Wonder what else will be coming

  • All of the talk about the cross play stuff I think is drowning out the real question. What else is coming? Joe said they had a couple of other surprises they hadn't talked about.

    I have a feeling that these will actually be some pretty big and more ground shaking things then having the ability to toggle cross play on off. Specially seeing as how they have made sure to tell every body about this re-download for almost a month now and he is going to be flying and doing Xbox Wire to reveal the changes to that show while Drew does the same on the normal developer update?

    Sounds like they are trying to make sure everyone is aware and then be able to spread the information to as much people as possible and on two separate platforms.

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  • I'm exited about this too mate. I'm looking on the internet everyday to see if there's new content announced. Like a new part of the map, new ships, new lore/enemies, pets or something that would make the game even better. But all I can find is heated discussions about this cross platform thing (not true, but you know what I mean). It would be nice if Rare would announce a road map like they did in 2018. That way you can convince your friends to play this as well (or not).

    In my opinion the developer update barely tells you something new lately. It's all about the pirate code, toxicity and well...that's it I guess?

    I'm dieing for new content updates :(

  • It just really makes me wonder, you know? With the whole announcement of the cross play option now and the long warning about this update. Cause I mean, let's be real, if all it was was them just saving space then letting players know once or twice that they would have to re-download the game would be enough honestly. But they way they have kept bringing it up for the entire month that to me seems to be more like a, hey! pay close attention to what is about to happen! Trying to draw everyone's attention to the update and what it will do to the game.

    I had made a jokey thread earlier about this, but now I am seriously considering that they may in fact, pull a Rust move on us and have reworked some stuff. They might even be putting in vertical progression too. With the amount of attention and with Joe going to a different platform to reach to the other players who have left the game to announce what this update will do that would no longer watch the normal dev updates, it's a real possibility.

  • From what I understood, the new game size is a preparation for future updates and they had some kind of "surprise update" coming with this that most of us would like. But they are doing a great job in keeping their mouths shut. It's almost driving me crazy!

  • @incygnis I personally don't buy it. They don't like to talk about upcoming content. They have always been very vague when it comes to the future. With no road-map available and nothing talked about till it drops.

    That might change in the future but as for now, I don't buy that this change to the game size is really going to be such a big deal that they had to keep warning. But how could they warn and let the players know some really big change was coming but still be able to keep it on the down low? Easy, stress the re-download and spin it as a thing where they are worried and making sure everyone will know what to do. Yeah, no. They haven't stressed over any of the other updates this hard and I highly doubt it is because of that reason they were worried that a small percent of the community would be confused and not know to re-install.

    I am going to go ahead and call it. Potions and vertical progression items. We will see if I am right soon enough.

  • I hope, or don't think they will go down the vertical progression road. From what I've seen the fact that this game currently has none, is the reason this game is liked so much. They would be risking a lot by changing this. But hey, you never know. Maybe you can tell me "I told you so" after the update haha.

  • @incygnis Oh I wouldn't do that. That would be a pretty egotistical thing to do. But with the change to cross play, it could feasibly happen.

    But I personally wouldn't mind unique weapons to help with PvE. Like having a sword with a lantern for the hilt. They could work in PvE vertical progression and as long as they left it only affecting PvE and didn't alter the way you would fight a enemy player I think it would be a fine addition to the game. Give people other PvE stuff to go work and steal for.

  • Hmm that would be a nice addition. Secretly I've been hoping for some kind of bag so you can hold more than one small item (skull, goblet) at a time. If it would be unlock-able, that would be vertical progression. So instead they should make them like rowboats. For every player to find on the shores or whatever. This could work for the sword lantern as well I guess?

  • @incygnis Nah, just have it tied in directly to levels in the factions.

    To put it into a metric, only 8% of gamers of the over all community have made it past rank 25 in any faction. So for instance, the bag you said. I feel that the bag you mentioned could be a general one that is shared by all factions so everyone would get that as it would be very useful. But you don't really need a sword with a lantern on it to fight the shadow skeletons. Be nifty, but not as much as having a bag to carry multiple small items. So that way if the bag was unlocked say at 5 and you had 2/3/5 for example. You would be able to purchase it from any of the vendors. That way it would make it fair and no one would have such a clear advantage. As having a bag that could carry say up to 4 items would be a massive advantage. One that I am unsure would be more beneficial to have in the early game or have that be a PL goodie you can get.

    But if you had tied in some very basic interesting PvE goodies to your rank in the factions, that would prompt more players to be willing to stick it out and grind those factions.

  • Let's be honest, the bag is never going to happen. But I don't think making it a pirate legend reward would be fair for new players. Imagine they just took up to one hour to get 4 hateful skulls. Then a pirate legend comes on board and steals them in a second. I'd be pretty disappointed. Unless I knew the bag was something I could find somewhere as well so I could do the same without working my way up there. And maybe 4 items would be a bit much for this game. Maybe 2 or 3 tops? What am I even going on about, never going to happen hah. But I see potential in PVE items. I'm going to cut the cake as well: elemental swords/guns unlocked through faction levels (only effective against skeletons or whatever enemy they come up with in the future).

