Game freezes and input delay when opening radial menu

  • When I open the radial menu it freezes and then after a few seconds equips the item I picked then I have bad input delay for about a minute after. Pls help I am on pc and have recording in background turned off and graphics drivers are fully updated.

  • 11
  • Exact same issue I am having and of my 4 friends, I am the only one with this issue. Here is what I've tried:

    • Rest key bindings
    • Re-installed the game
    • Made sure drivers and windows are both up to date
    • Adjusted graphics settings just to see what would happen. Nothing
    • Disabled Game Bar recording

    All nothing. If you watch you ping when this happens, it spike ping to around 300ms for me then as it settles down, it drops back down top normal levels, but takes about a minute of two of lag, input delay and "ghost movement" of where my character keeps moving in game when I'm not even touching the keyboard. Input delay jumps to around 5 seconds or so. Super weird and I cannot figure out how to fix this and it's incredibly annoying.

    And not is running higher than normal. Both GPU and CPU are at normal levels and temps are normal.

    PC Specs:
    Device name DESKTOP-PJM0I96
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
    Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable)
    Device ID C82E4798-D00D-4C9F-86DA-8FA449BA2A60
    Product ID 00325-81536-97112-AAOEM
    System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
    Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

    Edition Windows 11 Home
    Version 23H2
    Installed on ‎4/‎10/‎2023
    OS build 22631.3593
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1003.0

  • @geybeeter I capped my frame rate around 60-72 and I was able to fix it.

  • @xfonze I tried all of that stuff and redownloaded tons of device drivers. No dice. I guess for now ill just put the game down. It seems like a new bug which gives me hope that it could get fixed. Out of curiosity are you on steam or windows? Im on steam.

  • Bump to this post, just tried it on my new laptop and I'm getting this radial menu lag spike type thing. I tried capping fps and no fixes for me. Anyone figure out anything else that works?

  • @rassirian I forgot to mention I have an Intel i7 as well and did not have this issue on my ryzen.

  • @xfonze one more post, try this out. Go into windows settings and deactivate the windows game mode. I turned it off on my pc and I don't have the input lag and stuff anymore.

  • Well that doesn't work anymore. The only other thing that "Works" is keeping it capped to 30fps, even though the computer can run over 100, if I do more than 30 the input lag from the radial menu makes the game unplayable. Anyone know why this would be?

  • This get solved? If so can someone explain how to stop it?

  • I finally fixed it for myself. There was an application, completely separate from SOT, that was eating my cpu when I would use the radial menus. For me it was omen gaming command center. I recommend going to task manager, making the bug happen, and seeing which apps spike. Gl

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