internet complaining about it, or there's some crucial information I'm somehow missing as to why the hell anyone would make content time-limited.

    P.S. Sorry this turned into a rant, but I hope you get my point. There is absolutely no point to limited time content if it's not even done to get the company a quick buck.

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  • @denisowator I do see your point, I’ve just introduced my friend to the game today and he’s been left wondering what’s the point.

    Since the games primarily cosmetic progression and in his eyes all the best cosmetics are gone he’s not to sure what to work towards.

    It’s definitely a tricky one but I’m not sure what a good and fair solution would be. I know if they made them available for everyone through the commendation challenges people will lose there mind and go nuts.

  • Like I said in this topic: (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes

    I lost some items because my pc was broken. Then, I bought an Xbox and played since Cursed Sails.
    One of the things that this game brings of incentive to the players are the season's exclusive items. These items cause players to replay, populating servers again. Many games work this way, and this makes each player (and his account) unique. I was really sad to have lost some, but at the same time, I believe that if I lost, I'm the only one to blame. Maybe giving the items in Mixer streams, prizes, contests, etc. could be a good solution, so whoever lost can get a second chance to got, but definitely, put the item for sale in the game or even microtransactions, please, no. This will take away the essence of the game and the exclusivity of those who work hard to get such items.

  • I'm on the fence here...

    On one side: In a game driven by swag and nothing else, yar tis a fine thing to have exclusive swag.

    On the other side: When rare started limited content, they started it poorly. "Here have a coat and hat if you do this thing" they said.

    Months later "The weapons to accompany that coat and hat are now available for a short period of time, glhf hope you still play"

    Months later still "We're releasing a full set of weapons, clothes, accessories, and a ship for a limited time only"

    Months after that "It occurred to us we should make a ship to match that coat and hat that you probably don't have, or those weapons you do or don't have."

    Maybe rare should reimplement a last call for some of that content, or at least make it cyclical like another swag driven game called Warframe does.
    Making it always available would fully devalue it, but making it perennial would give players the peace of mind knowing they didn't fully miss out.

  • I support the idea - the limited items are actually the main reason I decided to even use this forum. In my opinion players should be able to get them with more or less effort.

    Few options how to solve this:

    1. Repeating the events - either once a year or between other events.
    2. Putting the items back for sale - regularly or randomly.
    3. Unlocking them by other means - achievements, meet / kill / crew a person who has it etc.
    4. Adding them in the cash store.

    Removing the items for good is not good use of resources and it hurts both collectors and roleplayers.

  • I think the time limited cosmetics as they are currently implemented are a great way to incentivise players to keep playing the game regularly. It also distinguishes those players who have been around more often and longer. Also there really aren't that many time limited cosmetics in each release and they are around for a reasonable period of time to allow them to be easily obtained (in fact with doubloon cosmetics I can usually buy them all on day 1).

  • @salvasian-au I think my main problem with SoT specifically, is that they released all the different Wailing Barnacle stuff at different times. I'm stuck with just a ship, while others have the full set, just because they wanted to play a more shallow game. (Apparently there weren't even any enemies at sea before the cursed sails update, and no cannon customization).

  • @archaell Not to mention it pretty much throws the money and time spent on developing them, right down the drain (quite literally).

    Rare: Let's pay our full time employees to spend days upon days making this thing

    Few months after completion: Let's remove it from the game and never add it again.

    It's like working on a 10k word essay, and then clicking "Delete" right after you finish it.

  • @adrian-cartmale MMOs do this really well (at least the ones I played). Every single year on Christmas and Halloween you get unique items, but they also reintroduce old ones, and run forum based contests to allow people to win the old stuff as prizes.

  • @denisowator

    Yes I am aware that MMOs do it, and it works out very well and everyone is happy.

    Also Wailing barnacle is the set I was referencing with the staggered pieces released. I have the ship and the outfit but I don't even know what the guns look like...

  • @denisowator

    I see you recently joined the forums. Welcome mate! Do not worry about the eye rolling and comments that this subject has been talked about before. Everyone has a right to come here and have a voice. To ask questions, give suggestions, or just share tales of their adventures of the sea. Not everyone has been able to be part of every conversation.

    You feelings are important. Like you said most games have some form and flavor of limited content. Most have a means to get most, if not all such content at a later date. So far Sea of Thieves has no repeating content yet. Perhaps one day it may. Having reasons to play and goals to work towards is important. I am sure Rare will find a way to constantly make great content enjoyable and obtainable by everyone in the best way possible. Till then be happy you are here now to enjoy a lot of great things still coming our way. Happy sailing!

