talk about toxic players!

  • why should everyone just go call scream ..... your mother or go ..... your mother or something in that direction I meanwhile getting annoyed
    and yes you can report people for their behavior but sea or thieves maybe it is your task to maintain it!

    Otherwise i will juist stop playing this game because iets 80 procent hatefull people and 20 norm al or friendly people that no what respect is!

  • 18
  • @taximan92 Whose task? The board's task? Mine, as you say "your task" and I am the reader? Rare's? And how are they supposed to know if there's no report?

  • 80% is A LOT!

    I see you are new on the forum and imagine you are frustrated at the moment and decided to "write" your frustration away.

    Unfortunatly you met the wrong players on SoT, like you have in every other game / community / irl place.. There are also a lot of nice dudes and dudettes out there! Keep it up!

    Btw, if you are able to record them, you can just report those type of players :)

    Keep it up!

  • Unfortunately it is incredibly difficult to actively police, especially voice comms. How would they do it?

    They can only rely on the reporting system, as we outnumber them greatly (one would assume).

    But I do agree that some peoples behaviour should really not be tolerated, once they fix the recent players list, I would hope everyone will report each incident.

    I understand in the heat of the moment you might want to communicate your feelings to your opponents, but at least attempt to keep it comical and pirate related, it makes for a better game for all.

    "Enjoy the swim you lanndlubbers!"
    "Thanks for the treasure you scallywags!"

  • @taximan92 its your 1st day in Internet ? :D

  • Maybe it's region specific but I see 70% people without a mic and of the remaining 30% there's maybe 5% that's toxic.

    I sail a lot on the open seas in this game and I've had many encounters with other pirates, some nice some nasty but almost never toxic.

    Now I do have to say that in Western Europe we generally rarely shout at people, it's not a thing we civilised people do.
    We drink Tea and discuss our differences like civilized men.

  • @hynieth said in talk about toxic players!:

    Now I do have to say that in Western Europe we generally rarely shout at people, it's not a thing we civilised people do.
    We drink Tea and discuss our differences like civilized men.

    Haha, maybe we should have a kettle for boiling water near our grog keg for solving conflicts like civilized men!

  • I've ran into it (even more so not mention any streamer names) since the beta days to like all different degrees. You can report them via a support ticket and live but nothing really gets done. There are many ways to circumvent bans both on the forum and on live that it really is sad nothing can truly be done.

  • Am I playing on different servers to everyone else or something?

    Reading this forum, you'd think 80% of players are toxic and the other 20% are in server wide alliances or something, meanwhile 100% of people are hackers, 99% of the community are using PCs with macros and everyone you meet says hello by 360 no-scoping you right in the dome before sailing off at top speed with sails set to stupid.

    I meet, give or take, one toxic crew per week. I run into a server wide alliance, maybe once a month. I meet a double gunner a few times per session, macro users even less than that. I've never been 360 no-scoped and I've never even seen a hacker (I know they exist). I meet friendly crews at least once every two sessions or so. More frequently than that if I set sail in search of friendship.

    I find it really difficult to relate my own experience of SoT with the complaints you read on here. Not saying people are lying, or that their complaints are invalid, but I just don't understand how my experience can be so different to theirs.

    Have I been playing a different game to everyone else and just posting in the wrong forum or something?

  • @taximan92 Sorry to hear that. For me it's usually the other way around. 80% nice people and 20% jerks. I think you're just having al lot of bad luck. :(

  • @boxcar-squidy I'm thinking the real problem is people are more likely to talk about the bad experiences they've had than the positive ones especially on the forums, giving people the impression that 100% of the player Base is toxic, adding in that more people seem to comment and talk about these negative experiences to try help out, than they would commenting on a feel good story..from what I've saw on forums/reddit/facebook

  • I don't understand why people get so report happy, when it comes to trash talkers. Now its different if they are breaking Xbox TOS like Racism/homophobia. However, anything else you might need to think about getting thicker skin. This comment isn't calling anyone specific out, more of just in general. If it gets to you just mute them and move on.

    I don't even trash talk, so none of that, "You just want to be a horrible person nonsense."

  • @taximan92
    Well, ...My Dear Pirate , let them ...It is obviously that they aren't the smartest nor the brightest around...i will never say that i never met those kind of Pirates but they don't catch me anymore , i don't lower myself to their level and so shouldn't you...If it's a different crew then simply outsail them or destroy their ship , if they are too powerfull , then scuttle yer ship , start anew and keep in mind what the colours or flags of their ship were...If they keep succesfully hunt you down , then just start a new game...If this comes from yer own crew, wich is worse , then leave immediatly , they are not worthy of 5 minutes of yer time...

