PvP and PvE servers.

  • Also seen ideas of a “peace” flag. Just something to protect new players, or those tired of getting run down by rogue crews who only want to harass other players into quitting the game. By choosing which server type you want to be in prior to ship selection, it can better protect new crews (of which there are a large influx now) and prevent excessive grieving by those who aren’t looking for a pvp arena style game. The PvP server would be the same as it is now, while the PvE one would lack the ability to kill other players or sink players ship. It would be for those looking for a “friendly” pirate play style. Think more of younger, newer players. Now I understand the pvp aspect was/is integral to the construction of the game, but not everyone is good at it, nor looking for it. This would allow a larger player base to stay in the game, yet at a level where they feel comfortable. Otherwise too man new players get run off by older veteran crews who see new players as fresh meat, and harass them until they quit. Another idea I have seen and want to pass along again is getting an optional “peace” flag after being killed by another player that you can put up to protect yourself from enemy players. Could be immediately revoked upon outgoing damage to another player or players ship. Tho honestly wouldn’t be necessary by using two server types. A simple idea that can go a LONG way into developing a much closer community while allowing people to still have the chance to go full pirate on each other at their fancy.

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  • Friendly pirate playstyle? You mean running voyages so routine and uneventful that they seem mundane?

    You have to understand that voyages are in place to get you sailing, so that you provide cannon fodder for everyone else.

  • About Sea of Thieves:
    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    " - Source HERE

    So, a tutorial mode for new ones could solve the problem.

    Also, I recommend you reading my post HERE about servers and other stuff

  • @mimssmash I'd argue if people aren't looking for a pvp arena style game, they shouldn't buy a pvp arena style game in the first place.

    The interaction with and inherent threat from other players is the entire point of this game.

  • @mimssmash I am sick of this. Search the forum, you will find thousands of posts like yours. You do not add anything new.

  • @standupworm92 sagte in PvP and PvE servers.:

    It is the equivalent of buying a racing game, and posting a forums post saying “give me the option to go on a server alone and race against myself, so i always win”.

    No, it is like soccer whithout goal keepers, because the Kraken, who is still unfair in their eyes, and the Megelodon, who has to be nerfed urgently in their opinion, are still in the opposing team.

  • @standupworm92 Ahoy there matey.

    Please can you refrain from posting in a manner that is demeaning to other members of the community, as per the Pirate Code and Forum Rules.

    Yes the game is called Sea of Thieves and yes it is a Pirate game, but this is a tired and old argument now in the constant war that is PVE vs PVP server threads. The OP even admits this is part of the core design and it is not entirely his point at all.

    Many thanks for your understanding and happy sailing.

  • The game is not meant to be a grinding game and with PvE and PvP servers being seperate would defeat the purpose of the game. Besides, the game is to find or join new friends and become pirates. Plunder and what not. If you're having trouble with people raiding you then just sail away or turn your lights off on your boat.

  • @standupworm92

    Ahoy there,

    We welcome constructive and respectful comments on the forums, however derogatory language is against the forum rules.

    Your post has been deleted as it contains material which is derogatory towards other members of the community.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.


  • @mimssmash I understand your frustration but this has been a long drawn out subject.

    There will never be such a thing as PVP or PVE servers. This would created a divide in the playerbase.

    Currently the server is PVPVE which will never change. There are loads and loads of hints and tips on the forum which will teach you how to effectively escape "Rogue Crews". I love PvP but I also love the quests.

    When I am solo often enough I end up getting chased by either a Brig or a Galleon. 9/10 I escape as I used my head and took onboard the hints and tips people posted up.

    My biggest advice to you would be to read up and just keep your wits about you on the seas. If you get chased and you have valuable loot onboard. DO NOT turn and fight unless you are 100% confident you will win because what you will find is that the crew currently flying towards you will be full of confidence and will know they could beat you up close.

    One other thing. Always check your ladders as some crews are very talented with firing themselves from a cannon and landing directly on your side ladders.

  • @mimssmash

    Every day is a surprise :)

    After a week of only fighting monsters and not a lot of pirate encounters my last session tonight was totally different.
    Playing with girlfriend digging up lvl 1 goldhoarders and lvl1 soul skulls we got attacked by legends at about every island -.- so they spawnkilled us for 1 seafahrer chest, spawnkilled for 1 foul skull etc.
    We tried to ally so they came with ally flag then spawnkilled us for 1 banana crate -.-
    It was like this the whole session while a storm never stopped.

    We escaped a karen and sink 2 skellyboats turned in the loot with value..