  • @denisowator said in Bring back all limited time items:

    @salvasian-au I think my main problem with SoT specifically, is that they released all the different Wailing Barnacle stuff at different times. I'm stuck with just a ship, while others have the full set, just because they wanted to play a more shallow game. (Apparently there weren't even any enemies at sea before the cursed sails update, and no cannon customization).

    You lost my sympathy right there. Those who chose to play Sea of Thieves during the various events earned the time limited gear. You chose to play something else. We all make our choices. I suspect Rare might reintroduce some items in the future, but if they do I’m sure it will be time limited again. Or maybe you’ll be around for some even cooler time-limited stuff that you can collect and enjoy. Rare things have value because they’re rare. If anyone can get them, they lose their value. That’s the way it goes.

  • @denisowator said in Bring back all limited time items:

    (i'm fine with stuff like the day one patch, as it shows a player's love and support for the game)

    So, why is it OK for that item, but not for others?

    The Time Limited items are always available for a timely fashion and there is always more than you need to be earned. They are ways to show during which periods you supported the game and actually played. So, why do you believe to be entitled to buying it at a later date?

    Giving people unique items that show that they played the game since the start, early months, year in, etc. It is a great way to feel a bit unique in a game that focuses on providing people with all the same game play options from day one. In a couple of months you as well will have items that not everyone has.

    The player base evolves, people leave and people come. Their items will represent their story on the seas. That is what time limited cosmetics give people.

    However, at some point usually items tend to be rycycled and be available during another time limited event... or for purchase. I personally hope if they do that, that they give it a slightly different colour pallet or something - just to provide a new wardrobe option for the people that already have it (maybe even opens up new combinations with other sets, as I for one like to find unique combinations).

  • @x-crowheart-x Well put mate.

    @Denisowator And like crowheart said welcome aboard mate.

    I do recall suggesting they do what Overwatch does.
    Overwatch has there limited timed cosmetics which come around on a yearly cycle. I’m not sure if it would be a good idea to recycle the past events for the game since they don’t really have much replay ability in my opinion.

    But on Overwatches anniversary event they make all the cosmetics in the game avalible to unlock for a limited time. It’s a great idea I feel, I know I always look forward to it because you just don’t always have to time to grind every single event all the time.

    Especially now that more and more games are being designed to keep you play regularly and logging in daily. It makes it really hard.
    You basically have to prioritise one game at a time. (Well I do anyway aha)

    TL:DR - Make an anniversary event where all last cosmetics become avalible to unlock for a limited time.

  • Fully support this idea,

    Time limited items are good for incentive but after a few months people have moved on however player base may change and those who have just joined will dip out. Christmas is a good example. It would be better if these items did return in some way in the future so newer players can get them as well.

    I also agree that releases should be in full. None of this guns for a fortnight then hills then equipment deal, simply throw out the full sets every month.

  • I agree with @Denisowator and @Archaell. IMO, it's fine to have limited items, but there has to be more to it than just being a 1-time thing. It can still be limited instead of now being impossible.

  • How would that be fair to people who got the launch crew sniper or day one eyepatch

  • @ajm123
    There are some specific items such as those you have mentioned that are unique. These should exist only to those that got them however items that are part of a customised set
    These items should be recyclable.

  • @denisowator said in Bring back all limited time items:

    @salvasian-au I think my main problem with SoT specifically, is that they released all the different Wailing Barnacle stuff at different times. I'm stuck with just a ship, while others have the full set, just because they wanted to play a more shallow game.

    How do you know it was a shallow game that we wanted to play?

    Some of these items are from a time recently gone and never to return. They mark an evolution of the game.

    I'm a rather casual player, only able to play three or four sessions a week for a couple hours at a time.
    I didn't grind to PL, or even care to look at my levels as I played. I played mostly with random crews or solo.
    I played for the time limited items. All the ones I wanted, and most of the ones I didn't.
    Because in a game where there is nothing but cosmetics, this is where the high value items are. The Rareness

    The swag that generates envy.

    I've been sailing the Sea of Thieves for ten months now, mate. I got the scars and the memories.

    What gives you the right to devalue my efforts?

  • @genuine-heather I agree in principle with what you are saying, but I also agree with @Denisowator response to me about the set being split up. It is a shame that the entire set was not able to be obtained at a single period of time, personally I would have been a lot more interested in the Wailing Barnacle clothes (which I only partially collected as I wasn't that enamored with the clothes, other than the jacket which I got) if I had known that the set would also include ship items (which I love). Thankfully though that is not usually the case as normally they all come out at once for the major updates.

