Double AI spawns are difficult to fight when some bugs are present

  • As title: during a double AI spawn fight some bugs are present which do not allow to fight in the right way or defend your ship.

    1. If a boat touches the hitbox of a megalodon player will just "fast travel" in the world, like in the video below:
    1. (Dunno if it's a bug) But sometimes when a player is fighting a kraken and he/she stays under the deck (reparing) the kraken could get/eat him/her.

    I like to fight 2-3 AI spawns at once but with those bugs is a little bit frustrating. If Rare cannot solve this problem, maybe is not better just to spawn one at the time but increasing his difficulty instead of playing in this manner?

    Ps. don't read the answers below because were hold and I've just edited the original post in the right way now because at the first time I was tilt, but now it should be better. If you're interested just read the latest pages. Thx

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  • The seas are hostile, only the best pirates can overcome such dangers.

  • @targasbr and of course you are one of them... if you paid 60 bucks for a broken and empty game, well I just suppose your the [mod edit] not the “best pirate” lol... Maybe you didn’t read my rank, I didn’t write it because I wanted to pose, but just to not receive stupid answers like yours. Continue to support this kind of game and they will never work on fixing the bugs.
    It’s already passed an year and we still see the same [mod edit]. SoT seems is taking the road like: No Man’s Sky, Fallout76, Ark Survival,.... and again! It should be a sandbox, not an hardcore game (which I actually love).
    Next time read all the various posts that are in the forum so you can see how many people are complaining for all the bugs that are present. And if you’re fine to fly away from your ship with no reason or to get a black screen during a fight... well I think there’s something wrong in your mind.
    Are you maybe “protecting” the game and having fun of me just because you’re one of the developer and you’re not able to fix those issues?! Because I don’t see any reason to disagree with me honestly...

  • The key words here being was and were. SoT has good devs who actually fix the damn game. If Megalodon + Skelly is considered a problem, it won't be one for long. It's improving, you can't deny that, plus the player-base has been steadily increasing, regardless of the Friend's Play Free week. Yes, it's grindy and frustrating and still lacking content, but it wont forever. And why should it be a sandbox, exactly?

  • Ahoy Matie!

    When I get attacked by both a skelly and meg or meg and kraken some are the most fun PvE battles. Once you get a bit better at taking them out you won’t have any issues and it will be more fun.

    I don’t like the concept of making the seas “less dangerous”

  • PvE encounters could be tuned down a bit, to make them more unique and less annoying.

    Worst thing that happens very often is completing fort then being caught by kraken and random enemy ship that stop by ink circle and start shooting themself to your ship

  • just sail to an island. problem solved

  • @becausescience1 I agree that’s improving in one way (that’s why I still enjoy it) but you should admit that everytime they release something it’s always a waste of time. When a game releases a new content it should be playable not annoying especially because players love to play new content when they are released and they want to have fun. I used the keywords “was” and “were” just because they fixed that months later, but again: everytime a new content is released it’s always unplayble and players must wait months before they start to have fun. If the developers are really good they shouldn’t release a content which is unplayble (just remember when DR was released: every step was an hit from the vulcano). In this game they should add a commendations for how many times we died lol. Not because players are noobs, but just because it’s “better” to die instead to fight (example: during a skull fort can spawn lot of skelly with power keg, better to suicide and kill all of them instantly instead to run away, find a good spot to shoot, eat bananas and come back to fight. It’s just faster but at the same time players are not playing the game in the right way.
    For me, a good game which costs 60 bucks where the devs made a good job is Red Redemption 2 for example. No bugs, full of content, storyline,.... and honestly I don’t feel to say the same for SoT.

  • @xxdamronxx Ahoy!

    I’m not asking to make the seas “less dangerous” but I’m asking to make it “more playable”. For example: I liked how they changed the Kraken difficulty respect on which boat you are and how many players are in. When I fight a kraken with a galleon now is really funny because is more challenge then before but what is the sense to spawn all the monsters at once?! One day I had to fight a kraken + skelly ship + meg all together oO.
    I don’t think Rare decided it, I’m 90% sure that’s only a bug because it doesn’t make any sense.

  • @d4m0r3d can’t sail away if you’ve got from a kraken and your against wind + while kraken eats and kill you a megalopoli start attacking your ship... It’s an immediate sink.

  • @ziobasi go down stairs, grab planks. if you go to the holes in your ship you can click and repair them. if you do this while sailing away towards an island you will be fine. if you dont know how to escape the kraken, the second it appears, raise sails and do a 180. then in the meg is on you sail to an island and you are fine

  • @d4m0r3d I know how to fight a kraken lol.... but explain me how do your repair if a kraken takes you while you should repair + a megalodon makes more holes at the same time and you die for the black water?! Time to spawn back to your ship that is gone...

