Why does everyone flee?

  • Player behavior in this game has always confused me, but lately I have been dumbfounded by the things players are doing recently. It seems like every single player will run away from you, no matter what. And I have also seen that some of these players come onto the forums and express frustration about players chasing them for hours. I kind of want to get some insight into what is going through these players' heads, as it just makes no sense to me.

    When I see a ship run away for an extended period of time, the first thing I think is that they have some serious loot on them and might be low on supplies to adequately fight back. By running, you are making sure that the other player will want to stay engaged in this fight until they know what you have.

    If you have been running for a while and brushing close to islands, it will make me think that you have been scattering high value loot on places to come back to later after you sink. At this point I am likely to stick to you like glue even after we sink you, perhaps hiding someone on the ship as a scout, keeping our distance and watching your every move, etc.

    Those are really the only two logical reasons I can think of to flee. I have only ever fled when low on supplies or had something high value like a fort key or athena's. So from my perspective, you definitely are worth chasing forever if you run. But it seems like a huge majority of players have nothing on their ships at all and will run anyways. And this just makes no sense to me.

    If you have nothing to lose, you should attempt to go in and fight your pursuer because if you sink with nothing on you and look like a noob, the other crew will probably let you get back to your voyage in search of more lucrative players to kill. You also get a chance to work on your combat skills without any stakes. There just doesn't seem to be a reason not to fight if you have nothing. At the very least scuttle your ship right in front of them and let them know you aren't worth their time in the future. I see way too many people complaining about others chasing them and wasting their time when it's your own fault. Just scuttle and be done with them. Very few players will repeatedly spawn hunt and kill you repeatedly unless you frustrated them. And by far the most frustrating thing in this game is someone running away for no good reason. Everyone who enjoys PvP in SoT gets very frustrated by the guy on the sloop with a single chicken running away for an hour. So if you find yourself getting griefed you only have yourself to blame for not getting the process over and done with.

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  • Because its fun if they chase its exciting and if you have no loot you have nothing to loose :")

  • Ahoy there, @Natsu-v2 !

    Please keep in mind that Rare has designed Sea of Thieves to have optional PvP. Basically, you can either engage or not when someone approaches you with hostile intent. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the player ahead of you really doesn't have any interest in fighting? Food for thought.

    Please keep in mind that not everyone is as thirsty to fight as you are and for them just exploring or engaging in PvE content is more than enough.

    Be honest with me. If someone told you that they had no loot, you'd just turn around and sail away? Let's be honest here, you'd never trust that and just go ahead and chase them no matter what.

  • @eredhar But if their goal is to continue doing PvE, they could get back to that sooner by giving up.

    And of course I wouldn't believe them if they say they have no loot. But if they scuttle and let me see that they had nothing, I won't bother their next ship. They would save more time by doing that and coming back to where they need to go than by running forever.

    The game also is not optional PvP. There is simply nothing you can do to stop a skilled crew from catching up to you. It will happen. It may take up to an hour, but you will get caught and anchored. That isn't optional PvP. In fact, the chase itself would be considered PvP, so once that has started then you're in it.

  • @natsu-v2
    Let's say, for argument's sake, that you're chasing me. You want me to scuttle my ship so that you can see that I don't have any loot? Please tell me you see how absurd that is. I don't believe it for a second that you won't come after me, let's say 30 minutes later, when you'd know i would have loot. You don't want to waste time chasing me? Well, switch target. Go chase another ship. You do realize that by what you said, you'd be forcing me to play Sea of Thieves how you want it and not how i see fit.

    Regarding your second statement, i don't think that you can catch up with someone who's also skilled. If me and my crew want to run away from a fight, i wholeheartedly believe that you won't catch us.

    Your concept of PvP engagement differs from mine. While you consider that PvP starts from the moment a chase ensues, for me a PvP starts when the two parties engage in active combat.