  • I remember that Wailing Barnacle hat and jacket were among the first time limited items available. I didn't like them, but they were time limited so I figured I better get them. Turns out they looked awesome in game.

  • i have everything except the sails for playing beta/preordering, i figured who needs to preorder a game nowadays its online digital copy not like the shops gonna run out of copies. i like those sails more than any other in game other than maybe the plain coloured sails

    also missing the weapons u get from buying controller and other accessories (which happen to be some of the more unique/cool looking). i would be happy for them to bring back stuff either way whether i get the sails i want or not, i dont mind if other people can get the time limited stuff i have, now that bilge rat is permanent they can go back and do the same quests we had to do to get them but with more difficulty.
    day 1 patch and 1month eye glass excluded

  • the more stuff there is to buy the more people have to work for in the game, im sitting on a stupid pile of gold with nothing to spend it on, i wish i was a new player again couild look in the shop and think how am i going to buy all this, im hoping they can some day just double the size of the current shops and increase prices back to what they were/more. when i first started the game it maybe took close to a week to buy my first ship piece, my friend would get another piece and together we had a half decent looking ship, now i could earn enough money in a day to buy a full set of ship customizations

  • @knifelife

    Since the game [is] primarily cosmetic progression...

    No. The game is primarily play, adventures, exploration of the world, combat and fun! The cosmetics are just decoration. If you don't enjoy the game for the PLAY, go find something else to do.

  • All gameplay features that have been introduced in every update of the game have stayed in the game ever since the game's inception, the only thing that rotates out is vanity items such as cosmetics and the occasional unremarkable quest, that you experience by just reading it off a wiki and it will have the same gameplay value as actually playing through it.

    Because the main thing that doesn't come back is cosmetic and not gameplay, there isn't much being missed here. Cosmetics don't provide any gameplay value, only a perceived value, through vanity, that shouldn't be what this game strives for as an ultimate goal. The goal should be discovering new adventures and new quests, new lands to explore, new monster to slay, more weapons and tools to weild. The clothes that you wear don't really affect any of those things, therefore won't be missed.

  • @surveyorpete The game is primarly a sandbox - that is missing certain time limited pieces which decreases the fun you can have with the game. For one player the vanity items might not be important, for another it might be the difference between playing and not playing.

    Imagine that you would like to roleplay a sunken pirate ghost or something and there would be just the right set to do it. The catch being the set was in time limited event and now you are screwed forever. Chances of another set looking like that pretty much none. There might be flying sky pirates, there might be time traveling pirates, there might be even funny looking carneval pirates, but you are not gonna be able to roleplay the sunken pirate ghost you wanted to play - and on top of that whenever you see the players with the set, you are reminded that the game is mean to you, which may eventually discourage you from playing.

    Even worse thing is that the game is cooperative sandbox! So imagine you want to roleplay 4 sunken pirate ghost with your friends for which you need 4 people with the set! You might be lucky to have the items, but your friends weren't playing at time, or have only the ship parts, so now you can't play the game with them and you have to find someone else, or play other games with them instead where the roleplaying options are less unforgiving.

    Many players play games to roleplay to some extent (even something like making the character you like is part of roleplaying mindset - btw. almost uninstalled the game the second I saw the character creation process in this one) and to have a good experience you might need certain vanity items. If you miss the best in slot items for your vision, the experience is damaged and with enough holes in the hull you might let the game sink to the bottom of the sea.

  • @surveyorpete I mean, you go on adventures and do voyages to receive gold or doubloons.
    With said currency if you have enough you can buy cosmetics.. the more gold you have the more you can progress through the shops inventory.
    The same way you have to progress through the trading companies to unlock there cosmetics.
    Or progress through the commendations to unlock the requirements for the certain limited timed cosmetics.

    For me and my friends that’s the games primary progression system. But everyone approaches these things different.

    Also please don’t tell me how I should be allowed to enjoy a game, people approach games in different ways and I think it’s pretty rude to tell me to leave because I have a different chain of thought to yourself. And thank you for correcting my grammar I’m dyslexic and it’s something I struggle with and my phone isn’t much of a help. So I appreciate you stepping in, I’m sure it wasn’t to patronise me or anything at all :)

  • I posted something similar in another thread, and another thread, but it should fit here as well...

