Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback)

  • Firstly i wanna say, I was so excited to do this latest adventure. I’ve been doing the two previous adventures diligently and loyally and to 100% completion (all deeds, listening and reading through all the dialogue, taking in all the lore and visuals).

    Especially when i found out just today after a long day at work, that it starts today.

    So i sit down, boot up sea of thieves on my xbox, and sail straight for M12 on the map. And what happened next is a perfect example/proof of my point. I passed a reaper emissary galleon very near the killer whale ship. The galleon immediately started spamming all its cannons at me, both normal cannonballs and chainshots. Luckily they had terrible aim.

    It was clear to me they had no intention of stealing what little treasure i had, as when i didn’t stop and continued at a full speed towards the killer whale, they turned around and sailed directly in the opposite direction of me, far into the distance.

    To add insult to injury, i excitedly went to google to see some more info about the adventure before i do it. And lo and behold, you need at least 5 players to do the ritual after defeating all the other regular megalodons. That means at least a full galleon and a solo sloop.

    Ah yes, let me just ask those good folks over yonder for help, oh why are their cannons smoking? Looks like they were just firing at something….. weird, must be all the grog…

    Yes, make a time limited, lore heavy, achievement and cosmetic unlocking content, require multiple crews.

    Is Rare just genuinely blind to the state of their game? All the official posts and blogs and videos use words like “exciting” and “adventure” like it’s some wonderful paradise that will have no hiccups or stress inducing retries. Do they not understand 99% of players try to sink on sight, because of this infinitely spreading plague of “i got sank randomly, i will now begin sinking others randomly so it doesn’t happen to me again”?

    And this isn’t a point you can even use “it’s called sea of thieves, not sea of friends” on, because first of all, this is literally content that requires cross-crew cooperation. Secondly, this has nothing to do with stealing treasure. You literally will have such a hard time even participating in this adventure because of the simple fact that everyone hates having a good time and helping people out.

    I shouted at my tv “oh come ooooon!” When i found out the 5 player requirement, because i knew right then and there i was never gonna be able to summon the shrouded ghost, and it in fact even made me quit the session outright, and quite possibly give up on taking part in the legendary adventure (for same reasons of people bothering you for no good reason), as well as any future adventure. Because at this point, if im going to miss out on mementos and stuff because of the simple fact Rare can’t see what’s happening to their game, and think everything is still as jolly as when it was released (which their wording in videos and online posts seems to suggest), then i might as well not bother. If im going to be locked out of their main storyline focused adventures because they refuse to accept that pirates don’t like to cooperate.

    This game is so horribly organised at this point. One crew could be trying to do reaper emissary commendations, while another crew is just trying to get help doing a multi-crew commendation that requires teamwork. Again, this has nothing to do with stealing. It’s just the simple fact that this game is literally unplayable if Rare force you to seek people who only want to sink you, in order to partake in the game’s content.

    I would suggest making adventures work like a pirate’s life, where it all happens in private instances that only your crew can explore. And if you’re gonna make multi-crew content that isn’t focused on loot, at least introduce some way of disabling damage between ships temporarily, for example when you form an alliance specifically to do an adventure/event together. That way you can summon the meg, kill it together, and have fun. Instead of the other ship then bombarding you with everything they’ve got, and either cursing at you in a foreign language, or just sailing away and not even trying to steal your stuff.

    At this point im almost starting to think Rare is flat out trying to lie to new players, because the only time true, fun, effort filled roleplay cooperation happens, is either when Rare staff are posing for a screenshot to use in a loading screen or a video/post on the site, or inside private custom servers made and organised for special community events hosted by content creators.

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  • @mintharp184509 i’ll try tomorrow, thank you.

