Does anyone here participate in any revival group or something similar about pirates?

  • Here in Brazil, I'm part of a revival group about pirates. This group usually studies the ancient pirate culture (generally the golden age of piracy), organizes itself into crews with common goals and does various things.

    We meet several times a year. Usually we take a boat and sail with those pirate clothes, generally we have enough music, drink, games and many things in these meetings. Anyone else here do something like that?

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  • @targasbr Where I live (In Cornwall, England) there’s a fair bit of pirate history around. While I’m not to sure about any specific groups.

    We do try and break the world record for most amount of pirates in one place. We have attempted to claim back the record for a few years now although I don’t think it happend in 2018 which is a shame.

    Ironically the last time we done it, we where really close to taking the record back but like true pirate lots of people got to drunk in the pubs and forgot to go and get themselves counted ahaha! But either way it’s always an awesome day!!

  • @knifelife 14,000 pirates? WOW
    In Brazil we got 600 pirates with luck! Unfortunately our culture is not conducive to this kind of fun.

    Here in Brazil we are separated by groups (crews, ships, various names) as well as Moto Clubs, with hierarchy, objectives, etc. I think I know a few groups like that around the world, most unfortunately do not play SoT.

  • @targasbr That still sound like a lot of fun!! It sounds like you guys and gals go a lot more in depth with it.

    I think while we may have more numbers we all just see it as a fun day to dress up and get very very drunk :P

  • @knifelife Last year we were invited by the city hall of a neighboring seaside town to take pictures of the fort that exists there. The fort was used to defend the port of pirates. This time the vacancies were limited, we gathered around 150 pirates for a day of great drink, food, music, dancing, etc.

    The coolest thing is that the only way to get there is by ship. We do not try to do things historically perfect, because here we call it Pirataria Urbana (Urban Piracy) that is more to take the old way of life and live according to it, then, we usually say that politically and culturally we are pirates.

  • @targasbr Wow! Sounds like an adventure! I was fortunate enough to see a lot of the islands in my the Caribbean last January and the old ruins of the forts and the history there was just amazing!

    And considering the history between the English Empire and the Caribbean the people where so kind and welcoming! Truly a beautiful place.

  • @knifelife I hope one day I will be able to go to the caribbean with the rest of the staff, preferably by ship!

  • No, we don't have such thing in my country but it's really interesting and I bet you have a lot of fun! I really wish I could be able some day to take part in those kind of events and just have some good time in general with other people that are passionate about pirate history and such.

    If you do have some awesome moments, please do tell us about your adventures! I would love to read about them. Until then, stay safe mate and maybe we will see each other on the seas! Cheers!

  • @biostructr Here we started in a few, unaware that there were other people in other countries who also did something like that. Brazil is very big and this lifestyle has been growing slowly. When someone from other cities said that there was nothing this close and that he would like to participate one day, we would always respond with the same sentence:

    "Why do not you do something like that yourself in your town?"

    Many began this way, being encouraged by other people who did. You should try, join two more people, start planning, when you least expect it will be with your own ship!

    The more you grow the easier you get to meet people who also follow this lifestyle.

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