So they aren't going to fix the barrels

  • Or at least they aren't going back to 1.0 barrels. How big of a chunk of the player base do you think will quit? It was nice to finally have a game where I could steal stuff but I can't deal with this garbage when it was perfect before.

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  • Over a barrel system that's going to be constantly improved upon? None lol

    Perfect before doesn't make it perfect now that we have cursed cannonballs, or potential new food items and ammo types in the future.

  • @lu-loop2 no one likes change.

    That being said, playing tonight, the Barrels 2.0 have grown on me. I'm now used to them - although they do need some tweaks - it's not as bad as it first seems.

    In time it'll become the norm and we'll look back and laugh that we could only find one type of item in a barrel.

    I certainly won't stop playing because they're improving a core game mechanic to add more content.

  • @tre-oni said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    Over a barrel system that's going to be constantly improved upon? None lol

    I wonder if I'm allowed to say "polishing a t**d" on these forums. Anyway no matter how much they """improve""" upon it you're still gonna have to open that menu. Every time you wanna grab anything. Menu. Need some bananas while on an enemy ship? Menu.

    Perfect before doesn't make it perfect now that we have cursed cannonballs, or potential new food items and ammo types in the future.

    Those new items don't make up for it. I rather they never add anything if it means having to deal with this clunk. CCs should be carry items anyway.

  • they mentioned there adding Take all and put all in a barrel. I dont like the change either but were going to have to get used to it....

  • After spending 3-4 hours into the game, I'm getting used to the new barrels.
    On console, press X to interact, press LB to your inventory, spam A to store items and B to exit barrel.

    And adding left D-pad for cycle through canon balls helped a lot too.

  • @lu-loop2 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @tre-oni said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    Over a barrel system that's going to be constantly improved upon? None lol

    I wonder if I'm allowed to say "polishing a t**d" on these forums. Anyway no matter how much they """improve""" upon it you're still gonna have to open that menu. Every time you wanna grab anything. Menu. Need some bananas while on an enemy ship? Menu.

    Perfect before doesn't make it perfect now that we have cursed cannonballs, or potential new food items and ammo types in the future.

    Those new items don't make up for it. I rather they never add anything if it means having to deal with this clunk. CCs should be carry items anyway.

    I'm just saying I don't think anyone's going to quit over it. They've also spoken earlier today about improvements coming soon and going forward as a focus.

    I agree cursed cannonballs should have been a carry item. I hate how they are.

    Either way, like someone else said, we pretty much have to get used to it.

  • @tre-oni oh I’ll be quitting for sure if they don’t go back to the old barrels. So yeah people will quit.

  • Well good luck to you guys with getting used to it, I'm gonna wait until next patch and if they haven't changed it to something akin to 1.0 barrels then I'm done.

    There's so sense in taking steps back on something this essential to the flow of the game. Have fun fumbling around with your cannonballs.

  • @lu-loop2 Only non pvp nonchalent peoples can say they " apreciate " the new 2.0 sytems , there is Zero reasons what so ever to prefer this system unless they are happy about been able to store a insane amount of plank in their ships , beside that its totally bad bad bad ...

    You cannot quickly refill your plank, banana etc.. you cannot know if there is something in the barrel and waste time opening and closing your barel invantory for nothing wich make you waste a lot of time ...

    You cannot quickly grab banana while engage agains snipping skelly or sniping players and your basically stuck into a screen while trying to get a banana and then get kill or sniped like a sitting duck ...

    You cannot quickly put stuff into the barrels you have to go trough and exit the menu to store your " 5 " X and Y every single time wich is a waste of time , ressources managing was already a shore ... now its even worst ...

    i could say so much thing about how flaw this system is we could go on and on ..

    Anyones who say its ok .. are insanely casual and probably are just farming some easy merchant quest for gold ...

  • @tre-oni I don't see why Rare didn't go the better route and allow people to assign the items directly to their barrels. Why does the banana barrel in the boat have to contain bananas. Why can't each barrel be a neutral vessel and allow the crew to decide where each item type goes. This does a few things. It maintains the current one item type per barrel UI. It also provides tactical advantage to crews as boarders will never be sure where supplies are kept on the boat. Additionally, it actually forces players to think about what types of materials to carry on their ship. This would actually impose consequences for your choices. Maybe I want to run plank heavy and cannonball light, dedicating a majority of my barrels to planks. This trades offensive capabilities for defensive ones. Maybe I want to run with an advanced food type instead of base bananas. This barrel system is completely terrible and slows the game down to a grinding halt.

  • @lu-loop2 I dont like the barrels but they wont make me quit lol

  • @lu-loop2 they gonna fix the barrels... Haven't you read the post that Mike Chapman made yesterday explaining why this change ( even tho incomplete) is needed to evolve the game in a way players are asking for months!

  • The only reason nobody likes the barrel system is because we have all played the same way since alpha/beta/launch
    Like everything it just takes time to learn

    Personally I don't mind it, it's refreshing. Granted... Grabbing bananas in the heat of battle is a pain, so I guess I'll have to adopt a slightly more strategic approach when doing OoS or PvP when it comes to health.

    I tried the normal run past a barrel spamming the button whilst being chased by 7 asthmatic skellys with about 10% health and yup.... Said hello to Davy Jones shortly afterwards.

    It's not perfect but I wouldn't call it a game breaker
    Still love this game!

