Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1

  • @xx7hefiremanxx
    for 19gb update?!!!!

  • @lumpaywk Thats a matter of opinion not facts, as it is now the winner in a ship battle is "punished" due to loss of supplies as opposed to the loser coming back after 2 mins with a fresh ship.

  • @veresiss yep! I'm glad they are working on getting the game performance and bugs fixed. That way when they add new content, It will be ready. Everyone just sit back and relax, Have a banana and some grog.

  • @sirliborius

    Same, I have played for several hours and got all factions to 20, have only had the initial sail for the first time one unlock. This was out of nowhere after my 100th or so time setting sail. Have yet to see any other ones pop despite completing requirements many of them at this point.

  • great patch !

    19Go for more seagulls and a couple of fixes , still nothing about the respawns .... Rare you made my day ! and btw i m waiting my blackdog pack since 7 days ;) so i can wait another day offline on this forum while i m downloading this patch at 3mbps

  • @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:


    Known Issues


    • Players may become comically smaller after fighting the Kraken.

    I hope this is a feature, not an issue xD's simply "the curse of the Kraken" in effect ;)

  • Amazing work so far! Thanks for the quick update and video explaining the update, I seriously love this.

    So glad you all are listening to the players and have decided not to move forward with the death costs.

  • @kgmshylian said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot Unfortunately I don't see an important part addressed here. There is still no change in ships respawning after sunk (in PVP) too close? I hoped we would see distance added to that this patch. Having to kill the same persistant ship each 4-5 mins is getting really annoying real fast.. while they get their rescources renewed, you stand your ground and have no way to replenish as fast as they get their stuff back each spawn. Unrewarding to those who defended their place already. This was an important issue and short term fix would have been to make them spawn farther away, or into one of the other 2 Seas even.

    This was a bug fix, the issue you raise isnt a bug, its an opinion. Hence why it wasnt in this bug fix?

  • Please increase the distance you can see crew member names in the next patch. It will make looting islands a lot easier when you know where your friends are.

  • @pir4te-roberts said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @kgmshylian said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot Unfortunately I don't see an important part addressed here. There is still no change in ships respawning after sunk (in PVP) too close? I hoped we would see distance added to that this patch. Having to kill the same persistant ship each 4-5 mins is getting really annoying real fast.. while they get their rescources renewed, you stand your ground and have no way to replenish as fast as they get their stuff back each spawn. Unrewarding to those who defended their place already. This was an important issue and short term fix would have been to make them spawn farther away, or into one of the other 2 Seas even.

    This was a bug fix, the issue you raise isnt a bug, its an opinion. Hence why it wasnt in this bug fix?

    Good point. I will leave my opinion here however, because it is relevant for the next patch. :)

  • Whoah! A big update! Thanks Rare. Can't wait to play once more

    A big thanks to the Developers!

  • Joe looks be good to see the game looking sweet n smooth in 4k on my X. Hope they will fix the issue of not being able to pick up floating treasure chests.

  • @khaleesibot Were there any updates to netcode? The rubberbanding has been pretty awful recently.

  • @matosx87 wow calm down... The game released only one week ago. Will you die tomorrow or something ? Don't force like this, it's bad for your heart.

    Still can't wait to see what's next anyway ! Each update is appreciated !

  • @khaleesibot Beautiful and fantastic Game

  • I don’t understand why you guys didn’t atleast try the death cost before deciding against it. This community could suggest an addition 1000 times and we won’t even hear about what you guys think, but when you guys have literally just one “content” addition if you can even call it that, really it’s just a small change in respawn mechanic, you decide not to add it based on the launch community’s fears without them even having played it and clearly not knowing what it is, based on the responses, you had to clarify it wouldn’t be pvp based, for example.

    I hate to be the guy to say this but since we didn’t get way past this point of actually testing content in a timely manner for the pioneer sessions, could we please have someone at rare take the reigns and start moving the game forward with things like this, even if it got removed after a week that would be better than being announced and then removed before being added lol....

    I get that everyone is nervous that some additions could ruin the social aspect of the game and tilt the game more towards a big death match, and the death tax could be one of those things, (though imo repercussions are what is needed to make it less KOS) but the biggest thing doing that is lack of pve content, variety with the activity we do have, and lack of enemy and npc life in the world.

    That article with the guy who left saying the prototype had cooking and you could light your ship on fire if you messed up and many other things from the prototype sounds like the game we wanted with the depth we wanted, and the fact that that isn’t the game we see now has me wondering what’s going on and why we haven’t heard more and seen more from this game, and I really hate to be the one posting this..

    It’s not like there was a lack of in depth ideas on the forum that could have been tweaked/simplified to fit the vision for the game. I know an idea dosnt easily translate into code but the lack of variety of content is kinda sad for what this game should be.

    You need to let us harvest the goods to make the merchant crates and have certain goods be worth rep and gold comparable to voyage rewards, but without one.