    Me girl asked why people are so agressive if we have nothing and politely ask for a allience?

    No worrie today we get all the real heroes who can sink a boat for nothing and another day you get a friendly server. You just cant choose what our next adventure will be like its a surprise everytime :) if not it would not be much of a adventure even if we get a session like this sometimes it makes the good ones extra nice :")

    Could have used a peaceflag to learn her the game but then she would have missed on this weeks lesson that there are bloodthirsty pirates and why we dont try making allies with loot. We lost almost nothing because we turn in the loot first before we try making contact. We learned that we cant die and just respawn and our ship cant sink she just respawns and she dont need to fear for its just some cash to buy cosmetics and not really important.

    Such sessions with so much pvp and bad luck they dont happen often it was just tonights surprise..

  • Well,
    I quit SoT because of this whole Only PVP Thing. While I like SoT, I don't like this whole always PVP Thing. There is a Big Demand for that and the Argument with Dividing the player base is incorrect since a lot of Player will then simply Quit SoT rather than Play it.
    I left the Game for good, maybe give it a Chance with Arena again but I doubt it tbh

  • @mimssmash No

  • @straptt sagte in PvP and PvE servers.:

    @mimssmash No

    Great Contribution to the Conversation, can you elaborate why no?

  • There are soooooo many threads about this already.
    The game has never been advertised as being anything other than a pirate game where others are likely to steal your stuff. If people don't like that, they should have done some research before their purchase.
    This game is all about everyone playing in the same sandbox. Splitting players makes the journey easier for some than others and that isn't fair.
    Why should someone get to PL by running voyages with zero risk while I've had to fight of people left and right for every scrap of rep and gold that I've earned.
    There's so much to be said but it has all been said too much.

  • @darkjedirebel It may be meaningless to you but it's not to a lot of us. And I kinda feel like the ongoing requests for PVE servers are one big Troll.
    Edit: Its also not trolling to play the game as designed and advertised.

  • I completely agree... And im really tired of "its sea of thieves not sea of friends". Look.. If rare doesnt give solo sloop players the option of opting out of pvp so they are not harassed by gallies and spawn killled 25,000 times.. Then dont give players the option of solo sloop gameplay.. Its stupid... And for all of the pvp only players... Also tired of hearing "just get better at the game then"... Im good at the game.. Im pirate legend.. I can pvp.. But sometimes id o
    Prefer just to do the riddles and buried treasure.. And if thats boring for you... Fine.. You are not me... And all the ithers that would want theoptio of pve only servers sometimes..Others dont find it boring. And would actually prefer it.. Way many more than
    what people realize.. If they are all about "Player choice".. Then where are all the "choices" if people wanna do PVE ONLY... Then people should be able to do PVE ONLY... PERIOD.... And if that "devides the community"... As in... Lets all the pvp go up against all the other pvp.. And gives the solo sloop player some breathing room to just enjoy the scenery and quests... Please tell me what is WRONG WITH THAT...... ????.??!!!!!.... Wheres the fun of dumpstering a new solo sloop player with no loot and then waiting for respawn and killing them 25 millions times??? Seems to me its actually driving potential new players away. If the game isnt intended for solo sloop players and they are at a disadvantage... Then take it out of the game then. Or FIX IT... BECAUSE Its MISLEADING IN ITS CURRENT STATE. Again.. I love the game.. I love pve and pvp.. But i hate bullies.. And theres plenty of em on here.. And i personally dont find any joy in bullying pote tial new players because they are CLEARLY AT A DISADVANTAGE IN A SOLO SLOOP AGAINST A GALLIE.

  • @b-rocks-6996 AND FURTHERMORE....... So your adding an ARENA... Which is intended and CATERING TO PVP GAMEPLAY.... ok...... Soooooooo...... Wheres the PVE INTENDED MODE???

  • @b-rocks-6996 ohh a month old thread again...and a pve-suggestion thread AGAIN!
    No, no, no and NO
    Solo is HARD MODE...I play it alot, and never had problems
    When you're not able to handle that, start with open crew, get friends or leave the game

  • @MimsSmash

    This topic has been beaten into oblivion. I'm not Rare, but I can tell you that pretty much anyone who keeps up with developer updates / streams / or anywhere you can hear rare talk about their game knows that PvE servers would limit the game in ways that Rare seem to be against.

    The social interactions in Sea of Thieves are supposed to be unpredictable, special, and unique. When you encounter another player, you really don't know what its going to be like. It just wouldn't feel right if people could opt out of that experience. Anyone who bought Sea of Thieves should know that this is a game where PvE and PvP are present at all times and the game was never advertized as a peaceful PvE only experience. For that fact, I don't have a lot of sympathy for people looking for a quiet PvE experience.

