I was doing well till 1 sloop came.

  • Ok, come on then pirates and bully me in this discussion. I just want to share this to now get emotionally damaged by you. I was having a wonderful day when I dug up so many chests and got max emissary grade of gold hoarders for very first time. I knew I should've went straight to an outpost, but one more island couldn't hurt. So stupid of me yea yea. A sloop came and I was like "damn I never was able to win a single naval battle against another player! Gotta try, because I can't outrun him." And then I keep missing shots cuz of range keeps changing and then "he is coming to board! I'm ready to shoot with my blunderbuss and..." *click *click
    "Oh yeah... I forgot I ran out of ammo" and then he killed me. So forget it, f it, f it all, f this game. All those hours wasted and got nothing but a headache.
    There ya go, that's my story today. Come laugh at me and bully me. Yea yea, pvp, hardcore blablabla. I was born as a loser and an annoying idiot in real life, ok? So I deserve to be beated.

  • 19
  • Shouldn’t this be under “Tales”?

  • Water sinks ships.

    Greed kills pirates.

    You got something else as well as the headache: you know now firsthand to (a) turn in more often and (b) walk past the ammo chest after you've shot something or someone and refill & reload your gun(s).

  • @delta-allon yeah...stupid game...doesn't tell you to get ammo...

  • @burnbacon oh right wrong category. Well too late cuz I am stupid

  • @lem0n-curry I simply forgot. There's way too many things going on in environment that causes me to have anxiety.

  • @delta-allon said in I was doing well till 1 sloop came.:

    @lem0n-curry I simply forgot. There's way too many things going on in environment that causes me to have anxiety.

    Really ? Or did you become more greedy and confident because you could do the gold hoarders easy and without interruption ?
    Turn in some of your chests early makes you less gold and emissary value than doing it at grade 5, but probably will lessen the anxiety as well, I'd think.

    Make sure your ship is all right, make sure you have the load-out you want or need (not full of supplies when you're on a supply run, change weapons, ammunition &c), make sure the Seas are safe (enough) to go on the next bit of the voyage and then set sail.

    I forget these things as well and sometimes I just make it, sometimes my loot is lost.

    Just this weekend, solo I did the final bit of a Powder & Arms quest, found a merchant quest for a crate of wood or fruit for Ancient Spire. I should have gone to Galleons Grave, turn in my stuff, get a chest and fill it and then turn in at Ancient Spire, not ignoring the Brigantine in the South West that were on an intercept course as soon as I couldn't get faster back to Galleon's Grave.

    Not the brigantine crew's fault that I lost my loot, not the wind that wasn't in my favour: nope it was my decision to try and make an extra 1000 gold of the crate without stopping at two outposts; in other words greed.

  • @lem0n-curry I get it, no need to lecture me! Would just bully me here, ok? You're pirates, this is a pirate game literally, so be like pirates and tell me to jump out of a window or hit my head with a hammer. Make me suffer, ok?

  • @delta-allon said in I was doing well till 1 sloop came.:

    @lem0n-curry I get it, no need to lecture me! Would you just bully me here, ok? You're pirates, this is a pirate game literally, so be like pirates and tell me to jump out of a window or hit my head with a hammer. Make me suffer, ok?

  • @delta-allon said in I was doing well till 1 sloop came.:

    @lem0n-curry I get it, no need to lecture me! Would just bully me here, ok? You're pirates, this is a pirate game literally, so be like pirates and tell me to jump out of a window or hit my head with a hammer. Make me suffer, ok?

    You might need another platform if you want to get bullied. Not allowed here …

  • Analyzing the results of decisions that you don't like allows you to make different ones that more often result in an outcome more compatible with your personality

    You can't control the environment you can only control how you approach your participation in it.

    What this means is that if you take what you know about yourself to be true and you take what you find out about yourself when you lose you can craft a session that best works for you. This requires dedication, strategy, consistency, and the willingness to adapt.

