SoT or Atlas?!

  • What do you think about Atlas?

  • 61
  • @vlbobber


    I'll qualify that, I played Ark almost as soon as it was released, I've also played Dark and Light. Overall at the moment I prefer the polish of Sea of Thieves to something which I am fairly sure is going to be very clunky for a good while to come.

    You might want to move this into the Outer Shores category as it isn't really a suggestion or feedback?

    (Edit: moved for you)

  • @vlbobber

    Sea of thieves remains for me the pirate game I've been waiting for.

    Of course I see certain things that I would also like to see in SoT such as building ships and houses and many players in the servers.
    And I'm sure Atlas will use paid DLC that we do not see at SoT but still get qualitative content.

    Even though I will certainly buy Atlas once but I will wait a while.

  • @vlbobber

    ATLAS... certainly looks ambitious.
    I'm I drawn to it? Not so much. (but it does look interesting)
    It's going to be one of those games I'll have to wait and see what the general reaction is.
    To form my informed opinion.
    Should be interesting to see if they can pull it off.

  • @vlbobber
    It looks interesting and ambitious, I'll definitely keep an eye on it. However the whole dragon stuff and the weird long ships aren't really what I am looking for in a pirate game. For those that are wondering what we're talking about:

    That said, if ARK is any indication of what the "final" product will be like, I will probably skip it. While it does a lot of things right, it gives you loads of options and a lot of freedom, it just lacks polish. It's also not just the graphical polish I mean, it's just the overal feel of the game that feels slightly off to me. Almost as if it never really left Early Access.

  • @fishst1ck said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    However the whole dragon stuff and the weird long ships aren't really what I am looking for in a pirate game.

    Yip... totally agree, for me it looks more "Lord of the Rings" than Pirate like.

  • What sort of progression?
    Vertical or horizontal?

    If vertical, i'm not interested!

  • Does look like it'll be a lot of fun. I doubt it'll drag me away from SoT though.

  • The trailer had me interested when they showed the pirates being hung and then completely lost me at 0:13.

  • Do I want a huge open world MMORPG game about pirates where you can sail your own ship and build stuff etc? Yes oh hells yes. Do I believe the developers behind Ark can bring this? No.

    It looks cool at a glance but it's all promises, I remember ark being shown with silky smooth 60 fps trailers with all kinds of players running around riding dinosaurs shooting bows and guns etc. But what to you get when you play the game? An empty world really bad optimization and a boring grind where it takes hours of feeding berries to a tiny dinosaur to even get it to like you.

    I'll pass.

  • I find the the game's ambition very interesting, and beyond the reputation of Wildcard regarding their development weaknesses, I sincerely hope that Atlas will be successful and inspire Rare.

    The trailer of Atlas showed us many things that I would dream to see on SoT but I'm still waiting to see if this will work in practice..

  • They are trying to put too much into one game....What kind of game is this actually? i saw Pirates with ships that have seven!!?? mainmasts , Dragons, Trolls , orks , deitys and so on and on...i'm not saying that it is bad but there is one thing that immediatly makes me doubt: That water...That water looks...liveless...Yes i know you will say ,"water is only a detail ,moron" but if there is anything that i can't miss anymore , then it is that water that Rare has made...For some strange reason Atlas lost all it's glandeur for me since the lack of livelike water , oh not only the look of that water but the way it behaves too....And since so many different gameelements are combined , i think i rather stay with SOT...SOT is a Pirategame but has proven to have such a great depth that many new players are drowning...i would like to grow along with SOT in the hope i can bring over what kind of fun you can get out of it...The time to seek others shores has not yet come for me and if Rare keeps on deliverring on the enrichment of this world, then i seriously wonder if i will ever be capable of trying something new or sortalike....

  • @fishst1ck Same lol. I was genuinely interested in the game and then I saw the dragon and then a fire demon (balrog?) and the long ships with like 5+ masts and was like... maybe not.

  • It looks interesting, but I don't really understand the dragons and fiery demon looking creatures. The sea monsters look cool though.

  • looked far from finished.

  • @hynieth You took the words right out of my mouth sadly, very sceptical about this from a number of angles.

  • The claims about the world seem too good to be true, and not really sure this studio can pull it off. Might be interesting? I wonder what the price is...

    @KnifeLife might be interested in the Wilhelm Scream at around 14s into the trailer though.

  • I want Rockstar to make a pirate game. Seems right up their alley. Dirty, cursing, bloodthirsty pirates.

  • Nope and nope, even in the video the game looks clunky. And demons, dragons, 7 or more masts, so much overkill. How many players do you need to sail one of the ships shown.