  • @natsu-v2

    Sea of Thieves is a game about choices, the choice to flee if you so wish, or the choice to engage, the decision can depend on a whole range of factors -

    We know we can outrun you, so we do.
    We really don't want our voyage disrupted by a pvp battle and the possibility of respawning elsewhere and having to restock the ship.
    We've got loot on board and you're not having it.
    We can choose the battleground, not you.
    We know we can just loop round and round Outposts and drop our loot off piece by piece, so we might do that.
    We want open water or a better position so we can deploy our rowboat emergency crew and row the loot ashore.
    It can be a war of attrition, you might be hit by fort/island cannons, you might be struck by lightning in the storm, you might run aground, kraken/meg might be persuaded to attack you, fog or skelleons are also useful in a chase. You're using up precious resources all the while.
    We might swing by some other ships, try and ally or at least get them onside or deflect the pursuit.
    We enjoy it most of the time.

  • @eredhar I do actually switch targets if you brush past a more lucrative one, but occasionally I will be frustrated to the point where I might attempt to ally with them to help kill you repeatedly. I might attack you again if you scuttle and come back and I have seen that you haven't cashed in for a long time. But if you scuttle and go to a different part of the world and start questing there, then you won't have to worry about me.

    Also, you can obviously run away from a fight, but you legitimately can't run away to the point that your pursuer completely loses you. That basically won't happen unless they get hit by a kraken or you happen to get really lucky with a storm placement that allows you to break out of the storm in a multitude of different ways to break line of sight.

    No matter how fast you are you would have to break into one of the other three seas and make them lose draw distance on you for a couple minutes before you can truly say you've escaped.

  • @natsu-v2 in fairness, me old mate. You aint considering all perspectives, so allow me to enlighten you further, if i may.

    When i was new, i used to solo sloop. If i saw a ship coming for a scrap i suspected i would end up losing, which is invariably how these arrangents would pan out.

    However, in order to inject a little excitement into my day i would give you a run for your money as that was what used to float my boat so to speak!

    So, its whatever suits that individual in that given moment and we need to accept that we dont need to comprehend everything, thats what makes sense to me.

  • @nikjw I agree with you. Everyone has different play styles and to force someone to play how you want, is not going to work.

    Furthermore, @Natsu-v2 , i wouldn't suggest to underestimate other crews, for they can be more knowledged in the game than you. You will definitely stumble upon some crews that can outsmart, outrun and outmaneuver you. If someone knows their ship and the seas, trust me you'll eventually look at them from afar. #youmaynotbethebestoutontheseas

  • Furthermore, @Natsu-v2 , i wouldn't suggest to underestimate other crews, for they can be more knowledged in the game than you. You will definitely stumble upon some crews that can outsmart, outrun and outmaneuver you. If someone knows their ship and the seas, trust me you'll eventually look at them from afar. #youmaynotbethebestoutontheseas

    Exactly, always someone better than you and always someone worst

  • @nikjw I actually didn't even think about running being fun for some players. Even when I run, I kind of do it in a hit and run, stick and move fashion as if I'm fighting while backpedaling. To just only run away for fun hasn't occurred to me because I would take every opportunity to try and get better at outright killing so I wouldn't ever need to run.

    But I still don't get why someone would run away for hours and then complain about the pursuer wasting their time.

  • I feel this pain. I like to gift loot to players and There are so many pirates that missed out because they ran from my slow sloop. They’ll even scuttle or sail off the map... haha it’s kind of ironic when you think it’s probably about “pride.” Even though they are running for their lives haha

  • You'd be surprised to know how many times i run from people without having anything to loose.

    I simply enjoy the excitement of outsailing somebody.