    On top of that, you can tell that Rare take a lot of enjoyment in how PvE and PvP work together in this game. When Joe Neate talks about the limited time gilded voyages from Christmas time, he always seems to dwell on the way people were out working on these voyages while other people were out HUNTING players that were on these voyages. Its not about being able to grind voyages to Pirate Legend in peace. Its about making stories in the shared world which are created by the variety of interactions that this game allows, even if that story ends with your loot at the bottom of the sea.

    So do you think Rare, who seem to be so keen on the wide variety of interactions we can have, would be willing to allow players to opt in to an experience where these interactions are more predictable and limited by the confines of a PvE server? If I were a betting man, I'd say they wouldn't.

    When the Mega Update rolls around, we'll have The Arena and this new quest system that they keep talking about. Can't you see what's happening here? People who are constantly itching for a fight will be able to get that fix in The Arena. Anyone playing in Adventure mode will more than likely be fixated on the new quests. I predict that interactions with other crews will become more organic in nature while continuing to play out in the unpredictable manner that Rare always intended.

    The way I see it, there's a bigger plan here in this Mega Update to refine the crew Vs. crew experience so that things happen more organically. PvE only servers are not only unnecessary for Sea of Thieves, but would also be damaging. Just hold out for the Mega Update and I'm almost certain that everyone will be a lot happier.

  • Please rare...do not do this.

    The best part of the game questing is the thrill of knowing you could lose it all if your not careful. You have to learn the seas. It’s a pirating game, and someone may come for your loot.

  • @mimssmash You want to play soccer without opponents. Chess solo. Dancing for your own... nope.

    Cornivores and predators bring the tension. For both of them.

  • @b-rocks-6996 sagte in PvP and PvE servers.:

    Wheres the fun of dumpstering a new solo sloop player with no loot and then waiting for respawn and killing them 25 millions times???

    First - in the fight. You don't know wether it is worth or not before starting the fight. The same goes for "new solo" player. You don't know wether the opponent is solo or new. And I don't care. Is his sword weaker than mine? No.
    Second - you can escape spawnkilling by scutteling.

  • @goedecke-michel is this really how you like to play the game. Spawn kill until someone skuttles? If the ship has nothing of value sink it or not and move on. What you described is not playing its harassment.

  • @rickferd No, this is not how I play the game, your conclusion isn't correct. I rarely sink other ships, to be honest. But if I engange with other ships, I usually have something to loose. This is my thrill: go all in. I may loose my loot or may win theirs. And I gain no fun in spawnkilling other people. But your problem of spawnkilling has a solution - escaping by scutteling.

  • @mimssmash having pve servers would ruin ballance of the game, would split the community of what alot already think are empty seas, and would cause pvp to suffer greatly. How often do you think someone is going to choose to do an athena in pvp. If they died once and lost an athena once in pvp well rip they are gone and they have given up and are now on pve. Now guess what, how often are people in pvp servers running into people doing athenas. This is just an example. The game is a pvp pirating game, it is literally called sea of thieves. Anyone who bought the game not expecting to have their loot stolen is just plain silly and clearly cant make any good decisions

  • @rickferd if a ship has nothing of value i dont care, i own the seas, im gonna be the king of the pirates. But on a serious note, im not gonna let a ship live just because it has no loot. I dont want that ship around, better to sink it now and teach it its place before i load up on loot and have to face it then

  • @goedecke-michel There is no problem with the mechanic or that you have a solution of using it. The problem is with the individuals Ruigtand NL experienced above. I have heard this story so many times. Its ok to embrace new players with items that have little value to a grizzled pirate. Tools like the speaking trumpet and ship flags are in the game to foster communication and all to often these tool are ignored. I may be a good idea to have a some severs for new comers with only newcomers for the first couple of levels earned.

  • The game is intended to be played with a group. If you don't want to do that, you're handicapping yourself. That's the intention, it's supposed to not be easy to do everything by yourself, that's part of the game's core philosophy.

    If you insist on playing solo in a sloop, learn to outsmart, outplay or evade your opponents. If you can't manage that, stick with groups via open crew, discords or LFG.

    Some people can manage solo slooping fine, PVP and PVE encounters included. Don't ask for a special flag crutch because you can't adapt to a core aspect of the game.

  • @rickferd sagte in PvP and PvE servers.:

    Tools like the speaking trumpet...

    do not work as long as the mass of users is in teamspeak, discord or xbox party. The speakinhg trumpet would not have to be transmitted as a voice chat, but as in-game-audio - then it would be universal. Or am I wrong?

