Skeleton ships

  • For weeks now skeleton ships havent been able to repair themselves. So you shoot them 1 time and they sink. Is this a new feature? Or is this broken?

  • 8
  • skeleton ships havent been able to repair themselves. So you shoot them 1 time and they sink.

    Take it as it is. easy commendation completion.
    Fleet battles are faster loot :D

  • It's gone on so long that if they ever have megs bite again or skelly galleons actually act like a skelly galleon people are going to try to get it nerfed back down to the bug.

    Super unfortunate for people that aren't just looking to cheese treasure.

    Makes fights less exciting, encounters less exciting, everything is less interesting when things just become props.

    They are literally running out of things to nerf at this point.

    Fleets were once an awesome spot for exciting pve and pvp together, pretty sad to see what it has become.

    It's interesting how many veteran players wanna play the farm simulator game now after telling frustrated new players to deal with it for years. Would be nice to see some consistency to actually maintain a risk/reward environment.

  • I'm wondering if it is a bug at all, or a way to keep new players from being scared away.

    Shame if so. A galleon sinks faster than a sloop now.

  • @thegingrprince said in Skeleton ships:

    I'm wondering if it is a bug at all, or a way to keep new players from being scared away.

    Shame if so. A galleon sinks faster than a sloop now.

    It's another case of sacrificing the future for diminishing returns in the present if that is the case.

    Unless this game changes dramatically in a way that hasn't been announced the pve being a threat helps builds pirates.

    The best practice in the game outside of pvp was skelly galleons and aggressive megs. There are multiple skill requirements involved in pve chaos that help with pvp chaos. Without the boarders it allows people to practice many different things without it becoming a ladder guard simulator.

    A game like this has so many new players coming and going that losing veteran players isn't gonna move the needle much either way.

    I think where they are getting themselves into a pickle is with player content creation though. In this space it's just a part of the marketing so it is necessary to some degree. The issue is that extreme nerfs make player adventure content uninteresting. Creators can only carry the content so much, interesting, intense, exciting scenarios are necessary to maintain interest.

    The mass amounts of bugs mixed with a bunch of low to no challenge scenarios will add to the "game is broken/boring" narrative. It's just not interesting to go from bug work arounds to showing up to a fleet where one cannonball takes out an entire galleon, the megs don't attack, people don't fight over it because they've been cheesing all season already.

    If this is all an over-correction to try to keep new players around I think it's gonna cause more long term harm than good to the game, if the game is going to continue to be marketed as some sort of "high seas" experience.

  • @wolfmanbush You're spot on. Dumbing down makes you dumber.

    These things used to inspire terror when they rose from the waves.

    Last night I sunk a raid fleet with 6 cannonballs. And the last two were only cause I was impatient to get the galley down.

    No skill required, just one lower hole and run, chuck a firebomb on deck and most of the time they can't even return fire.

    Season 13 is the return of the Burning Blade, manned by a "fearsome" skeleton crew. Will that sink to a single shot too?

    I pray its a bug, but with the recent nerfs, I fear this is the new skelly ships going forward.

  • @wolfmanbush I noticed the Megs weren't attacking anymore, im bk on from years ago and they were something you needed to kill before it eat the ship, now you can ignore them completly, shame.

  • @vmastbuilder said in Skeleton ships:

    @wolfmanbush I noticed the Megs weren't attacking anymore, im bk on from years ago and they were something you needed to kill before it eat the ship, now you can ignore them completly, shame.

    What really bugs me about the meg nerfs since season 8 has been that it robs people of the experience for their first shrouded ghost encounter.

    In season 8 the behavior changed so that other people megs don't target other boats. This means that most shrouded ghost encounters involving other boats requires cooperation or people will very likely not get the kills, that's just terrible design.

    and now megs make a very wide circle and never attack, this means that when people finally get their shrouded it's just a wide circle where people can barely see it in current SoT waves and it never attacks so there are no action screenshots or clips in these conditions. Again, terrible design.

    Very unfortunate where pve is right now in this game.

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