  • I just can't be bothered to fight cause they majority of the time no one fights actual naval battles. Just board and bunny hop around the deck, hardly anyone ever starts to shoot with the cannons till they are point blank range and with people on board already. So really, it is boring when people complain about people not wanting to fight when the people doing the complaining themselves don't want to do the ship battle part and get straight to the easy to do gun play. The person attacking has nothing of value the majority of time so I get nothing out of fighting you because you just want to fight for the heck of it. If I got your skull to sell, I would probably be more willing to destroy your ship cause then it would be worth my time.

    No offense directly to OP in my post.

  • @KattTruewalker summed it up nicely.

    Just yesterday I was working on some OoS achievements on Discovery Ridge when a galleon came in from the SE. They had been aimed at the ship fight next door, probably looking to fight the galleon that had just been there but sunk. I was on a closed crew brig (my usual), short a crew member (my usual lately), and we had about 10k onboard so we took off.
    They were only particularly good at keeping up and not breaking pursuit so, we probably could have taken them even 2v4 but, why fight when I almost always can out run someone. Plus 9 times out of 10 a chaser doesn't have loot of their own to lose so, where's the incentive to sink them other than getting them off your back?

    Drove by outposts selling, kegged them a few times, got them caught up on the sand bars near uncharted islands, etc etc, then finally they gave up an hour and a half later when we went into the fog near an active fort and they decided to do something they were actually going to get loot from.
    They came after us again later when we had closer to 30-40k on board, but it only took a 10 min chase to break them off this time.

  • ** Warning wall of text incoming **

    I've sailed away from crews before with nothing just to show them how annoying it is for them to bother us. Recent example a very toxic legend crew came at us while sitting at morrows, we saw them coming and cashed in the better loot quickly leaving a few junk chests and skulls on our ship. They came in with the we are friendly bs and then fired at and boarded us all double gunning. At this point we do not use double guns nor do we agree with others using this cheap method.

    So we started dancing and refused to fight on respawn they camped our ship a few rounds and then asked why we weren't fighting back, we explained our take on the use of double guns and that really ticked them off. They cussed us and made it clear they were going to wreck our night, once boarded they saw we had a athena and well you know the rest.

    After sinking our ship we spawned close and started back at our mission, with 2 minutes they were heading toward us again knowing they already had taken the little bit of loot we had. So we gave chase which lasted for 1 hour all the time they typed in game about how we were trash players for running and couldn't sail. Keep in mind they couldn't catch us and even landing 2 anchor balls on us couldn't get the job done.

    At this point we wanted to finish the voyage so we turned anchored them, used a ballast and sunk them. We thought they gave up and logged off cause we had not saw them in a good 40 minutes, we picked the last cargo to trigger the legend chest map and decided just to be safe we would cash in before getting the legends chest. So off to morrows we went once in range we saw a mermaid lol you know this game, so we made port and found two of them hiding and killed them.

    Now this was going to call for some serious trickery as the legend chest and double gunners meant bad new for us cutlass pirates lol, so we sent the galleon to ancient spire and a row boat to plunder with the legends chest. We found two more hiding at ancient and killed them as their galleon came at us demanding the legends chest they knew we had lol. At that very moment it was chased in at plunder.

    So in this case we attempted to avoid the conflict which is our choice, the other crew decided to be very toxic and in the end lost their fully stocked boat, our legends chest and a bunch of time they will never get back.

  • @natsu-v2 said in Why does everyone flee?:

    But I still don't get why someone would run away for hours and then complain about the pursuer wasting their time.

    Eh, I don't get why some people choose to chase someone for hours and then complains about it on the forums. People just like to complain sometimes.

    Chances are they had a particularly frustrating play session and just came to the forums to vent.

    Personally, I run because I think it's fun. If the person chases me for awhile and leaves or catches and sinks me, then that's a fun romp. If they keep chasing me in perpetuity, then I find that funny in itself and it may educate them on the follies of preconceptions when they find my ship empty or I just sail straight into the Red Sea.

    I also have a game I play where if someone sinks me for no reason and is kinda jerky about it, they become my new best friend. I'll spend the rest of my play session following them about just out of reach. Never attacking them or hindering them. Just a constant presence hovering over their shoulder.