  • worst part is not that you have to have 5 people to summon the meg it is that if one of the crews decides to leave mid adventure the adventrue is nearly imposssible to complete unless you have atleast 10 stacks of wood because them meg is super aggro on your ship and the ghost ships have 80/90 percent hit accuracy so you will constantly be on repairs of no half the crew then the whole crew

    I (brig) was doing it with one other ship (galleon) and then the other ship (galleon) decides to go chase a sloop for an hour straight leaving use to do the adventure by ourselves. My crew tries to take on the meg but we constantly have 2 holes on our ship because the meg charges then a barrage of phantom shots come in and it keeps repeating. we sank like 5 times because the ghost ship aimbot is insane.

    when we tried to get back after our first sink it was not fun because as soon as you get in range of the fight location the cycle starts all over again. after almost an hour of trying to do the fight the meg just disappears because we didnt fight it fight it. Even when one of us stayed behind on the killer whale the meg would bug out and never show in the line of sight of the killer whale to fight it/

    The adventure is near impossible with a single ship regardless if you need 5 people to summon or not.

    Also as a bonus the Killer Whale can damage you ship so you aren't safe from you AI allies either.

  • This whole adventure is kind of a homage to the original Megalodon quest/DLC.
    The need for five crew members (or multiple crews) and Merrics song to call the fish is all part of it. I think that is the main reason why there is "again" a requirement of at least two crews.

  • Honestly, I was actually surprised at how well it went during our session.

    One effigy was already present, no other ships nearby, so we decided to get the remaining 3 ourselves.

    Afterwards we patiently waited for other ships to roll by. Took quite a while but after a long wait, it paid off. Another duo sloop arrived, we talked, and they decided to go talk to another duo sloop parked at Ancient Spyre. They successfully did so!

    It took a while for us to start the shanty, because we weren't sure about the specifics, but it triggered the fight. And what a fight it was! challenging but fun tbh, my teammate and I worked together perfectly, and the other sloops definitely held up great as well!

    Managed to complete it without too much hassle.

    Did a Legend of the Veil afterwards to see what it's all about.


    Since we still had one meg to do for the deeds, we decided to end our session by collecting it. So we sailed back to the Killer Whale, saw a Reaper sloop on the map circling the location of Merrick's ship, and at that point we already knew they were just spawncamping.

    As we get closer, they decide to chase us, but since we had a good session, and supplies filled to the brim, we felt confident enough to defend ourselves.

    After a lengthy fight, they did eventually sink, allowing us to go back on the Killer Whale to get the last Effigy.

    As we are sailing towards Thieves' Haven, we see a sloop in the distance, and sure enough, that same sloop as before decides to go after us once again.
    But, we beat them once, and we did so again.
    Got a server merge afterwards so they didn't return.

    My point being, the Adventure actually worked fine, finding other people was part of the fun for us, although it might be annoying for people with less time.

    But inevitably, there's gonna be people who are gonna spawncamp it and try to ruin someone's fun. It's difficult to do something about it but it's infuriating for people wanting to finish this Adventure.

  • @brunokuz I agree that it is fun i think the aggression of the meg and the ships should still be toned down if one or more of the ships decides to leave the adventure so that the crew that is left behind still has a chance to beat it not just waste all their supplies to stay afloat and not be able to land a single shot on the meg because everyone in the crew is trying to keep the ship alive.

  • My question is now is to the Moderators. Is it against any rule for players to Camp M13 to stop players from doing the adventure?

  • Did the megs with another duo sloop.

    Waited 2 hours for a no-show 5th. This was after 3 hours of megs.

    Had to logout for the night without finishing it.

    What are the Rare Devs smoking? Must be strong stuff.

  • I didnt know there even was a 5 person requirement to summon when my crew did it, we managed to just come across another brig and teamed up to try and save time killing the megs. I can see people being frustrated with that, i personally think its cool that you have to work with people up until the event is done and then navigate that tense moment of who is going to betray who.

  • When I found the multi-crew requirement I already decided I was going to skip this adventure.

    I hate working with other crews, I want to sink them.

  • This event showed how far Rare are from their players. They don't know their community, they don't know their game.