  • I'm solo slooping 70-80% of the time and I never had this problem. I'm being extra-careful and the last time I got chased by a galleon, that made a story I like to tell !

    I'm 100% not in favor of pve-servers.
    Don't want it, don't need it.

  • @imapirateaaar a dit dans PvP and PvE servers. :

    I quit SoT because of this whole Only PVP Thing. While I like SoT, I don't like this whole always PVP Thing. There is a Big Demand for that and the Argument with Dividing the player base is incorrect since a lot of Player will then simply Quit SoT rather than Play it.
    I left the Game for good, maybe give it a Chance with Arena again but I doubt it tbh

    So you're admitting that Rare adding PVE servers will make a lot of players leave the game and you still can't see why they don't add PVE Servers ?

    Also, "Big Demand" for PVE servers would be a lot of players actually not playing the game as it is for this particular reason.
    Not people coming to these forums and still using the same arguments over and over and over and over again, and then complaining that we respond with the same arguments over and over and over and over again.
    Also, "Big Demand" isn't your group of friends.

    This topic was already there 11 months ago. All arguments that could be used have already been used more times than you can count. And Rare still hasn't added PVE Servers. I think that does tell how they feel about pve servers and therefore everything we should know about this topic.

  • @mimssmash

    This has been discussed many times and have reasons why people are against it.

    The beauty of the game in its current state is that I don't have to pick before I head out what I want to do and I am playing with everyone. They all have their own motivations and styles, instead of just being grouped with people you already know what they are out for.

    Giving the option to pick an identical version of the game without the risks will make the game more dull. It is be predictable what is going to happen. It is just not a good addition at all.

    PvP server will be they are out to hunt me, PvE server we are all friends. It makes the current seas more ruthless and amplifying the aspect you want to combat. It will make even more people that are out to grind head to the safe place and will only visit the other when looking for a fight. But that is exactly what Arena is for.

    We don't want multiple game modes that are exactly the same, where the same ingame goals can be achieved with less risks and threats than the other. What would be the motivation to do a full Athenas on a PvP server? For the trill? How many people do you think would risk their progress if they could do it in safety? People don't like to lose, give them the option to guarentee not lose and a lot of them will.

    Part of being a pirate is obtaining the loot and defending it. It takes practice and there is a learning curve for sure. However pirates don't show up without the ability to spot them and the it is up to you: Diplomacy, Flee, Engage. Naturally the others will also pick one of those options and sometimes you will lose and sometimes you will win, that is the nature of games. It is what makes games fun, it seems like people forget this nature of games: losing is part of it. Only winning in a multiplayer game is not viable.

    Losing too much of your hard earned treasure? Well, that means you should have gone to an outpost sooner, as one should never sail with more than they are willing to lose.

    A PvE option should offer a different type of experience if implemented, a place where multiple crews need to work together against big difficult PVE objectives, be it integral puzzles that end up summoning a major threat and what not. Someting new and exciting with gameplay that might be to difficult to expect within the adventure mode where freedom of choice is central. Where then a reward is granted towards a new faction like is being done for the Arena, not the same one's.

    Giving people the same minus X is a way to diminish the quality of life for everyone. It removes the uniqueness of the player encounters within the game. Currently when you meet a crew, see a sail there is a mysterious aspect to it. Are they friendly, are they bloodthirsty, are they neutral, are they scared, are they sneaky thieves or are they deal makers? You don't know, because you are in a pool of players where their motivation to play is not known to you, instead of based on the servers you choose. It is discovered on the seas and if you want to find out, you will have to interact with them. But be wary as most pirates are opportunists and might take advantage of a situation if it presents itself.

    Also, peace flag with the opportunity to position yourself in safety to then let the cannons roar? No, provide immunity to players and let them pick when the battle starts... get the first hits in? You think trolls are bad now? You think fights are unfair? Wait till you get people engaging when they are broadsiding you, have someone climb up to your crowsnest for a keg that is up there, while being immune. The abuse potential is off the charts... not everyone has good intentions keep that in mind when suggesting things.

  • @b-rocks-6996 it isn't PVP versus PVE players...

    You think everyone that PVPs is a bloodthirsty murder obsessed maniac? The majority of players engage in both aspects of the game and don't want to choose at the start.

    The option to solo is to give people a choice, it is the most difficult mode in the game and a challenge which most solid players enjoy and is why they play solo to begin with. Don't like the challenge, get a crew.

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