How to become a pirate legend???

  • So How to become a pirate legend??? (The title is awarded to players that have reached level 50 in three of the main Trading Companies and bought the corresponding level 50 promotions. Players must then speak to the Mysterious Stranger, who will reward the Title, the Legendary Set clothing, and the Shanty of Legends that's used to access to the Athena's Fortune Hideout.)

    Now with all that Said My son's Level's are...
    Merchant Alliance: 50
    Gold Hoarders: 52
    Order of Souls:51

    he was not been awarded the title pirite legend and when he talk's to the pirite he nothing happens and we have restarted the hole game and pc still nothing some help would be great !!!

  • 4
  • @mrcold1307 He needs to buy the level 50 promotions from those three companies and then speak to the Mysterious Stranger.

  • @d3adst1ck Thank you good Sir

  • @mrcold1307

    he'll be given a new shanty to play (we will sail together iirc) which you can play in any of the drinking houses (you need to find the right spot kinda facing the broken stairs and the stranger but back near the corner) which opens a staircase down to athena's secret hideout. if you have trouble doing it then just do a youtube search to see an example. something like "sea of thieves opening access to athena's hideout" should show you what to do.

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