    @archangel-timmy said in Sea of thieves hurts itself by making content limted time and then gone forever.....:

    I posted something similar in another thread, but it should fit here as well...
    Event Exclusive items - Possibility to obtain after event:

    I have mixed feelings about this.
    New players have no way of completing the Bone Crusher or Wailing Barnacle, which kind of sucks. However, I was here during the battle against the Warsmith and her fellow captains to defend the Sea of Thieves while the new players weren't.
    Now that the Skelleons roam the sea's, I could see the possibility of these coming back in some variation for defeating the Skeleton Fleets or many of the individual Skeleton Crews. These variations would match the other items in the set but still be distinct from the original.
    I also like they idea of them appearing randomly in a Seapost and locked until you have the specific commendations, and if the original cost doubloons, so should the variant.

    People who were here during these events deserve the unique stuff that comes with it, but I think variants would be a good idea to allow for set completion. With the Skeleton Fleets defeated in the Cursed Sails event, perhaps a more tattered form of Bone Crusher livery can become available for defeating the remnants that currently sail around? A more patched up sail, the figurehead could have a cannonball hole with the jaw hanging down or gone completely while the hull also looks more worn. It would match the Bone Crusher Theme, but be different than the original reward.

    Something similar could be done for the Wailing Barnacle livery. The outfits are a bit more challenging aside from making them available again straight away.

  • I am fine with cosmetics being locked away after events. If I didn't play during the allotted time, its on me. However, what Rare could do is take a lesson from TF2, when it comes to the Gibus.

    Background, the gibus is a slightly broken top hat that came out during the earlier Halloween events. Every year players can get that first gibus every Halloween, BUT every year that first gibus in your inventory evolves into a slightly more complex version. So on top of having the hat (Gibus) you get a Ghastlier Gibus as well. The old players still get to keep that unique item and new players aren't left out as much.

    So lets take the Wailing Barnacle set as an example. New players get the Wailing barnacle on their first time during the event, but old players set in their inventory become the Screeching Barnacle. Its the standard Wailing Barnacle set but with gold mermaid like embroidery. New players get the set, but old players get a better set.

  • @denisowator said in Bring back all limited time items:

    content available to everyone at all time = everyone is happy

    Nope. People that obtained them in time will not going to be happy. That's why they're called "TIME LIMITED". Now, they could come back with some changes and some variations.

    Since this game has no micro-transactions...

    It will have microtransactions. Pets are going to be mtx.

  • @eggamer13

    content available to everyone at all time = everyone is happy

    It's important to make a distinction here.

    Gameplay content sshould be available for everyone at all times. Cosmetic/vanity content can be time limited and doesn't need to return.

  • I see the timed exclusives have done their work.

    You clearly want them and because you don't want to miss them now you're going to play the game at the times the cosmetics are going to be active right?? No?? Then you're just not getting the point of timed exclusive items.

    I've not played at launch day I've not pre-ordered. I'm also not mad that I don't have the black dog set. I wasn't there to pre-order because I didn't set aside the money at that time so I won't get it. I also don't have or get the founders sails, too bad.

    I do have all the items I could get from events because I did them and I rarely use them because I personally don't like them (aside from the ship cosmetics)

    So my advice for you is to learn from your mistakes, either keep playing regularly if you don't want to miss out at all or if you don't want to keep some dubloons handy and check up on the game's cosmetics every now and then and you won't miss the ones you want.

  • @ajm123 said in Bring back all limited time items:

    How would that be fair to people who got the launch crew sniper or day one eyepatch

    Absolutely. On that point, though...I've always kicked myself over that green-bottle Eye of Reach. It was there when I joined the game, but I didn't realize it was something special so I didn't buy it right away. Then it was gone. I so regret not buying that item when I had the chance! Drat!

    The only other thing I've really missed was the original Throne Event outfit, the skeleton bone hat and dress. They didn't appeal to me at the time, so I passed on them and saved my doubloons. I didn't realize they'd kick off a whole line of bone-themed cosmetics. I've never been hurting for doubloons, so I missed out big time. Hindsight is 20/20, but I learned my lesson and have purchased every Bilge Rat Adventure limited-time cosmetic ever since.

    It just goes to show, you can't win them all. Time-limited means time-limited. Having unique/limited cosmetics is a great reward in a game like this. Taking away the exclusivity of such items would hurt all of us in the long run.

  • @genuine-heather Have you tried making a ticket for getting the launch crew EOR with Rare? They have been quite leniant about these kinds of things and they can see that you have played and who knows not everyone checks twitter to see if items will dissapear.

  • The point of all the time limited items is to tell a story about what your pirate has seen and done. They are a visual representation of your accomplishments and contribution to the world.

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