    Half the time they just keep trying to sink me or chase me off. Though the other half has actually led to some fun, friendly interactions.

    I find that the less seriously someone takes the game, the better I like them.

  • You want to waste my time chasing me - fine I’ll waste yours. And by running you’ll eventually end up in a place where we can drop the gunpowder on you and wreck you. And you’ll get nothing for the effort. We once pulled up an Athena in a storm while being chased in circles around Shipiwreck - got it on board and sold it successfully. We waved from the dock and when they finally caught up asked “are you mad” and we said no - but you clearly are...

  • Lol 9 out 10 I flee with nothing on my ship when people statrt chasing me because I love that fact that you and ship mates are on a galley chasing a solo player on sloop that either just spawn in or just sunk and spawn back then you spawn camp when you find out they have nothing lol when start a sessions I take all my supplies off my ship and carry what I can carry that it lol

  • Because some people don't want to pvp and want to be left alone.

    I haven't played in awhile but I got tired of pvp and when a ship attacked I just scuttled. Wasn't worth the time and effort.

    I just want to dig up treasure and kill skeletons. This game really needs a pve mode.

  • More common recently, I think, due to the prospect of double gunning. Time is running out before the big fix on Feb 06, and a lot of people are desperate to exploit the tactic whilst they can. I for one don't want to have to fight that way.

    In a recent stream of his, Captain Falcore, if you know the name, on a galleon with HitboTC, Crows Nest and JesseTatoo (fellow streamers), came across a pair of double gunners, who proceeded to kill them over and over again until finally Falcore and Co were able to overwhelm them through respawning.

    It's just more trouble than it's worth at the moment to get in a pointless fight.

  • Nautical Miles baby! Right now I'd take a fun chase over a tonne of loot, anything to up those miles, doesn't matter if I'm cat or mouse so long as huge distances are involved!

  • Well, I have better things to do with my time than offer it to you for your own idea of fun... you'll chase me on my terms :)

  • @natsu-v2 said in Why does everyone flee?:

    @eredhar But if their goal is to continue doing PvE, they could get back to that sooner by giving up.

    And of course I wouldn't believe them if they say they have no loot. But if they scuttle and let me see that they had nothing, I won't bother their next ship. They would save more time by doing that and coming back to where they need to go than by running forever.

    The game also is not optional PvP. There is simply nothing you can do to stop a skilled crew from catching up to you. It will happen. It may take up to an hour, but you will get caught and anchored. That isn't optional PvP. In fact, the chase itself would be considered PvP, so once that has started then you're in it.

    I will waste every ounce of your time and drain every will you have to play before I pull over with even an empty sloop.

    I choose to make your PvP optional.

    Come get me, pirate!

  • I dont think natsu ever mentioned that different playstyles arent allowed to exist or that they have to play in a way that makes sense to him.

    He is describing oximoronic gameplay for what is supposedley a pirate game, with pve literally only providing loot for cosmetics to cater to social interaction, and pvp being a core ideal of that design with items being stealable before that gold is banked, i mean the gold still has no purpose other than these cosmetics, and i would say someone actively running away in this game for no reason than to upset the chasers with no care for your ship or victory at anything other than mindlessly farming loot for pointless gold, is more trolling and illogical than what most describe as griefing in this pirate game with no safe zones called Sea of Thieves.

    Arena is a godsend for pvp players that is one thing we can all agree on im sure.

    And like someone said, its clearly a pride thing for a lot of people, same way it is for us, we just arent proud of being cowardly for the sake of not being sunk piloting a valueless ship.

    My post is long to but no actual tangible point has refuted the lack of logic described by the OP of running players except for maybe new players and sloops, but like he said since launch its like every ship i see is completely oblivious to the game around them or they run, with maybe 10-15% people who attack at all.

