Does That Count As Cheating?

  • @sir-rhavi
    How did you come up with those 2 statements from me saying most pc players have a gaming mouse with extra programmable buttons whereas most xbox players use the bog standard controllers?

  • @rk1-turbulence said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @sir-rhavi my c****y Logitech doesn't have macros...

    If you had downloaded the driver & accompaning software that the box tells you to instead of just plugging it in, you would =)

  • @sir-rhavi said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @rk1-turbulence said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @sir-rhavi my c****y Logitech doesn't have macros...

    If you had downloaded the driver & accompaning software that the box tells you to instead of just plugging it in, you would =)

    Is that the case even for the cheap models? Guess I'll have to check that out.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    How did you come up with those 2 statements from me saying most pc players have a gaming mouse with extra programmable buttons whereas most xbox players use the bog standard controllers?

    How did you come up with the arguement that most PC users have fancy gaming peripherals? I know a few people who use a c****y Dell mouse for the past 10 years, the damn thing refuses to break and the stingy user refuses to replace it.

    Point is, I see tons of people here complaining about how PCs have it better one way or another (even as far as saying PC players sail faster...) because when we wanted a gaming machine we went for a PC, and they went for a Console. Price isnt the arguement anymore, Ryzen 5 2400g machines being the same price as an Xbox one X and all, yet you never see us complain that my mouse cord doesnt reach all the way to my couch, and that xbox players have it easier because they get to lay back on a couch.

    Controllers were a choice, you made yours, i made mine. Do I think macros are OK? Meh. Games usually take this into consideration and add say, an animation for switching weapons before you can shoot, and other things. I could use the macro, but hitting the 2 key and clicking again is almost as fast, so why bother.

  • @rk1-turbulence said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @sir-rhavi said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @rk1-turbulence said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @sir-rhavi my c****y Logitech doesn't have macros...

    If you had downloaded the driver & accompaning software that the box tells you to instead of just plugging it in, you would =)

    Is that the case even for the cheap models? Guess I'll have to check that out.

    I could be wrong, and im not home to test it, but on the logitech software, the hardware list is pretty huge, and I only recall them having like, 4-5 of the high end mice models, and i know it recongizes my laptop's small wireless mouse.

  • So to get the topic back on topic. Some people may feel it is unfair. However, it is not cheating to use a hardware provided tool. Macros are not automated because they still require a button press to execute so it is not an automation program. Enjoy!

  • @gunnerdk
    Haha, yes i know i'm very opinionated & argumentative, but this is something i do feel strongly about. I do try & be polite & respectful, but people can tend to push my buttons sometimes ;)
    The last thing i want to happen is to 'split' the playerbase, i would also much rather see parity between the systems (or as close as possible) but i fear that'll never be the case.
    To even think its possible that you can balance a controller against a mouse & keyboard is just dream. It's been tried in numerous games numerous times & is always a resounding failure, hence why all other crossplay games have the option to opt out.
    Look at it this way, would you play a 2 player game against someone if they start with 3 lives & you start with 2? No, because you would automatically deem that as unfair.
    Or would you play an online mildly competitve game with a mouse that only had RMB working?
    That's how i feel when i play on xbox as i know i am at a disadvantage against most pc playes

  • As for the shoot switch shoot. A skilled Xbox user can trigger just as fast....I personally don't use macros, but, I saw that shoot macro and made it. Showed my buddy who is on xbox, and he had almost he same speed as the macro did. He triggered swap triggered. But damn near lightning fast. Yes pressing 1 button is e z street, but, with his skill he pulls it off on his own.
    The key to the strat for both macro and controller is you don't zoom in. You just no scope both guns

  • @dubhaze93 since all the macro is doing is pressing the buttons in order, perfectly timed, it is not considered cheating by most companies and is part of gaming.

  • @dubhaze93 imo its not cheating but its one of the lot of advantage pc have on xbox players ... 1 on 20 ^^

  • @logansdadtoo said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @mrgrim67686 @Sir-Rhavi
    But most xbox players do not own a modded/macro/turbo controller, whereas most PC gamers do own a gaming mouse with macro capabilities.

    Just saying they're available. It's not like PC has a lock on this stuff. Easier access and more widespread, definitely.

  • @zalavaaris said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @themustamissed said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @dubhaze93 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    I have a question. If you have a "gaming mouse" for example, you can set macros. Like: You can set a macro, if you push down one butten, the macro plays through and its like you would press 10x F or R but it need less then a second and that only with one sigle button press. Now here's my question: You can set these kind of macros in your device tool (Logitech Gaming Software, Razer Synapse, Corsair Utility Engine... and so on...). So... Technically its a third party program... Does that count as cheating if you use this kind of macros? I hope you know what I mean ^^ BTW: I'm not doing it! I'm just curious. Maybe a @Deckhands or someone could tell me about that?