    This event went through the hands of those who invented it, through project managers, through developers and testers, and none of them seemed to think the idea of ​​5 people was bad?

    The most excellent design of the event where you are sent from the middle of the map, to the opposite end of the map and back, and so 4 times, AS FUN, I see how those who came up with it are proud of themselves, because they tried SO hard to come up with an exciting event, it’s a pity that they didn’t succeed .

    Having spent a total of 3 hours collecting all the megalodons, I found that Merik's phrase that "you need either 5 people, or wait until Larina sends help" is a little deceptive, I thought that if you are not 5 then you will need to play the melody much longer, but no, this phrase is about the fact that you need to stand and wait until some poor fellows want to complete this event.

    In total, in 4 hours of time, we were not able to complete this event if you are on a dead server with 3 ships, 1 of which is you, 2 ship is the guys resting on the AFK ferry, and 3 swims in the ashy seas and digs shards.

    Elaboration of the event - Rare/10

  • Sorry I don't really have any advice but I had the same problem with not having 5 people but after killing the 4 megs.

    I spent 3 and a half hours killing the megs just for me to get 'rared' by the game saying that I need to get 5 people.

    This would of been fine if there was a crew on my server which wasn't a reaper emissary (there wasn't).

    Then I decided to leave the server but when I got back to the killer whale found no checkpoint.

    Could of Rare at least of given us solo players a checkpoint so we don't need to kill the megs all over again.

    Rare, please fix this

  • @jaegerdelta3465
    I agree but if your on a dead server and then have to kill the megs all over again its a bit annoying.

  • @josiah4294 well thanks for letting me know it's gg'd. Forced coop adventures are a huge let down. Just let me do it solo. When I log in to play sot I'd rather not waste 3 hours looking for people to help out. Oh well.

  • 5 pirates is easy to get. Simply run a galleon with friends or from an LFG - that's 4 right there. So, you don't really have a basis for complaining here, because if you don't like running with a crew, then that's a "you" problem.

    My complaint comes from the placing of the effigies on the table. I started the voyage, solo, sailed to the Killer Whale, and saw all but 1 of the effigies on the table. I deduced which 1 was needed, and went on the hunt. When I returned, another sloop was already there, and they had already placed down the effigy. This means that I couldn't place down mine, which also means that I couldn't complete the challenge. I had to wait for them to finish 1st, and they only had 2 pirates. Even if I joined them, that's only 3; 4 if I opened up my crew or invited a friend. I don't know if it's true or not, but 1 of the pirates told me that I would lose my own effigy once they summoned the final meg. I basically gave up at this point for the day and went to eat dinner with my family. You should get credit for defeating the summoned megs, or capturing their essence, not for placing the effigy on thectable the table.

  • @wallyscag1817 said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    Its not the same game as it was then.

    It sort of is, though. The exact same things happened during Hungering Deep but a lot of players here can't see that through their rose tinted glasses.

  • @d3adst1ck I mean considering back then it was pure luck amongst people that didn't really know how to play the game optimally compared to people who literally played this game for upwards to 4 year PLUS sweated their minds out in a now deleted game mode.

    There is a massive difference that shouldn't be understated but like:

    Don't go for the loot in any fashion, just get 1 hit on the meg, play an instrument on the Killer Whale, and do the rest of the meg kills solo if you need to.

    This adventure is only problematic if you let it be problematic, playing this whole thing in reverse is really the way you want to go about it.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    Don't go for the loot in any fashion, just get 1 hit on the meg, play an instrument on the Killer Whale, and do the rest of the meg kills solo if you need to.

    This adventure is only problematic if you let it be problematic, playing this whole thing in reverse is really the way you want to go about it.

    That was my plan (hopped around for half an hour last night looking for beacons - zero luck) but don't you see an issue with the design if the best way to complete a storyline adventure is to play it out of order?

  • @wallyscag1817

    The exact same complaints, right down to the 5 player requirement.