    Have seeds be sold in low quantity’s at shops and found in the world, you can choose to save them and plant them in a group and guard them, plant them in little spots as you go and get them later, being planted in sand, soil, and grass, would affect the plants growth based on what type of plant, some can be sped up with water, others need drier soil and the water slows growth if overwatered, etc. with a diverse enough group of harvestables for the potion shop ingredients, some basic crafting of those and food items and merchanting goods, as well as other crafting of all consumables that it makes sense to craft.

    Though I guess this is a lot to ask when rare is to scared to even unbalance prices for the cosmetics. Who bought the 70k bilge rat stuff? Nobody? Oh yeah that’s because they are all the same price and if you did it’s because you like the colors, but every cosmetic gets the same reaction when they are the same price. Instead of someone having a cheaper set and being like “they have the whole sovereign set that’s 210k total!” It’s all the same.

    If Rare needs someone to fly across the pond and yell at people and crack the whip to start getting things done, I’m game. No more ice cream breaks for the team mike. Lol

  • First major update since launch and already squishing some bugs, nice to see a dev that focuses on playability more than sheer amount of content. Not that I wouldn't like a little more content though.

  • @papasohan Then I don't like this change. Too easy to find barrels.

  • @Grievous32
    hopefully i ll be alive tomorow , but if i need to DL 20Go every patch , i m gonna quit the game and it s not like i have spend 70€ on it !

  • I would like to start off by saying what an awesome job you all have done on this game! So I was wondering if anyone else has experienced issues at times switching weapons and failing to do so? Also I was attacked last night and had my ship sunken when I returned to my ship I found some of my loot 2 chests that had been floating underneath the surface, possibly where my ship had come to rest at the bottom of the sea, is this normal or just a glitch?

  • Thank you scrapping the death cost !

  • @khaleesibot we can't record game clips anymore? i get an error saying "sorry this game does not allow recording of game play". I'm on windows 10 using AMD Ryzen 3 with 16gb of ddr4 and a gtx 1070 8gb if that helps at all, unless its disabled for everyone

  • There's no mention of the lag and stuttering which is by far the biggest issue for me; teleporting all over the place

  • Appreciated the update, particularly the acknowledgement of the mixed feedback. The team have a challenge on their hands to try and accommodate everybody, but the base game is really fun, so there's a huge opportunity to build something amazing.

  • Not trying to be a downer, thanks for working on patches so early and all, but a lot of these fixes look irrelevant to other priorities that should be fixed instead. Good work on fixing players not spawning with guns thats huge, but the issues in the known issues section have more of a game impact than animal movements and not being able to see your scars.
    I dont see it in the known issues, but can we get a fix for in game mic picking up my voice even when push to talk is on. Have to keep switching it off and on until it finally registers; a problem thats been brought up since the first beta.
    Also, dont see it in the known issues, but stronghold skulls dont count towards commendation either.

  • Dommage pour la fonctionnalité des impôts, sa aurait pu éviter des abus

  • I fully agree with your comment! I feel this game is to repetitive and needs more to enhance playability of the game, death penelty would just be a small part of what could change this issue I would even take it a step further and add a reward for surving an engagement, also add a lifetime kill tracker.

  • @musicmee but they didn't fix them... they only said they did.
    They fixed nothing...

  • @guepard4 It's not really a change, it's how it was in the betas. And it's not all that different from going to anchor at an outpost where you know there will be barrels.

  • @khaleesibot Awesome! Thanks for being on top of this stuff Rare! :D

  • @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    • Players should no longer intermittently be missing items and weapons when loading into the game

    hahaha what a funny joke. I'm referring to your dev team. And now everybody thinks that you were actually doing something for the last week. well done. Just tell me when the game will actually be playable so I wouldn't feel so bad for giving you my money...

    Also tell the r****ds who "fixed" this problem that it is related to the variables that they save for each player which are supposed to keep the weapons loadout for each player (which never worked anyways). They seem to have no idea what they even broke. That's why they aren't fixing it. At least add a suicide option when you can't make games.

  • I did notice something the other day with barrels in the water, I jumped in to check some out, which was fine, but when I came to try and push a barrel, they were stuck in place. I kinda spoiled the effect of floating in the sea, these kinda things should make their way to shores, beaches. Not be fixed in one spot.

  • @ohrstrom said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lumpaywk Thats a matter of opinion not facts, as it is now the winner in a ship battle is "punished" due to loss of supplies as opposed to the loser coming back after 2 mins with a fresh ship.

    you choose to attack for the possiblity to steal treasure you didnt earn. its a choice you make as a pirate. if you end up not getting any and losing supplies that no different than the person who went on a quest and got jumped losing there gold. if you are moaning because your losing out for attacking with no reason then so you should! thats not what the pvp eliment is supposed to be. its a risk reward, you use supplies attacking a ship to steal loot. i dont see how thats losing anything at all or any different to using supplies attacking skeleton crews.

  • Big overhaul and getting things done. Thanks!

    Regarding your announcement involving deathcost, i was wondering if the Ferry maybe could become a more social place if there was more to do. For those between-heaven&hell-types amongst ourselves. If so, maybe the Ferry could be getting more levels to explore that could have some minigames of some sort? Just an idea. 😁

    Keep up the good work!

  • And the anti-hacks? That seems to be a big issue. Amazed how fast it happened.

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