    This right here is why Xbox needs a opt out of cross play. I know you pc players don't wanna lose your easy kills, but if you're on an XBox you can't even come close to this. At this point the only real reason to NOT allow the opt out is because of easy kills.

    I'm sure there is a thread dedicated to that topic that doesn't hijack this one.

    Oh get over yourself, I am not hijacking this thread kiddo.

  • @zalavaaris said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    So to get the topic back on topic. Some people may feel it is unfair. However, it is not cheating to use a hardware provided tool. Macros are not automated because they still require a button press to execute so it is not an automation program. Enjoy!

    Spin it how ever you need to but if he can press one button and do 10 times the work is not an even playing field. Keep on though man, so far so good.....

  • @freecellqt I get what you are trying to say. Generally the rule is, if you have to open another software to bind keys and the like, it is a frownable offense.

    That is the rule in every online game I have ever played. If the settings menu in the game doesn't allow you to do it, it shouldn't be done.

  • game companies can ban you for software macros, but they cannot ban you for hardware macros like razer keyboards or mice. i personally use the razer 4 piece, headset mic kb and mousepad, and i can safely say that theres no concern with hardware macros, both legally and detection.

    theres nothing even in this game that would benefit from a macro, unless tapping to pick up cannonballs is too hard for someone, which i doubt.

  • @themustamissed said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @zalavaaris said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @themustamissed said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @dubhaze93 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    I have a question. If you have a "gaming mouse" for example, you can set macros. Like: You can set a macro, if you push down one butten, the macro plays through and its like you would press 10x F or R but it need less then a second and that only with one sigle button press. Now here's my question: You can set these kind of macros in your device tool (Logitech Gaming Software, Razer Synapse, Corsair Utility Engine... and so on...). So... Technically its a third party program... Does that count as cheating if you use this kind of macros? I hope you know what I mean ^^ BTW: I'm not doing it! I'm just curious. Maybe a @Deckhands or someone could tell me about that?

    This right here is why Xbox needs a opt out of cross play. I know you pc players don't wanna lose your easy kills, but if you're on an XBox you can't even come close to this. At this point the only real reason to NOT allow the opt out is because of easy kills.

    I'm sure there is a thread dedicated to that topic that doesn't hijack this one.

    Oh get over yourself, I am not hijacking this thread kiddo.

    The thread was about whether using a macro is cheating. You turned it into pc advantage vs console as well as a conversation on crossplay. There are threads already talking about that. And then you call me kiddo when I was trying to keep it on topic. I'm sorry you're upset but you were kind of hijacking the thread to turn it into something it's not. And again, some people see Macros as cheating but it can't officially be cheating because nothing is automated and they wouldn't be able to enforce any rules banning macros if they wanted to.

    Sorry you're so mad, it wasn't my intention to provoke you via the internet

  • @dubhaze93 In an attempt to get this thread back on topic.

    I would say no, it's not a cheat to use macros.

    I don't use any myself but now I think I will for that one purpose that is really annoying and clumsy. Although it doesn't come along as frequent as I would like, filling banana crates is just bad by design.
    I'm not sot sure how it is for Xbox but this is the PC format of filling a crate.

    Look at banana crate.
    Hit R to look inside banana crate
    Hit F to store a banana. x5
    Esc from crate menu.
    Look at banana barrel
    Hit F x5
    Rinse and repeat the whole process x 10

    The same goes for planks and cannon ball crates.
    Macros would help in such tedious tasks.

    I can't understand why we can't simply have the crate menu change when placed next to the respective barrel.

    • Fill crate from barrel
    • Empty crate into barrel.

    It could be a realistic timed even, just less wear and tear on keys and buttons.
    And most of all, one less mind numbing aspect of the game that could easily be rectified.

  • Right that’s it! My kids can have my Xbox! “Hello, is this pc part picker?, Great can I order a pre made gaming pc please!

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @tuukkatl said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @dubhaze93 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    Its just one of many advantages of PC. If you take all advantages away, this game will be ruined for PC players. Why should you play on PC when you can't use the advantages of playing on PC? So there is no "really" good reason to count that under cheating or "banable cheating".

    Because it's an unfair advantage. PC has already enough advantage in form of lightning fast movement, faster aiming, better performance in some places ( like black screen after death, or so I've heard). There is a reason why rust bans for it, and why overwatch bans for it.

    I hope everyone using these things will be banned. Not sure if I mentioned it already, but I play on PC. know they sell modded controllers with macros too, right?

    No, I wasn't aware of these being thing that exists.

  • @tuukkatl Ah. Modded controllers have been a thing for awhile now. Popular with the COD 360 no-scope trickshot tryhard crowd. They can be altered and programmed with any macros for any game you see fit though, depending on the company. Most are centered around FPS games and battle royale games. Limited by the number of inputs of course. Far less input choices from a controller when compared to a keyboard where you can bind a macro to any key.