  • @eizan What would be the point in doing that outside of being a terrible piece of garbage? I mean, even pvp focused players have all the interest in letting the ritual to start, so they can steal everything at the end.

  • @ottyman8687 and you are the exact problem with this game right now…you dont want to cooperate you want to just sink…so instead of playing the game you rather just sink people and create miserable times for everybody else. good job. @galactic-geek stop. its not easy finding 5 people…hence you havent even completed it. im so tired of of seeing comments like this from the same people who either are the creators of the issues or people who fail to see there are issues. 95% of the game is pve…5 % pvp. because of this off balance most people are doing pve related things…that 5% is literally out there ruining everything for everybody every chance they get. and no im not butt hurt i have completed it because im part of an alliance server…i got tired of wasting my time day in and day out with nothing to show for it because of people who just want to sail around and ruin people’s fun. this could have been a really fun event…unfortunately without pve servers its a huge failure because its almost impossible to get it done from what it seems. rare doesnt seem to understand how many players exsist like otty who dont care about playing the game…they just want to sail around and sink people ignoring everything else…it kills the fun for everyone else who is trying to have fun and do things

  • @madfrito99 and this precisely shows how rare does not listen nor care about its players. @D3ADST1CK showed previous post from the hungering event. they didnt listen which shows they dont care. there are people out there that just sail around to anger people…make them miserable…because to them seeing people upset, or miserable is fun. how crazy and senile is that? look i get it pvp can be fun…but when you PURPOSELY run reaper and camp an event you know everyone is trying to do you are now PURPOSELY trying to ruin someone’s experience. remember there is nothing to camp for unless the shrouded is summoned…and even with that the loot is worthless! i surely didnt get a chest of legend when i completed it…and besides one chest of legends is not worth all that effort…but these people dont care. they are trolls…just bad people who dont think about others…its so sad to me to have such a beautiful game ruined by these types of people…all i see is more and more people ask for pve servers. i dont care what rare has said in the past…obviously its still an issue. it doesnt help that all they have been doing lately is adding more pve stuff!!!! how does a galleon achieve glory sinking a solo sloop? i mean really

  • @madfrito99 use some paragraphs/breaks in your comments, might make people actually want to read what you have to say.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    @nex-stargaze said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    Don't go for the loot in any fashion, just get 1 hit on the meg, play an instrument on the Killer Whale, and do the rest of the meg kills solo if you need to.

    This adventure is only problematic if you let it be problematic, playing this whole thing in reverse is really the way you want to go about it.

    That was my plan (hopped around for half an hour last night looking for beacons - zero luck) but don't you see an issue with the design if the best way to complete a storyline adventure is to play it out of order?

    You see the massive disparity between what the devs want to do and what we pirates CAN do is so beyond RNG, it's human emotion and motivations. In an ideal world people are willing to do the fun new thing first cooperatively, and THEN either fight it out with GGs, or shanties and farewells at the end.

    The freedom of our pirates and their actions is the wand that makes the magic of Sea of Thieves so great, but it also backfires horribly because of those freedoms. People can be as nice or as mean as they want, and the only thing you can do about it is either fight back, report and leave, or just leave and go to another server. Some people refuse to choose peace because it's not their fun way to play, some just want to see the world burn and get the salty tears of their foes to flow out of their microphones. This game has a lot of freedoms but we can't police it, we can only deal with it because we're morally on equal terms at all times.

    What can the devs do about it? Not much but just what could make people, or themselves happy. These adventures are pure proof that they have ideas about how they WANT to design live events, but it seems obvious that a fair amount of people are against lots of sailing and cooperation, as well as overall fighting especially since a lot of us are very hard=headed solo sloops going up against wide-brained brigantine and galleon crews. There isn't going to be a proper balance of interest unless everyone can play how they want and benefit the rewards their own way without having to do something they really don't want to do.

