Friendship barrels

  • This is from a clan event we did. Thought you folks might get a laugh. 50 barrels

  • 6
  • @aod-cerulius Did you explode them in the end? pls say you did! :D

  • @claraeth lol oh big time. We went for a ram, but missed. Then the other galleon got a bow shot on us and we achieved lift off! XD
    The whole point of the event was to collect the most barrels and then blow up gloriously. Thanks to the other crew for obliging

  • @aod-cerulius I hope you got some great screenshots for @lizalaroo s exploding barrel competition! :P You might have a winner in there with so many barrels going off! :)

  • hmm we'll check into that. My brother caught video and he was at the helm, so should be awesome!

  • I can only imagine what the other galleon was thinking. LOL

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