    Doc 👊☠️

  • The barrel system was clearly designed for use with a controller. PC controls are inconsistent and cumbersome. Not sure how many times I've checked an empty barrel and then put my inventory in to it.

  • Do I dislike the new barrels? Yes. Am I going to quit a game that, for all its flaws, is one of the most fun Ive played in a long time over it? Absolutly not. I suspect the answer is the same for many others.

  • @personalc0ffee There will be no returning player @Captain Fet in that case

  • @nunoazuldimeter @personalc0ffee

    I have. They're going to make "improvements" and "reduce the amount of clicks" but that stupid menu is here to stay. If they can't reduce the amount of clicks back down to one for everything like it was before then it isn't going to be enough of an improvement.

  • @lu-loop2 but the menu is necessary for improvement. And increase the amount and variety of item in the future.

    They'll going to add more food types, more ammo types and even let us find more than just supplies inside the barrels... The next step is to find quests inside. And with this change more items can come to the game without them make different storage for each item.

    They will add option to grab and store everything at once as a feature to see if the barrels are empty before open it.

    I'm really looking forward to see what the future brings in terms of barrel content now. Hopping for some lucky finds as customizations

  • @nunoazuldimeter It's really hard to care about improvements when I don't even feel like playing anymore. I was really excited about CCs and reapers before they unleashed this mess upon us.

  • I am very angry! Angry about barrels!

  • @dutchyankee have you read Mike Chapman explanation about this matter in the forum?

    He is very objective about what's going to happen. Without any "maybe" or "it could be good to happen" like happened with previous rare statements, this new
    text is all about "this changed to happen this" and "were going to add this".

    He said the team learned with this mistakes and they will try to improve in this matter of being more frontal and clear with players.

    So yes I'm believing this is to happen.

  • @dutchyankee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @doctortourettes I don't like it because it is clunky, and unnecessary. Not because I need to get used to it.

    IF and WHEN they introduce so many new materials that a new system becomes necessary then that's a fine. A necessary evil, if you will. But that time is not here and may never come.

    But they introduced a new material!
    The Cursed Cannonballs. It's a new ammo.
    It was needed for not creating new storage barrels specific for one type of item...

  • @dutchyankee I do hate it too..
    But I hate it because they made it without time to change some core aspects and without time to care about pre release feedback.

    It's a mistake they knowledge. They were pushed by themselves to show content without time to rectify some aspects...

  • @dutchyankee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @nunoazuldimeter No we don't need it. Firstly, CC's should have been carry items like gun powder barrels. Secondly, (ignoring my first statement) there are empty crates on every ship that could accommodate them.

    Did you read the statement at all???

    He explains why this didn't happen!


    not all items need to be physically in the game! You don't see any cannonball physically loose in the game, do you?
    It's all in barrels and or player's hands..
    Ammo aren't findable in the world as a physical object you can interact individual, like bananas and wood planks, or Gunpowders...
    This isn't implement I'm the current game
    Since Cursed Cannonballs are still ammo it would be interactable like normal Cannonballs. As future ammo will be as well.

  • I will just repost this from the megathread 2.0 I made:

    I just logged in again to give it another try, surely people cannot be overly sugar coating this issue right?
    It seems they are, I logged out after 10 minutes. The initial resource gathering is now so boring it kills any desire I had to set sail.
    Rare you have made your game BORING from the second you log in, that is not a good premise for a future vision.

  • @dutchyankee that's exactly what the did wrong and what they already assumed and apologized... For being pushed to introduce this changes without the needing improvements.

    About your second opinion, that's a feedback you can place in the Mega Thread for barrels and inventory if you think it's helpful.
    Even though that's going against what they said to be the future aim for this kind of resources.

  • It really isn’t that bad I think people are just being melodramatic and I personally don’t even think it’s broken. Just unfinished, I agree that it shouldn’t have been released in this state but it has and it just needs some tweaks and improvements and it will be fine.

    They said they are working on them. And to the people threatening to quit the game I just spoke to head office and they said they are okay with that, they already got your money ;)

  • @knifelife im OK with that too, I already got my moneys worths, 10 times over. But im done now.

  • @captain-fet said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @knifelife im OK with that too, I already got my moneys worths, 10 times over. But im done now.

    Yeah it was a pretty fun game while it lasted wasn't it.

  • I have quit playing until they make changes.

    Wont be going near the game until they happen.

  • @aclassali Me too, and to think I would drop SoT for No Mans Sky

  • I have played nearly every day since release, I got used to the UI so much so that it was second nature to me. I do not want to learn a new UI only to have to learn to use ANOTHER UI in a few weeks when/if they make changes.

    Would rather take a break and wait and and see what they come up with in the next patch.

  • @stew360 you sir are insane. i play at least 5 hours during the work week every night and all day on my days off. My crew and I are hard and heavy into PVP and ship v ship destroying alliances all day long. We've all adapted to the 2.0 barrels and use them just as fast as last time. its all about timing. why go into the barrels when people are alive. Kill them own the boat get your resources, steal all their cc and what not. it isnt hard. remap buttons, if you are on pc just hold f and everything goes into your inventory. because people want new content there will be tons of changes. get used to it or play a new game. your pick, good luck happy sailing.

  • @dutchyankee carry them where? to just a pile on the ground like GPB?

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