    I suppose this is where people could suggest the return of events like "Dark Relics" and "Mercenary Voyages", since they procured nice rewards and everyone was likely doing it, from the toughest of players to the newest of players. /shrug

  • @nex-stargaze its easy. pve servers that allow you to collect gold and commendations doing voyages and tall tales. just like alliance servers. nothing you can buy gives you an advantage so earning gold is fine.

    you cant do world events, megs or skellies. no emissary rewards, ledgers or levels.

    to me this is a perfect soloution. people will still be in public servers so pvp still will be there but it also gives others who just want to complete voyages the piece of mind. no different than what alliance servers are now.

  • @madfrito99 Oh please, go away with your PVE servers.

  • @madfrito99 said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    @nex-stargaze its easy. pve servers that allow you to collect gold and commendations doing voyages and tall tales. just like alliance servers. nothing you can buy gives you an advantage so earning gold is fine.

    Don't you DARE start derailing this topic right now I swear to grog.

    That is not nor ever will be a solution to a PvPvE game, the devs are committing to this and not cracking to players not willing to play in a truly free world. Don't start this man, you've done it several times before.

  • @nex-stargaze its not just me. look at how many post have been popping up about the same issues over and over. you guys are just stubborn and dont want to hear solutions

  • @wallyscag1817 said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    This is the perfect solution that would really let everyone pick how they want to play instead of only really giving choice to players who want to fight other players.

    No, we're not going through this, we're not turning someone's criticism and issues about a single live event into a PvE server rant. That's not going to happen, you people keep trying to limit the true freedoms of other people for your own isolated freedom, and that's not how this game is ever going to work, enough of this.

  • OK, so I'm going to leave this up...for now.

    But if I get a whiff of this turning into a PvE servers 'debate' I will get the mods to drop anchor.

    We have given our thoughts on PvE servers multiple times and you can find it in our podacst or in the multiple responses from mods and the team on Forums.

    PvE servers are not on the cards - they would go against the very heart of the game which is risk vs reward. This is why Custom Servers will not award rep or gold. The point of Sea of Thieves is to earn your gold, tell your story, play your way, choosing to engage or not and, most importantly, to never know if the sails on the horizon are friend or foe or what each session will bring.

    I will leave this open for now in the hopes that some genuine feedback comes out of it re: the latest adventure.


  • @nex-stargaze said in Shrouded Deep complaint (rant/feedback):

    What can the devs do about it?

    Don't have arbitrary player requirements larger than 4 or require multi-crew to progress. It would remove a lot of the issues which stall this adventure completely, like having to wait an hour or more for other ships. Events and Adventures should be designed to be completed by your crew only. If you want to make it harder, balance it towards the Galleon. Other ships can attempt it but it would naturally be harder. If you want to speed things up, you can choose to include other crews to help out.

    The problem is that setting a player limit beyond the maximum size of a crew removes choice and does not respect player time.

  • @wallyscag1817 Which is why the thread is staying open. But if it turns into 'PvE servers when?' we will be dropping anchor because that isn't in line with the game we have made and are still making, and it is not feedback on the Adventure.

    I want to see your feedback, but it must be feedback, not arguments over a concept that we have shot down many, many times as not being in line with the game design or soul of the game.

  • The genuine feedback I have for this adventure is that it is unironically one of the best adventures thus far, despite any weird development hiccups along the way. While I do agree that the 5-player limit is a little troublesome, I sailed with some friends on galleons and were able to participate in this event with no trouble. It's also pretty challenging and brings back that multi-crew cooperation chaos you don't get to see very often on the seas.

    I do think that if the devs could do anything of merit for the next couple of Adventures, they need to gather some seriously concise feedback and statistics for how their players want to play the game and handle story-related events. I wish I knew how things were like during the older events many veterans remembered fondly because they feel like they were much better designed than the live events and adventures as of recent, but maybe its just me. Keep up the good work!

  • @wallyscag1817


    That is enough for now. Rare devs and employees are telling you to stop. Please listen to them. We do not need a topic locked because of this forcing peace is never the way without your own blunt force that anyone can resist and stop. Cut this out, please, I beg of you

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