    They're pretty expensive too so there's another bar for entry. It just seems ... not fun for me to use c**p like that.

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @tuukkatl Ah. Modded controllers have been a thing for awhile now. Popular with the COD 360 no-scope trickshot tryhard crowd. They can be altered and programmed with any macros for any game you see fit though, depending on the company. Most are centered around FPS games and battle royale games. Limited by the number of inputs of course. Far less input choices from a controller when compared to a keyboard where you can bind a macro to any key.

    They're pretty expensive too so there's another bar for entry. It just seems ... not fun for me to use c**p like that.

    I had no idea you could get these things. I wonder if they have a way to monitor these controllers, at least in rust and overwatch they can see if you are using macros or mouse scripts, which is nice, because then less people use them.

    I've never seen the appeal of using those things. Much more rewarding to do everything by hand, feels better when you succeed ;)

  • they have been selling controllers with modded input since the sega genesis. i remember a madkatz controller i had that i could program MK fatalities into.

    hardware macros are not and will never be against the rules, and in fact most of these companies, including microsoft, are partnered with companies like razer, so they would never ban use of their products.

  • @lowbei That's odd because most come with this selling point: "Undetectable on XBOX Live (100% online safe)". You are correct they have been in play for a long time. I just don't know the rules governing them. Never been compelled to use one myself.

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    @lowbei That's odd because most come with this selling point: "Undetectable on XBOX Live (100% online safe)". You are correct they have been in play for a long time. I just don't know the rules governing them. Never been compelled to use one myself.

    right. they say that because if they dont, people will think they can get banned for it.

    they are 100% correct in their online safe statement, they are simply stating it in a way that will be acceptable by people who think they are doing it to get an advantage.

  • @lowbei Ah. Gotcha.

    So again to the OP, macros are a thing everywhere. It's not just PC, trust me.

  • @kailmenoke to ring the bell like crazy

  • Macros for quick swapping weapons and firing is complete garbage. Why should someone be banned for doing something which is inferior to normal play? Literally makes no sense.

    The delay between firing - swap - firing is long enough that it would result in a massive loss in accuracy, then just manually swapping yourself and firing when you are certain you hit. Honestly, if you are so mechanically impaired that you are incapable of doing this, and somehow believe a macro for it is in any way "good", you should seriously consider sticking to clicker games like Skipper & Skeeto.

  • @lenny2k3 said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    Macros for quick swapping weapons and firing is complete garbage. Why should someone be banned for doing something which is inferior to normal play? Literally makes no sense.

    The delay between firing - swap - firing is long enough that it would result in a massive loss in accuracy, then just manually swapping yourself and firing when you are certain you hit. Honestly, if you are so mechanically impaired that you are incapable of doing this, and somehow believe a macro for it is in any way "good", you should seriously consider sticking to clicker games like Skipper & Skeeto.

    He must be an xbox player getting salty over something he can't do

  • The short answer is yes. There's no technically about it, using third party software to create a script to give you an unfair advantage is bannable.

    Using the program on your mouse to click multiple times is using a script, therefore scripting by definition with the use of a third party program. If you're caught doing it, it's bannable, the same as if I used any other third party program and used a script to impact the game.

  • I'm a PC player, and I know that using macros gets you banned from many games, and yes to me it seems like cheating that is why I never use macros in games.

    Honestly though I don't care if other people use them when they aren't against the games TOS.

  • @dubhaze93 macros are fine as long as its not spamming keys multiple times within a fraction of a second

  • @zalavaaris
    By that reckoning Lag Switches would be ok as well then!!
    'It is not cheating to use a hardware tool'
    Lag Switches are not automated & still require a switch/button press.

  • @dubhaze93
    I would definitely class Macros as cheating.
    Using hardware or software Macros should be bannable.
    It gives the user an unfair advantage over others = cheating.

  • @logansdadtoo
    Thats what it is... It DOESN'T give someone an advantage. Everyone can buy a cheap gaming mouse or a modded controller. Everyone here has chosen their device (PC or XBOX). For example: You made the decision to play on XBOX... Thats great... But it was your choice, so you have to deal with the disadvantages. If your decision falls down to play on a PC... Thats also great, so you can use the advantages of a PC. So simple is that (at least in my opinion).

    I mean... In the end its not that "kind" of third party program... Its just the driver for the device (keyboard or mouse). I get your point that you see it as unfair. But I don't really see that point, because I would just use one of the (put any number here) advantages I have as a PC player.

    I really would appreciate a @Rare-Employee or a @Deckhands could say something to this :/ All your answer in honor. But this is all speculation. No one here, except RARE, DEFINITELY knows if it counts as bannable cheating or not.

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