Why are my reaper cosmetics not unlocked?

  • I am level 77 in reaper bones faction, have all promotions bought. I cannot buy any of the reaper figure heads, or reaper cannons. The cosmetics the game is recognizing I have are, lowly reaper figure head, reaper bones costume, reaper bones capstan, reaper bones wheel, reaper bones hull, reaper bones sails. The nutritious reaper cannons and the legendary reaper head are locked. That does not make sense because I have the reaper bones sails that are unlocked at 75 rep, and the description on the legendary reaper figure head says "unlocked by reaching level 50 with the reaper bones"

  • 6
  • @cpt-izzyred Have ye gone to the reaper and purchased ye upgrade? Ye can level all the way up but you have to actually buy the promotion to be considered that rank.

  • @skelcurseirl yea I have bought all my promotions, the next one I can buy is for level 80. It's strange because my other friend has these cosmetics and I don't. They are definitely not for servants of the flame and they are for reaper. Should I email rare maybe?

  • Yar, try a support ticket. I know that there have been a few buggy issues when tryin' to receive ye rewards.

  • @skelcurseirl alrighty appreciated

  • I sent a support ticket and they got back within 30 mins! Now that is great! They said that I need to purchase the lowly cannons before the next set of cannons would be unlocked. Very positive experience!

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