Harpoon, climbing and abseiling

  • Hey, I was playing with a friend when we went to a crane event on a Fortress on which the access used to be hard. Lots of rocks; and only "one entrance".

    We did use the harpoon from the ship to maintain it close to the rocks when we had this following idea :

    "What if the harpoon could be used as a rope, in order to Climb or Abseil 90° rocks?"

    This would add a funny and useful mechanic on both practical and sneaky plays.
    Plus, we could also use it to reach other people's ship after we harpooned it, simply by sticking and moving on the rope!

    What do you guys think of this?

  • 13
  • I like it

  • I imagine coding and animating it would be quite difficult, especially since said rope isn't even considered a solid object.

  • I'd love to be able to harpoon my ship to an island and shinny up the rope or zipline back down it.

  • Yeah I've also had the idea when doing one of the higer up forts, we usually drop the supplies on a ledge and harpoon them down, but why not shoot it higher up. And have the ability to interact with the rope to have the loot absail down, or even giving this ability to players.

    So Yeah I support this Idea. If it would work upwards it might trivialise skeleton thrones and some tall tales however :-)

  • Exactly, the idea is mainly to add a new dimension onto sneaky approaches; and PVP aswell, as pirate used to jump from a ship to another using "ropes" (or whatever it is called).

    As for PVP on fortresses, coming from the opposites sides of the Beach, climbing the rocks with the harpoon would be kinda a surprise to the ennemies;

    But as some of you say, indeed, it might be difficult to implement this on the game as the harpoon's rope isn't a "solid" object yet.

  • @shadpierre @Galactic-Geek
    Its the same with ppl wanting to walk the harpoon rope like a tightrope. This seems like alot of work to develop and get the physics right.
    I would love to see both off these happen tho. It would add so much to the game

  • I have to laugh. The word abseil really exists in English? So funny, thankfully I had no coffee in my mouth.

    I really like your idea. I think you need a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle and use both hands, as far as I remember.
    Maybe you can attach a treasure to the rope and let it glide down the rope.

    Beautiful idea.

    PS: Where can I find the rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle? Need to find the Voodoo Ladie at Mojo Island.

  • @nwo-azcrack > @shadpierre @Galactic-Geek

    Its the same with ppl wanting to walk the harpoon rope like a tightrope. This seems like alot of work to develop and get the physics right.
    I would love to see both off these happen tho. It would add so much to the game

    Couldn't it be just an animation? If you stand near the rope and klick B the animation will abseil you? I am no developper :)=) and just ask.

    PS: I beg your pardon, I love this word, is there an opposite to abseil? In German: abseilen is downwards, aufseilen is upwards.

  • @goedecke-michel
    I really dont think it should be that easy.
    Lets say you wanna harpoon someone then walk across to their ship.
    Maybe do it like old school games where you have to press left and right to keep your balance.
    Sliding down it or shimmy up could be simple animation like the ladders now

  • @nwo-azcrack what if you can't walk it. If you needed an uphill or downhill gradient to abseil? Let's say you wanted to install the abseiling, then the condition for starting the animation would be that you can only start it from the higher end of the rope.

    Just my 2 cts for a cheap trick.

  • @nwo-azcrack @Goedecke-Michel I used to think it was impossible to have masts break but they managed to do that too. So I'm optimistic, as for how, just have the Line from the harpoon gun behave like a ladder. Same animation (if you want to do it on the cheap) or limit it to going down and sending stuff down (sort of teleport like it is now when you get hit with the harpoon).

  • @hynieth Yes, they managed to have to masts breakable. So, i'm confident with their abilites to make the harpoon's rope a solid object. Even if they've got to make new animation for our character or treasures to use it; I'm pretty sure they can do it.

    Also, I wouldn't be upset if this animation is basical, just as the ones which make you clim ladders; that would still be a good start.

6 out of 13