Should rare remove the Rainbow Flag?

  • I think it should because anything political-related should be left out of every game.

    Also whats a good discord server for finding crews

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  • Whats this about?

    Its just a rainbow flag... A flag with rainbow colours.

    Yes it's being used by certain organisations. But this doesnt mean the rainbow flag is there for political purposes!

    There is a yellow flag and sail. U know in France there is BIG demonstration and they all wear yellow. Now this yellow flag and sail should be removed because some organisation uses it for something political?

    Also there is green! but green is the colour code for weed! RARE stop advertising drugs! remove the green from the game.

    We continue more?

    A lot would be solved if people would stop putting their
    associations on stuff...

  • How is something that's been culturally accepted since the 90's something that's political?

    Is having female characters also a political thing to you?

    Go back to the dark-ages you!

  • Its a cloth flag, I could care less. Its only political if you make it political. Why does it matter if its in this game or not? Hell, if they wanted every flag known in existence on this game, who cares? Here's the thing, I'm going to attempt to sink ya'll regardless, cause thats who I am. I am an equal opportunist sinker. From child to senior, age makes no difference.


  • @what-zit-tooyya

    Ahoy there, if you're looking for fleets and discords, we have the official discord here:

    And a specific category on the forums where fleets do advertise -

    As for the rainbow flag, we had some very heated discussions some time ago when this was introduced, which can likely be found in the archives.

    As a reminder we do have a several forum rules which would govern discussions around this topic which everyone should be aware of -

  • I had my opinion on this at the time, but it's done and anybody who has an issue with it needs to just get over themselves.

  • @hynieth It shouldn't be encouraged though. I don't see people encouraging schizophrenia

  • @what-zit-tooyya

    Ahoy there, as previously mentioned, there are a number of rules covering discussions of this nature including the following -

    Political & Religious Discussion
    Due to the sensitive nature of discussion, Political and religious discussion is not permitted in the Sea of Thieves community.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    As such I'll close this one down now.

  • @PURE-Rare Please refrain from making political or religious statements on the forums, as it is against our forum rules. Your post has been removed accordingly.

    Political & Religious Discussion
    Due to the sensitive nature of discussion, Political and religious discussion is not permitted in the Sea of Thieves community. Discussions of this nature will result in the topic being deleted and the creator warned. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • Due to multiple violations of the forum rules already taking place in this thread, we are going to lock it up. As a reminder to all, please review the forum rules before posting.

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