    Everyone loses. Literally everyone that takes any sort of risk at all in this game loses sometimes. Loss is a part of pirate life.

    In your session and in this thread it seems you are approaching it in a way where you are setting yourself up for a negative result.
    Maybe you dig negative results I dunno but if you wanna change that at some point you can set reasonable and reachable goals and consistently reach them and set new ones.

    You mentioned anxiety in a follow up post. That is something a lot of people struggle with in this game and that's alright. You can adapt to that if you commit to it. There are ways to minimize risk, intensity and negativity in the game. It might not be what you want to do but if it minimizes negative results maybe it's the right thing to do for yourself.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Do you really think that causing Anxiety is a good feature on a Game?

  • @elci-poteh said in I was doing well till 1 sloop came.:


    Do you really think that causing Anxiety is a good feature on a Game?

    I don't think developers of a game with a shared person environment are responsible for the personal struggles of individuals when it comes to gameplay.

    People with any personal struggles should be able to play the game and be welcome to the game.
    And they are and can

    Using the freedoms they have and the tools they have will be necessary to overcome personal struggles during their gameplay.

  • @wolfmanbush

    I've lived with a person Who suffers Anxiety and Panic Attacks. This situations could be detonanted by a large number of factors, including a stress situation when you don't have control.

    Sot doesnt give them any tool to manage their problems or controlling the situation, a person spawncamping them, a Gally putting them on a Big stress... Could be a problem.

    Is not a Game for everyone, but everyone should have the oportunnity to give It a try without affecting his/her health.

  • @elci-poteh said in I was doing well till 1 sloop came.:


    I've lived with a person Who suffers Anxiety and Panic Attacks. This situations could be detonanted by a large number of factors, including a stress situation when you don't have control.

    Sot doesnt give them any tool to manage their problems or controlling the situation, a person spawncamping them, a Gally putting them on a Big stress... Could be a problem.

    Is not a Game for everyone, but everyone should have the oportunnity to give It a try without affecting his/her health.

    Spawncamping only goes on as long as a person allows it to.

    People can freely hop servers at any time they want to avoid anything they want
    they can make decisions about how they play
    they get to choose their own risks
    they never are forced to engage in combat any longer than they want to
    the servers not being crowded allows people to avoid other ships on a regular basis

    You are correct, this game isn't for everyone long term
    but there are many productive steps a person can take before making that decision

  • Your attitude in this post is very unnecessary.
    Everything that went wrong is indeed shortcomings on your part, but this is all one big learning exercise. I'm not going to lecture on PVP or anything, cause frankly, i genuinely respect the part where you said "Gotta try fighting, i can't outrun him" that takes more guts than a lot of pirates on the sea.
    However, you hoarded a bunch of treasure, more than you were willing to lose, that was your first mistake. Sell often, sell fast, ESPECIALLY once you reach grade 5, you have no excuse otherwise. I sell every time i pass an outpost at grade 5.
    Always remember to scan the horizon, you might have been able to catch the sloop, but some really do sneak up on you, so you're forgiven.
    When going into battle, it is essential you make sure you have "Battle-pockets", cannonballs, chainshots, any cursed balls, etc. And reload ammo, and check your loadout. For sloop-sloop combat, i go sword and blunder, cause you're almost always close quarters.
    You don't need to be bullied, you don't need to beat yourself up, you made more of an attempt than a lot of pirates i've seen and heard from, and i respect that. It definitely sounds like a massive headache to lose all that effort, but there is definitely room to learn and improve. You'll be defending your glorious hauls in no time, swabbie.

  • Growing pains man, we all went through that when we first started playing. But I assure you, that if you have a willingness to learn and adapt from more experienced players and a desire to apply that newfound knowledge, you will turn into a good player.

  • @candlestyxx because it's the 2nd time I saw you doing this...NECROING ISN'T ALLOWED

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