    I saw @KattTruewalker mention in another thread that the fluidity of SoT wins, and I have to agree. There was a time where SoT had soooo many bugs that it was clunky too, but now that they have ironed out most of those bugs, the game is so fluid again. It really is an amazing game. And the fluidity of everything working together the way it does now make immersion sooo much more possible.

  • The kraken there has a body so...

    Seriously though, the game looks fun and I might try it depending on the reviews. Seems like there is a lot of stuff to do and players to play with.

    Can't say I love the graphics, looks kind of...Outdated. SoT looks better.

  • @clumsy-george said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    They are trying to put too much into one game....What kind of game is this actually? i saw Pirates with ships that have seven!!?? mainmasts , Dragons, Trolls , orks , deitys and so on and on...

    My thoughts exactly, i saw all them masts and thought 'jeez, 3 sails to angle is enough for me!' Then when i saw the dude look at his treasure map with the massive vague X i thought 'ill be hours digging for that!!!'

  • It does look like it will fill a need for players who have been requesting that Rare turn SoT into an MMORPG title with progression. If it works out, then I might give it a try in late 2019 when I will have more time. There is a lot in the trailer that didn't sit well with me such as a fire demon and a dragon. It looks like a pirate-themed expansion for WoW.

  • @piratecraggy said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    @fishst1ck said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    However the whole dragon stuff and the weird long ships aren't really what I am looking for in a pirate game.

    Yip... totally agree, for me it looks more "Lord of the Rings" than Pirate like.

    Don’t say that you will sell it to me! Lord of the rings is a bar not so easily passed. It’s been my dream of a decent LoTr game for years. #PatientAsEver

    @Hynieth To true unfortunately :( so much potential yet it fell so short. Tbh kind of like SoT.. :/

  • Like many said on Twitch/Twitter last night and today.

    It looks like Sea of Thieves.

    With content.

  • @dahkohtlewin said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    Like many said on Twitch/Twitter last night and today.

    It looks like Sea of Thieves.

    With content.

    Yeah, weird content. If they would’ve just left it at pirates it would’ve looked good. Instead it looks extremely dumb.

    If unrealistic cheese fest is your cup of tea, then I guess it works for you.

    Like someone said here in an earlier comment, rockstar on the other hand would make an awesome pirate game.

    In the end though, I’ll always like the cartoony crisp style of SoT. Rare just has to add the right stuff and it’s perfect.

  • Unknown quantity vs beloved pastime.

    I'm certainly interested to see what it actually becomes, but it's not anything I'm convinced will draw me in.
    There's far more to a game than fantastic looking ideas presented in a trailer. To be honest, as great as some of SoT's early trailers may have been, they never convinced me of anything either. It was seeing the game actually being played (the first beta) and then playing the stress tests, myself, that told me what the game actually was - and showed me how much I adored it.

    I certainly wish Atlas luck though! :)

  • @bugaboo-bill said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    What sort of progression?
    Vertical or horizontal?

    If vertical, i'm not interested!

    What if it's diagonal?

  • @katttruewalker looks really clunky

  • @knifelife said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    @piratecraggy said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    @fishst1ck said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    However the whole dragon stuff and the weird long ships aren't really what I am looking for in a pirate game.

    Yip... totally agree, for me it looks more "Lord of the Rings" than Pirate like.

    Don’t say that you will sell it to me! Lord of the rings is a bar not so easily passed. It’s been my dream of a decent LoTr game for years. #PatientAsEver

    Lol... I didn't think about that. I see your point :)

  • @tundra-793 sagte in SoT or Atlas?!:

    @bugaboo-bill said in SoT or Atlas?!:

    What sort of progression?
    Vertical or horizontal?

    If vertical, i'm not interested!

    What if it's diagonal?

    I dont play games what have mandatory grind and create a power gap.
    I didnt play Ark, but many who did said it is very grindy.
    I also dislike Survival Games, i'm not a Crafter or have fun gathering 500.000 wood to build something what is destroyed within some minutes while afk or offline. Even if it's fairly fleshed out i may not be interested, if the game is progression and not gameplay oriented.
    Or if the main gameplay is to progress in any way.

