What Cused Sails is Adding, Plus Speculation

  • Avast Maties!
    Ahoy lads & lasses, as you all know the Cursed Sails content update is coming July 31.
    Cursed Skails

    But what do we know for sure about the update?
    Well Mate, I'll tell ya what's been confirmed:

    • Skeleton Ships (AI controlled Ships)
    • The Brigantine (3 player ship)
    • Alliances (A method for Players to work together more concretely)
    • Cursed Cannon Balls (Cannon Balls which cause certain effects on impact)
    • Skeleton Ship Boss (Much like the Hunger One boss from THD)
    • More Ship Customisation (Such as: Customisable Cannons & Anchor wheel)

    Now most of you already knew most of those things, but did ye know about the New customization items for ships?
    Such as the Cannons & Anchor wheel?
    Cannon Customisable
    (Sorry about the def)
    As you can see in the picture, the Brigantine has non standard looking Cannons and Anchor wheel.
    Meaning will be getting customizable Cannons and Anchor Wheels in this content update, plus all that other cool stuff I mentioned.
    And as for my speculation:

    • Possible new instrument (Fiddle or Banjo)
    • Possible new Skeleton Enemy Type
    • Possible Customisation items for the Captain's Wheel
    • Possible New Loot items
    • Possible new voyages (Like Crab quests for the Merchant Alliance)
    • And there's been talk from the Pirate times about Salty’s new “killer item and business partner”, it could be a possible New weapon and shop keeper.

    Well, as you can see from all the confirmed content for this update, it'll be way bigger than The Hungering Deep was.
    The Hungering Deep
    All it added was:

    • Megalodon
    • Flags
    • Speaking Trumpet
    • Drum
    • Scars and Tattoos

    Anyways Maties, let me know about anything I missed and are you excited for Cursed Sails?
    Until then, I'll see you on July 31 when those devilish Fiends show up!
    Ship on ship

  • 19
  • Disappointment inc.

  • i didn't notice the unique cannons and anchor. that's awesome ❤ thanks for the info!

  • @maquark No problem mate!

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Well done matey!

    But you forget the most intriguing thing: Salty will have a new item in his store with a new business partner!

    He informs the Pirate Times that after many months spent seeking a 'killer' item to sell, he's found something special that will surprise new and old customers alike. Salty even has a new business partner, but is keeping details quiet until it's time to make a splash.

    It has been highlighted in the second issue of The Pirate Times.

    Can't wait to see what it is and all the new additions!

    Cheers :D

  • @skulliah
    Well, good thing you reminded me about that, thanks mate!
    I could put it into the main post...

  • @sgt-palooggoo of course, edit it if you want :)


  • @sgt-palooggoo u should def put Salty’s new “killer item and business partner” in the post

  • @skulliah & @Flippin-Loud, I've edited it to include Salty’s new stuff now.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Oh, I also forgot that one: hair color customisation options? It's not confirmed if it will be included in Cursed Sails but they're working on it!

  • @skulliah
    Hmmmm, could be worth putting in, though hair color customization might be in the up coming update this week.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Aye, didn't think they could add that in a patch but why not?

    Anyway, you forgot also in THD: ship sails/hull/figureheads, scars, tattoos, legendary dresses :P and I'm sure we'll see at least one scar and tattoo in Cursed Sails and... perhaps some Pirate Legend stuffs! (fingers crossed)

    Aye, I've finished this time hahaha


  • @skulliah
    Oh yeah I forgot about those!

  • I wonder what kind of Character cosmetics this one will be adding?

  • Oh great... An update that will take all the fun out of sailing solo due to the skeleton's pin-point precision...

  • that trailer is fun,skellies sailin like a typical random crew :D

  • @drummerzone said in What Cused Sails is Adding, Plus Speculation:

    Oh great... An update that will take all the fun out of sailing solo due to the skeleton's pin-point precision...

    Don't worry, I feel the server will only be able to handle 2 Skeleton Ships, so they won't be very numerous.
    But that's just my opinion, nothing has been confirmed for the Skeleton Ships numbers yet.

    @weedstar-deluxe said in What Cused Sails is Adding, Plus Speculation:

    that trailer is fun,skellies sailin like a typical random crew :D

    Yeah, that was fun, ironically Falcore's documentary on noobs came out on the same day.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Fun post :) The only thing I'm going to say is don't put too much stock in Rare's screenshots/art. We've seen plenty of art that still hasn't made it into the game. In fact, the Banjo-Kazooie figurehead has been around for AGES and only just made it into the game.

    But, here's to hoping! :)

  • The skelly got a nice Dagger, do we get them?

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