    Play a bit more ,on different times and you will see what i mean, you WILL meet Great and Friendly people , simply because they are there and they aren't a seldom phenomenon. There are many Friendly Pirates , oh sure , some will attack you too , but will do that in a sportmanship's way. Not Spawnkilling, not shouting or calling names , just trying to win and steal yer treasures ...And that is not wrong...And then you have a whole lot that have the " i only attack if attacked upon " mentality or Pirates that attack Galleons who attack little Sloops...This Game brings out what lies within. Nomatter how you twist and turn it , your real personality will float to the surface and you will meet not so great people but you will also meet Gems of personalities if ...and only can keep moving forward and put yourself over the garbage that some may throw over you....

    There will always be Toxicity in games , also in this one, but i can tell you with my hand on my Heart that this game contains a whole lot of Friendly Pirates that will help you in many ways if you reach out to them...And then...Well, then ,you will really see and "feel" what SOT really is all about and there will be a huge chance that the " Magic " wich comes from Friendship and Acceptance ,will grab you and never leave you...

    You may have had a bad experience ,maybe more than one , but i try to motivate you to dig deeper and keep sailing . Eventually you will meet many, much more than you ever did dare to dream, who you will connect with and have Wonderfull, Epic , Thrilling and Hilarious adventures with...

    And who are these Trolls actiually? A bunch, since they aren't that strong on their own, barking chihuahua 's who act first out of fear of what could be said about them...Don't let a little tiny dog scare you off , they are afraid of your footstep...Let them bark before you get a headache and search new waters and a lot of other Pirates with a much better mentality...i wish you Good Luck and remember : Those are words, empty ones , coming from scared little punks , even if they may be mature age, you are better and there are a lot of Great people to meet...Aim yer Eye at the Horizon ,Sir , and set sail again in search for Fun, Adventure and Possible Friendship , it is there ...Believe me, for once...

  • @clumsy-george dude your post just gave me chills lol this community's the best

  • 90% of statistics are thought up on the spot.

  • @macdoland ""Enjoy the swim you lanndlubbers!" GREAT hahahah

  • Ugh, for the first time ever I reported someone last night. Usually I let these people go, but I had one guy in particular last night who was just using incredibly distasteful language, he was being degrading, and was using racial slurs. At the very beginning of the session my crew approached his crew, and before we even fired a shot he was calling us the N word and POS and every other vulgar insult under the sun over his megaphone. Blah blah, it was incredibly toxic. Then thereafter every time that I saw him on the ferry of the damned he would immediately jump in calling people the N word. I even saw him insulting a little kid on the ferry of the damned telling him he was a POS N word that sucked at the game. That was the last straw for me. It's one thing if you wanna talk smack in a friendly, competitive way, but using vulgar language like that to little kids is absolutely repulsive. I'm sure nothing will happen to him but if enough people report him maybe xbox will take some disciplinary action on him. I wish I had recorded him.

  • @lord-pharqwad
    Chill's are not needed ,Mr Lord Pharqwad...But you are right about the fact that this Forum is still the best, you and i , have ever been in...
    Now , if you have like me , a lot of fun, a great time and Epic and Hilarious Adventures , then my Heart bleeds a bit if i read posts like this... Why bullying people , if you can have Tears of Laughter together , find things in here that you never found before in any other game...
    Games has started ages ago with competition , to call out the " Best" . But what about the other person or persons , the " losers" as those gamerules state, Don't they have the right to enjoy the game even if they "lost"...
    Life , itself , is sometimes really hard . It's ruthless and blind in it's justice and beats Good and Bad people alike to pulp if you let it...Why can't we all use this Game to some sort of escape time in wich we reload our batteries for the next day...Why can't we use this Game as it was intended to be , to have pure fun, Epicness and see Awesome things on the way and more importantly meet Awesome ,Epic Hearted People along that way...

    THAT is the Heart and Soul from this game...Fight , steal, plunder , out sail ,pepper ships but do it in a sportsman way . Or help out a new player , they are easy to be detected because they have hardly posh clothes or Ship Costumisations...A person 's first impression of a game is mostly the foundation to build further on, if that foundation is nothing more than a verbal sludgefest towards that player , then how long will he or she invest time into this game...
    And for those who like to treat people like dirt ...What do you gain from this , in the end ,people avoid you , give you bad rep , and simply avoid you like you have the plaque...Oh i hear them already : " Yo , Old Fool ( * Hey they know you, heheheh), mind yer own business , i slaughter who i wanna slaughter and who's gonna keep me from doing it , you and yer walking cane?". Great , no worries , time will tell, time will put them only with other Trolls or they will end up alone ...And alone, well let me tell you that you have to be very strong if the walls suddenly get names in yer head , but by that time it's mostly too late to turn the tide...Trolls will be very alone one day , and lonesomeness is a slow killer...

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