That other Game... I'm sure you've heard of it.

  • Oooooo... is going all Pirate for Season 8 apparently.
    Never played it myself... any good? :)

  • 22
  • Uhm....Nope

  • @clumsy-george said in That other Game... I'm sure you've heard of it.:


    As I thought Mr George! ... lol
    Haven't played it before, don't think I'm overly tempted now :)

  • @piratecraggy Yes it is a good game, although it’s far more popular to hate on something what is successful then be happy for it I guess. Just like when it was popular to hate on Sea it Thieves, I mean they broke countless records and there game is a worldwide household name so they clearly done something right.

    I for one am looking forward to it and am intrigued to see there unique spin on pirates, they normally always find a way of putting a unique twist or mechanic in place.
    And to make it better everyone had the chance to get that battle pass for free, I believe you still do.
    Should be fun!

    I would give it a go, you might like it. Imagine if someone told you Sea Of Thieves wasn’t worth it and you took there word for it.

  • @knifelife

    I might do, think I've been put off a little re. the hype & all.
    Not really traditionally the type of game I have been into myself in the past.
    But if I have a spare moment, or fancy dipping my toe, I may download it... nothing to lose.
    Never to late, to experience something... and to be fair possibly enjoy it.

  • @PirateCraggy

  • Damn it, i guess both my kids will be wanting this latest update..

    They both love to play Fortnite, and both have SOT on their xboxes but have played once and never again.. This might be a good way of getting people into pirates and experiencing other pirate'y adventures.

  • @needsmokes There’s some challenges out currently, maybe a day or two left. If they complete them they will get it for free.

    So tell them to get cracking haha

  • I do not play it or any of the clone of clone of a clone Battle Royale games. No need or desire to climb a prepubescent pyramid. People say they are also the ultimate spectator “e-sport”. Video games are not a sport. Better to watch real sports. Way better to play real sports or video games, especially better ones. They are simply window dressing for micro transactions using psychology in some of the most negative ways, even weaponizing the lure of cash shops, against their customers. The behind the curtain corporate strategy in these companys is very predatory.

    Battle Royale are very hollow and shallow games without all the constant senseless player killing to see one’s name rise on a ladder. This fad and mobile games in general have made video game developers lazy. So many are churning out nothing but the same type of games which are very empty, unpolished, unfinished ones just to prop up a cash shop.

    The Arena mode could end up being the same sort of thing, except that ship may have already sailed. Which is a good thing. Rare needs to remember what their game is and why most people play it and it is not to turn it into their version of one of these games.

  • @PirateCraggy Battle Royale / Arena games not really my thing but everyone i know who plays it seems like it.

  • @piratecraggy Yes! It looks really promising, I have played the game for quite a long time and it was very difficult in the beginning. It took me some months to become like an average player. It is not your typical third person shooter like PUBG because most players are build fighting. You will know what I mean if you watch a gameplay of a pro player if you don't want to try the game for yourself.

  • @biostructr

    It's definitely part of it, I've watched a fair bit whether streamed or from youtube. And to be honest, to me it's a little intimidating if you know what I mean.
    I guess what I'm saying is that I haven't been much into, for the want of a better term "competitive match-play".
    I'm sure it's a lot of fun, but for me I don't think I would even be as good as average.

    I might give it a go sometime... don't think it's going anywhere... there's a lot of sailing to do, and I've a few half finished games I must get back to. :)

  • @piratecraggy Yes I know that it might be intimidating if you meet those players that already made a skyscraper before you even place some structures. I also have some sailing to do, especially in pioneers :) so I haven't played the game that much, I usually play a lot when new seasons are introduced. I have the pass to the max and got most of the items from events as well that's why I waiting for new stuff to drop before playing again. I have always been a competitive player so I take most of the games really serious when it comes to stats and everithing.

  • @piratecraggy No :(

  • As much as this aforementioned title is not my cup of tea, i did play the entirety of season 1 but not been back since then.
    Imo it's fun to watch but less so for me to play. Some of the highlights are extremely funny as well as creative and skillful in execution and that i appreciate.
    The Pirate Cosmetics may just pull me in for a week or two's Filthy Casual play just to check it out.

  • I've watched it on Twitch enough to know it doesn't appeal to me. At all. If I were going to try that style of game, I think Apex Legends looks far more interesting. Basically the same thing, though. It all seems like pointless, empty PvP to me.

  • @piratecraggy they're ripping off sea of thieves with the pirate stuff

  • @x-crowheart-x
    Those that say Battle Royale is the ultimate spectator sport are morons. That being said E-sports in general doesn't get the respect it deserves. Other E-Sports out there like DOTA, Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Smash, or even Starcraft have huge followings with wider viewing then the NFL Superbowl. They even have prize pools in the millions.

    E-sports may not be physically demanding like sports, but their is a strong mental game, with just as much practice to perfect their play. That and the amount of strategy that goes into these games is massive.

    I mean you will always get those people who chime in with the argument "Wouldn't you rather play then watch?" My response is, what's stopping you from throwing a football, or kicking a soccer ball? People just like watching things their are interested in.

    Question to you, do you consider chess a sport?

  • @nabberwar said in That other Game... I'm sure you've heard of it.:

    Question to you, do you consider chess a sport?

    Nice question! The answer to such a questions is going to vary depending on the definition of what a sport is. It is a board game. Just like video games are forms of games. Hockey, soccer, football, basketball are games as well. Does just being a game make it a sport? Does the requirements that go into the activity make it a sport? Does the spectator factor make games a sport?

    There is an undeniable amount of entertainment in top level chess and yes video games. Many would say that high entertainment value of watching a competition makes chess or video games a sport. Chess and video games can include competition between two or more opponents that requires extreme physical, mental, and emotional strain. Many use this activity demand to justify many things as a sport.

    My answer comes more from a philosophical point of view and a traditional ideal of what a sport is. Chess is a board game. Video games are another form of board games. I would not call or make equivalent a chess player as an athlete or a champion of an "e-sport" as an Olympic gold medalist.

    There is recognition, honor, and respect to be had for the level of accomplishment that some game players can achieve. However, they should not be turned into the traditional sense of a superior athlete. Does not have to take away the idea that someone is a champion at a particular type of board game or video game. They are in their own right a separate form of a competitor, but being a competitor does not necessary make one an athlete or mean you are playing a sport.

  • It's just a theme for a totally different video game. Will everything "Pirates" now be a lead into "OOOhhhhhhh what do SoT players think of THIS pirate thing?".

  • @needsmokes Haha good luck with that.

    My lads the same, hard to drag him away from Fortnite.

    Did manage to get him in the seas last week for an hr or two and he actually enjoyed it. Was shocked at the megladon and skele ships. Alas he’s back in the Fortnite zone. Oh well..

  • Maybe video games need something like this: Chess Boxing

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