I finally completed Tall Tales!

  • What a rush! I absolutely love this addition and I can't wait for more in future.

    I ran mostly solo, doing each tale at least once on my own and many of the five runs for some of them entirely solo (not bragging, just wanting to point out they can be done alone (ok, I'm bragging a little)).

    Now I guess it's back to fishing and chasing those other pesky commendations.

    Good luck out there everyone!

  • 14
  • @luciansanchez82
    Aye congrats matey!!
    Doing these 5 times was no hassle, really loved it.
    Just need the broken commendations fixed so me mateys and I won't be showing 84/85... I'm sure they'll get around to it :)

    Looking forward to TT2 already

  • Well done!

  • @piratecraggy I won't pretend to not have suffered the odd frustration - usually due to my own foolishness! All in all, absolutely fantastic stories that were told really well told (Wild Rose broke my heart a little!)

    I'm also suffering the same bug. But I have all the items so am happy with that!

    Cheers matey!

  • ¡Ahoy matey!

    Congrats for completing the journey!


  • Congrats Matey!
    The gold looks good on you.

  • @eggamer13 And to thee I doth my cap, good sir/madam.

  • @hynieth said in I finally completed Tall Tales!:

    Congrats Matey!
    The gold looks good on you.

    Aww thanks! (I'm blushing beneath this curse).

  • Congratulations Mr LucianSanchez82, it must be a real good feeling to fullfill the Journey to the Shores of Gold...Great Work and wear that Gold with Pride, Sir.

  • @clumsy-george Thanks matey! It’s a wonderful feeling that leaves me wanting more! I wear my curse with pride, though I feel the gold controls me more than I control it...

  • Way ta go!

  • Since your bragging I'll brag a little 2

    I finished all the TT commendations a week and a half after release

  • @kin-h4chi That's excellent work! I've been on and off the game quite a bit over the past month or so. So it took me a little while longer to get through them all.

  • @luciansanchez82

    As long as u enjoyed them it doesn't matter. Unless your a friend of mine I shame her for slacking

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