  • @ziobasi maybe you dont know how to fight one. it cant take you while you are under deck. and how do you die from the black water?? dont you know how to get out of the tentacle when he sucks you? seems to me like you dont know what you are doing tbh

  • if you dont know what you are doing maybe you should fight them and learn

  • and its funny that you say 90% of the time you finish a skull fort a meg and something else will spawn on you because the last 5 skull forts I have done have gone smoothly.

  • @d4m0r3d Unless they changed it in the last patch or 2, the kraken can pull you through a ship.

  • @d4m0r3d Of course I do. And my stats are 20 times better then yours so stop acting like you need to teach something to me. Just need to hit the tentacles and he leaves you, I know. But I see you still didn’t get the point of the post so I recommend you to read all from the beginning

  • @d4m0r3d Excatly. Kraken can also pull you out if you are under the deck so.... we don’t need to prove anything, maybe you should fight the kraken and learn

  • @ziobasi I really dont see the pve as a grind, defeating the pve doesnt take long at all its easy af, I have even said in the past, the kraken and megalodon need buffs. the grind is the damn voyages or skull forts, they take forever and arent the most interesting things to do

  • @d4m0r3d Well, I don't think I ever made a clip of it but I've had it happen a lot right after the shrouded spoils update. If you really want to hunt it down I'm sure someone has a clip of it.

  • @ziobasi I have fought the kraken as much as I need to, and im pretty sure it hasnt got me from under deck before but yea watever, normally I just fight it I dont run away from pve

  • @lonegoatknifer yea theres probebly a clip of it. I think I have even seen it happen to a streamer, but what im saying is when you go under deck majority of the time it wont suck you up, maybe its a bug, but I guess it could be a chance thing idk

  • @d4m0r3d Takes forever lol.... I’ve finished all them months ago... I just prefer to see an harder megalodon or harder kraken separated instead to see all of them together at a lower level. That’s it. What will happen when Rare will introduce more fishes in the seas and maybe more monsters?! We will see 100 of them chasing our ship all together?! oO

  • @d4m0r3d Maybe other crew mayber fight for you while you go afk because we see that you also don’t know about these issues. If I can post a video here, tomorrow I’ll make a video for you so I can show you and at the same time I show you how I solo fight a kraken so maybe you can learn something new

  • @ziobasi one time i had a kraken, 2 skelly ships and 1 real galleon fighting me a solo sloop. I won and its probs the most amazing experience I have ever had on the game. I understand sinking if you are out of planks but repairing and bailing water on a sloop is easier than any other ship, the only way I ever sink is if a skelly ship sleeps me then knocks me off the ship, an erruption targets the fudge out of me while im anchored, or a player boards me and kills me wich is rare, everyone runs away from pvp in this game lol

  • @ziobasi and what do you mean your stats are 20x better than mine? I dont know what stats you are talking about?

  • @d4m0r3d experience of the game. You talking like a beginner/intermediate player.
    In this game for me, stats don’t mean a player is better then another but just that he knows more

  • @ziobasi lol what makes me sound like a begginer or intermediate player?

  • @d4m0r3d you don’t know anything about the kraken’s bug but you still argue about that. You said that the real grid are to complete the voyages and skull fort... it’s just funny

  • @ziobasi what do you think the grind is? and how did i not know anything about what krakens bug? the one where it sucks you from under deck? the point is, thats a bug. it doesnt happen all the time, if you are fighting a kraken go under deck, just because theres a bug doesnt mean you should just stand above deck and let it take you

  • @d4m0r3d Did I say I stand above the deck?!
    Other people understood what I’m saying because they know about the game so if you don’t get the point I dunno what else to say. I didn’t open this post to argue with you honestly

  • @ziobasi sorry for angering you. not my intention. anyways you arent the one who mentioned it can suck you through the bottom deck so idk what you are on about. if they know about the game then they should know you would be fine 90 percent of the time if you stay below deck and repair while it sucks you up. that guy was just stating it can happen. I dont get your point? are you saying the kraken is too hard or what. and im genuinly curious as to what you think the grind is? cause it seems to me the aim of the game is go do voyage, lvl up. thats the grind. you can go kill megs and krakens but who tf grinds that, thats not gonna get you far if you are trying to get to pirate legend

  • @ziobasi what does global rank #47 mean?

  • @ziobasi said in Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    Don't think I'm noob, I'm Global Rank #47

    One could argue that thinking that your "Global Rank" would be in any way helpful in this post already contradicts the first part.

    Honestly if doing Athena voyages would reliably spawn Karen and/or Megan I would be more than happy. Sadly it doesn't work that way.

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