  • Let’s be honest we are hyped for Tuesday Inside Xbox, I think big announcements are coming

  • It's fishing and other food items. Definitely fishing.

  • Not only will we get a potential look at the surprise, or hing of what that surprise is that is coming with the Feb 6th re-install, but Joe will also be giving some hints as to what the road map looks like. We have not really had any kind of a road map since Shrouded Spoils. It will be great to get a glimpse as to what other plans are in the works.

  • This might be more of a detail then the OP was thinking of, but the way he stalled for a moment over the Eye of Reach in the talk makes me think that they will almost certainly be nerfing its hip-fire capacity somehow

  • @jonaldinho said in Wonder what else will be coming:

    It's fishing and other food items. Definitely fishing.

    Ohh do you have any sources for that?? I’ve theorised but not seen anything to confirm? :)

  • @shinten-rai said in Wonder what else will be coming:

    @incygnis Nah, just have it tied in directly to levels in the factions.

    To put it into a metric, only 8% of gamers of the over all community have made it past rank 25 in any faction. So for instance, the bag you said. I feel that the bag you mentioned could be a general one that is shared by all factions so everyone would get that as it would be very useful. But you don't really need a sword with a lantern on it to fight the shadow skeletons. Be nifty, but not as much as having a bag to carry multiple small items. So that way if the bag was unlocked say at 5 and you had 2/3/5 for example. You would be able to purchase it from any of the vendors. That way it would make it fair and no one would have such a clear advantage. As having a bag that could carry say up to 4 items would be a massive advantage. One that I am unsure would be more beneficial to have in the early game or have that be a PL goodie you can get.

    But if you had tied in some very basic interesting PvE goodies to your rank in the factions, that would prompt more players to be willing to stick it out and grind those factions.

    If anything the lantern sword and other pve utility items should be tied to rank, and general progression of utility should be session based such as the rowboats. Location and session based crafting of items would be a cool addition, and could give crates and different artifacts much more purpose, adding to the box of tools we can use to create unique stories of piracy and adventure.

  • @knifelife said in Wonder what else will be coming:

    @jonaldinho said in Wonder what else will be coming:

    It's fishing and other food items. Definitely fishing.

    Ohh do you have any sources for that?? I’ve theorised but not seen anything to confirm? :)

    No sources, just wishful thinking.

    EDIT: However, I did see a while back in these forums someone with a "Pioneer" tag said that Rare has been "testing fishing for a long time." I'm not sure if that was an NDA breach or not but I did see it. He didn't go into any further detail.

  • @jonaldinho Well I’m with you on the wishful thinking aha! I want to be the pirate equivalent of Gordon Ramsey 😂

  • @shinten-rai
    Well mate, there was some sort of tease in the Pirate Times today:

    "The Pirate Times is informed that a tenacious but unknown rum runner has recently chosen to scatter their stash of illicit alcohol and loot around the Sea of Thieves!

    All three Trading Companies are interested in this haul, so Duke is working on tracking down the goods and finding a way for all pirates to profit. Anyone with a mercenary streak should keep their ears open for more details to emerge soon!"

    Looks like some sort of Bigle Rat Adventure is coming on the 6th.

  • @shinten-rai said in Wonder what else will be coming:

    vertical progression items.

  • Hi,
    I purchased Sea of Thieves last week and I'm a new player.
    The game is absolutely fantastic after its DLC additions, having heard how bumpy the launch was...

    I've come onto the forums to try and assess the current direction with future content. I've been hearing a lot about the 'arena' but in all honesty that doesn't really excite me much. I'm sure I'll give it a go with my friends but adventure mode is where its at.
    A focus on additional content would be amazing... the surprises that have been hinted at seem quite small which makes it feel like it'll be a little underwhelming...(given there's so much focus on crossplay & arena) but who knows.

    It seems like there's been a huge spike in players. I just hope there's enough dedicated Rare resource to keep churning out refreshing content. We all know the game is a bit of a grind at times... don't get me wrong, I'm still loving it... I just hope there's more transparency with things to come.

  • @Shinten Rai

    I agree, I'm really excited for Inside Xbox on February 5th! I love the excitement of listening to Rare discuss their future plans! Speculation station!

    @knifelife said in Wonder what else will be coming:

    @jonaldinho Well I’m with you on the wishful thinking aha! I want to be the pirate equivalent of Gordon Ramsey 😂

    I can see it now:

    Chef Knife: NO! You don't cook it like that! THAT'S TOO MUCH BLOODY SALT! ARGGH! Just take this job more seriously!

    Crewmate: Uhh, sorry...

    Chef Knife: JUST DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! Go get me another fish, I'll do it!

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie WHERES THE BANANA SAUCE!!!


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