    One valid point in the thread is that man cannons and sword surfing and the inability to raise ladders or have other variables makes ship sinking more about guarding holes on enemy ships that naval tactic. Maybe if this was changed players wouldnt run all the time.

    Arena and no more double gunning will likely increase the amount of ship combat because everyone will have a place to practice before fighting in adventure mode, and wont be one shot from 30 feet away, just to lose all their loot.

  • Man, strategy. You know how many times we have sunk a ship because they followed us in a straight line. Have 1 guy jump off with a barrel, one guy hang on the ladder until it explodes. It's easy pickens.

    Someone's we lure them into an island structure. My captain has sailed for 500+ hours. He can make insane turns that the average player just can not do. They crash, and we board for the sink.

    Outside of strategy of baiting, we will run if we have a ton of treasure, but we will do outpost drive bys. Its extremely rare, extremely rare for a ship to catch us when we do this.

  • If you are out for gold and not just straight up PvP then you have to evaluate how you spend your time. If you spend an hour chasing someone, you have to weigh that time spent against other activities you could have been doing instead. Could you have been working on a fort? Did you pass up shipwrecks? How many skulls could you have turned in during that hour? The longer you stick on someone, the more you are betting they have enough to make it worth your time. And it will take more and more to justify it. This is why it is frustrating to you when you find they had nothing on board. You wasted a lot of opportunities along the way as you went all in on the ship leading you around by the nose. There is a point during the journey where your pride kicks in and you won’t let go, even though you know the ship ahead is probably not worth all this time.

    On the other hand, if you are just looking for PvP then it is a different story. The gold is not the goal. You just want a challenge and the chase might make more sense. But that is not what the OP was about. They said they were looking for lucrative targets.

  • @ghostpaw said in Why does everyone flee?:

    If you are out for gold and not just straight up PvP then you have to evaluate how you spend your time. If you spend an hour chasing someone, you have to weigh that time spent against other activities you could have been doing instead. Could you have been working on a fort? Did you pass up shipwrecks? How many skulls could you have turned in during that hour? The longer you stick on someone, the more you are betting they have enough to make it worth your time. And it will take more and more to justify it. This is why it is frustrating to you when you find they had nothing on board. You wasted a lot of opportunities along the way as you went all in on the ship leading you around by the nose. There is a point during the journey where your pride kicks in and you won’t let go, even though you know the ship ahead is probably not worth all this time.

    On the other hand, if you are just looking for PvP then it is a different story. The gold is not the goal. You just want a challenge and the chase might make more sense. But that is not what the OP was about. They said they were looking for lucrative targets.

    I would disagree that his post is about lucrative targets, i play with the OP often and its more about how this game needs to eliminate pointless gameplay that exist with no real design encouraging or making the tactic of specifically running with no loot have any point or benefit, which is as we agreed partially pride based on both ends, but is fun for neither, the point of playing a video game. And then someone said they enjoy it just to waste the other crews time like that itself is their fun in the game, as opposed to the gaining of loot being fun when you sink a crew, which does stink for that crew, but it is just kind of ironic that people feel piracy in a pirate game is griefing and would rather just turtle the whole experience for everyone for no actual reason such as having loot,which is more griefing imk than killing a crew multiple times to steal resources, or loot without sinking them, or stowing away to then kill them for hours of work. That is call pirate tactic. Joining a pirate game to not even battle or apparently do much pve but to sail away for hours is like me playing minecraft and just running around burning peoples structures, sure it is allowed on some servers and may have a place at times, but it is the exact opposite of the intent of gameplay for the co op building survival rpg that minecraft is. Attacking and playing pirate in SoT is like building things in that game.

    No amount of empty words about inclusivity will change a pirate game from being a pirate game, and if rare didnt want pirate tactics and behavior at the forefront they should have made a game about co op adventuring and had actual in game mechanics enforcing less pvp. As is they designed a game world for pvp and a reward system for roleplayers, i understand why these players might run, i dont understand why anyone would make a pirate game and then try to sell the game to these players rather than players who would embrace piracy more.

