[CLOSED] Cursed Sails Challenge Submissions

  • Ahoy!

    If you're taking part in our Cursed Sails Challenge, this be the thread for you! Please post your submissions below. If you've stumbled upon this thread and have no idea what I'm talking about, sail over to our announcement post and find out how you can get involved.

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    Please remember that this thread is ONLY for submissions for the Cursed Sails Challenge. Anything non submission posts will be removed

  • 60
  • Team Rocket Blasting Off! #CursedSoTShot

  • Terrifying Cursed Megalodon! #CursedSoTShot

  • There is something strange in the air...

    (there is something strange in the air...-

  • The Red Alliance #CursedSoTShot

  • Alliances can be harsh, especially with a pirate like me! #CursedSoTShot

  • CZ/SK Alliance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q27trUbhfsw&t=130s #CursedSoTShot

  • All bone and no brains

  • open fire against the ghost ship .... ups I think we have problems guys

  • I guess this could classify as fan art?

    Captain Kronk

  • @realterrortesin #CursedSoTShot

  • Lt Swag Johnson | Instagram | Face to face with Wanda the Warsmith. Her betrayal has met with a watery grave! ☠️ #seaofthieves #bemorepirate #bemorepiratelegend #sotshot #cursedsotshot #captainwarsmith

  • #CursedSoTshot
    How you throw a Brig at a Skeletonship https://youtu.be/BotDNvSB3pk

  • Boarding these ships and the high seas swashbuckling is probably my favorite part of the #cursedsails #cursedsotshot #rareltd #seaofthieves

  • Completed the battle with the Sandman's Revenge with just one well stocked galleon! Well done lads cheers to the crew!! #cursedsotshot #seaofthieves #seaoffriends #rareltd

  • The enemy of my enemy is my friend, they said...

  • #SeaOfThieves, #CursedSoTShot , Soloing Sandmans Revenge on that cold day with my crew of three, no allies we were on the last wave fighting off the captain, praying that someone would come to help as we got demolished lightning flickered in the back: Mother Nature shows no mercy. https://twitter.com/mscerbicke/status/1030380791732338689

  • #CursedSoTShot

  • Here is my entry...


  • @realterrortesin

    As 'ALLIANCE MODE' becomes possible, we can play more fun. : CLICK HERE

    Cursed Sails : IT’S PVP TIME !!

    Cursed Sails : WE R GHOST RAIDERS

    Cursed Sails : 11 CREW SHANTY ENSEMBLE


  • Doom is lurking on the horizon... #CursedSoTShot

    Doom is lurking on the horizon...

  • Are we only allowed to submit one of the three options?
    I have all three! If it's just the one please watch the video, had a lot of fun filming this- https://youtu.be/0idsphLCDVo
    Here is fanart and screenshot-

    Taken in game, edited and enhanced with Photoshop
    'A Steady Alliance' - Screenshot

  • That was a little bit dodgy, don't know why my photos didn't show up. Here is a better link-


  • Here's a short video with some highlights of one of the latest battles between my crew and the Skelly ships of 'The Wilds'.

    I'm still a beginner with video editing, but let me know what you think

  • This is my submission, more about the update as a whole, than just skeleton ships.

    edit: excuse the "quality", video edited and rendered on a phone. :D

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    These Megs are getting bigger, and they always show up during skeleton ship encounters!

  • Here is my entree for the Cursed Sails Challenge. A short film made from in game and trailers, the Cursed Star

  • This is not the time for rock climbing! #CursedSoTShot! https://gyazo.com/5d8d497a4dd09dc4fca96bb6c646b277

  • Finally defeated all of the #cursedsails Skeleton crews! #seaofthieves #cursedcannonballs #cursedsotshot #bemorepirate

  • Nap time for the crews of the Fearless Soap Dodgers Alliance after taking on the Sandman's Revenge! Maybe we should have left those cursed cannonballs on the skeleton ships.... #cursedsotshot #seaofthieves #naptime #bemorepirate #cursedcannonballs #cursedsails

  • Sea of Thieves: Revenge of The Warsmith
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    Representing the people of The Shore of Plenty. A duel at dawn!

  • Not the best entry. However I wanted to share it anyways because it made me laugh at quickly the Megalodon turned to attack me during the Cursed Sails battle.

    Sea Of Thieves - Cursed Sails - Is The Megalodon Here To Help Us?

    Oh?!? The Megalodon is here? Has he come to help us fight the Cursed Sails. Let me come see the Megalodon. Awwwww....... Guess he didn't like pointing my gun at him. I wasn't going to shoot, I swear! #CursedSoTShot

  • @realterrortesin didn't realise the contest end date so kind of rushed but a few hours in Blender and I managed this:


    (PC limitations means the quality had to suffer to get it rendered in time..)

26 out of 60