Don’t grief, but…

  • Don’t grief. That’s very important. troll ruins the game for those around you. However, there is a difference between trolling and being a pirate. You know the difference when you see it. If you are sunk (by a pirate not a troll), sure it’s devastating, but remember to be good sports about it. It’s all in good fun. The most important thing is the journey it took to get that treasure.

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  • Its not about the gold its about the glory....not griefing got ya

  • @ajm123 Aye mate!

  • @ajm123 I mean… Let’s not be too quick to shun the gold quite yet, it’s always nice to have some lol.

  • I don't even remember the last time I had an encounter that I would classify as griefing,

    Unpleasant, sure, annoying, sure, but someone doing something "wrong"? very rarely in my view

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