    The post about tactical manuevers is not what the OP was talking about. I wish crews would try that stuff on us, havnt seen anything like that since alpha and cant wait for arena lol.

    I guess the goal is to have fun, is my point, with pve lacking in that and serving only to increase the fun of pvp. If you have no loot, fight and have some fun win or lose, if you have loot, run if you want but fighting defensively is usually more engaging than standing there changing sails for an hour. Losing your loot isnt fun, and if hours of running gets you your loot go for it, but the game as is shouldnt encourage running and never having loot as much as it does now.

    A faction system with higher player populations would allow running to be viable and not make the server feel empty if even 2 ships decide to run.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in Why does everyone flee?:

    we just arent proud of being cowardly for the sake of not being sunk piloting a valueless ship.

    Hey, don't diss cowardice, my dude.

    It was an integral trait for more than a few pirates.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo Thier entire post was about following because they were sure the ship ahead must have something. That they would go away to find more promising targets if they could be convinced the ship is empty. If it is about the fight, how many fights could you get into by leaving the runner alone to find a more willing target rather than chasing them for an hour? Either way, whatever your goal, you have to weigh your options to find the one with the greater benefit (whatever that is to you). I sometimes run because I like practicing some tactics. Or I just like to test my sailing skills with someone else’s. You following means you are electing to play my game rather than going to find someone to play yours.

  • @v-hombre said in Why does everyone flee?:

    @a-cranky-eskimo said in Why does everyone flee?:

    we just arent proud of being cowardly for the sake of not being sunk piloting a valueless ship.

    Hey, don't diss cowardice, my dude.

    It was an integral trait for more than a few pirates.

    Living to fight another day to protect something is different than living to run everyday to protect something that spawns back with more resources though lol.

    I hear you guys and people can play how they want and if thats fun who are we to say, but for this pirate game its kind of pointless and time consuming for not much of a reason besides like we all said, pride. Hence my comment about cowardice which isnt directed at anyone, except myself and how i choose not to play.

    I just dont think its something to be proud of to run away at first sight of a ship unless you actually did pull some manuvering genius or something.

    Again, arena here we come lol.

  • @ghostpaw said in Why does everyone flee?:

    @a-cranky-eskimo Thier entire post was about following because they were sure the ship ahead must have something. That they would go away to find more promising targets if the could be convinced the ship is empty. If it is about the fight, how many fights could you get into by leaving the runner alone to find a more willing target rather than chasing them for an hour? Either way, whatever your goal, you have to weigh your options to find the one with the greater benefit (whatever that is to you).

    We do all the things you stated, if we can but when you switch target and everyone just runs before you’ve even sunk anyone on the server its all just wasted time to pvp in a pirate game, sure maybe the roll of the dice offsets the consistency of pve rewards.

    He was saying he was sure the ship had something because why else would they run so frantically without any sign of hostility, because the only reason someone has to do that based on the game is their loot or even empty ship with an athena quest going, or just a sloop running because of a rowboat and some 2 by fours and some nanners they collected.

    We get that will happen, but these are usually the few crews that actually engage in a parley or battle.

    The ones that run forever never seem to have a reason to lol...

    Maybe bad luck lately and an influx of new players because of the recent streaming numbers? Seems to have been like this for a little while now though and even happens with PL ships far more than it should imo lol.

    This is where some sort of system that moves crews to new servers as they are sunk within certain parameters could be useful, so that crews are more willing to engage rather than expect multiple waves of attack from the same crew with freshly spawned and supplied ships.

    And again, arena here we come.

  • Why does "everyone" flee? Probably because they don't want to fight. I know, scary thought that some people might not enjoy PvP as much as others.

  • @katttruewalker Gave me a good chuckle.

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