    SoT progression is rather optional, you can play the full game with all it has without to do any quest or concentrate on progress.
    Sure the difficulty of an Athena isnt given then and skeletons will allways be easy, but in general the game does not change while you progress.
    And imho that is good and like games should be.
    I dont have the will or the time to work off things in games and all the progression stuff i have seen in the last 2 decades of gaming was (mandatory) grind and repetetive gameplay.
    Gather 1000 wood, kill 2000 boars, find 3000 mushrooms.
    SoT has this too, but the point is, it's not mandatory, you arent forced to do it, you need not catch up someone playing 24/7 you need not compete against someone playing 24/7 who got boni, became stronger, got better equip etc.
    Btw cooperative gameplay what isnt balanced is also lame. One isnt challenged anymore, the other got pulled and pushed. Thst exactly shows this part of the game isnt worth playing it, people exploit or try to circumvent it in any way they can. That's the goal of a game developer? People exploiting and gaming the system circumvent a part of the game? Really?
    I play games for 33 years, got my cpc464 in 1985 and i of course played many games and genres also MMO etc.
    And i recognized how the industry began to implement timesink mechanics, mechanics to keep you playing because you cannot stop until you got to the next level. Recently Lootboxes and the way they work psychologically to keep players gaming. Or think about the Kickstarter stuff with plenty of promises that want you to spent more, in the end the game is good, when the KS promises dont grant any significant advantages imho, because new players wouldnt accept disadvantages and gameplay is not balanced. Name me some really balanced games with progression!? Name a game where classes got not endlessly nerfed or pushed, where is no fotm class or weapon or something like that. That arent so many. Most have no progression at all.
    I think many games would work better if developers or publishers wouldnt advertise and sell these promised advantages. But it's a business as everything and no more gamer fans dedicated coding for their friends in a garage and be idealistic.
    So, maybe a little too much for an answer :-)
    I want also to say it's an everlasting process to not fall for the treadmill and keep the fun playing in your personal focus.
    It's also me who get hooked and want to get to level x, item y or whatever, also in SoT, but luckily i reflect myself and i recognize if i begin to crave for something and therefore start working instead of playing. Start grinding doing repetetive gameplay that in the long term drives me away. Read the causes of a lot of players quitting and whining about progress or a lack of content.
    It's more like a lack of to be able to immerse and play, but to take it too serious and make a job of it and working it off instead of "playing" the game.
    I like games with as little as possible gamemechanics who want me to work things off and try to lure me into this sort of grindy treadmill progression.

  • I've said this before, but the one thing that might make me switch to Atlas is a PvE mode, especially for solo sailing.

  • I adored ARK when I first started playing it back at the end of 2015. I enjoyed the building, the politics on our server, exploration, taming dino's, everything. However, it was and still is very clunky. If this had come out three years ago when ARK did I'd be going nuts riding the hype train. Unfortunately, it didn't and Rare sort of ruined how I see water in video games now. I play other games and look at the water mechanics and think, "ehhh this developer fell short."

    ATLAS looks ambitious, it has tons to explore, lots of (oddly implemented) creatures to fight, and a cool twist on ship building and base building but I still get that poorly optimized, dreamed bigger than we can deliver, indie developer (not hating on indie developers by any means) feel when looking at it.

  • It looks really cool but I don’t think their foundation for the game is very strong. If people complained about SoT being “glitchy” I can only imagine what they will say about Atlas. I also thought worlds adrift would be amazing but was sadly disappointed

  • Atlas looks like Studio Wildcard thinks they can be a pirate and thieve away Sea of Thieves players. Since they are going to have PvE and PvP servers they may lure away a certain portion of players not looking for the PvEvP experience. It will have an impact. The level will be determined in what lies ahead in both games.

    However, Studio Wildcard has one of the worse track records for a game developer. They continued to milk Ark for way more that it was ever worth. No matter how much they have added it has never felt polished and has always played clunky. Building and taming things in survival games can be fun, why I ran survival game servers for a while. You can only build so much to keep you interested and make it worth the time spent in such games.

    They have already stated that performance is a concern. They are going to start at a base and try to work from there. Also going to zone players out of areas when parts of the map become to congested. Do not see who it would be fun not being able to go and do what you want when you want.

    As many have already mentioned some of their fantasy elements are out of place. The monsters we have to hunt fit better that a hydra and dragons. Read where building ships will make them more fort like. It all does not add up to a good pirate game like the one we already have.

    Sea of Thieves already performs well and the sea is now full and very alive. A lot of us have already invested a lot sailing where we are. There is a lot more on the horizon and beyond. Did see a diving helmet in the trailer like one of the ideas I posted, but rather use one in the sea my spouse and I already sail. We will continue to customize the ship we have. Soon we will have pets to keep us company and fishing to past the time.

  • I enjoyed the first trailer that was released months ago. It looked like a serious adult version of sea of thieves, this recent trailer turned me off it with the dragon and other weird fantasy stuff, the pvp which I enjoy in sot looks lame on this game though, I'd deffo give it a try but I think it's a pc only thing right? so unfortunately will never get the chance

18 out of 61