When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....

  • I now laugh after getting the game pass to try playing with a friend, And I was incredibly let down. After playing, or for that matter not playing, Made me understand just WHY Sot Is 59,99 and State of Decayed is 40, It's not polished at all. I tried playing on my own and its filled with fake walls blocking a way a character can fit through but for the sake of not developing more they throw up a fake wall. You can't play with friends, Both my friend and myself on pc were unable to join each other and Microsoft has you jumping through all these stupid hoops in order to make their wonky connection work and in doing so messed with my computers ability to obtain a DNS address? Still don't know why it did and had to assign one manually temporarily. We both are probably going to refund it and go back to the game that's actually worth the price lol because at this point State of Decay is barely a 15 dollar game.

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  • state of decay 2 was overhyped, decent visuals and gameplay. Def not killing off any other games.

  • @ve111a my friends got over hyped by SoD2 and they've already said that it wasn't worth it

  • I have some free game pass days, thanks to the Chips Ahoy promotion. I was actually considering redeeming on my account, and not the kiddo's, just so I could try State of Decay out. From the sounds of it, though, it would be a waste

  • I mean to each their own and for all i know it runs great on xbox it def feels like it was made for it, But for pc trying to get around the tunneling adapters and firewalls was enough to make me hate it.

  • I enjoy State of Decay. It'll last me about 100hrs with a coop friend then I won't touch it again. It's a cool experience to do a game or two but not really fleshed out in any meaningful way.
    Play on PC with Xbox friend, no connection issues.

    Between SoD and SoT, I don't know what the heck MS is doing with its studios.

  • Speak for yourself man, I've been actively enjoying it these passed few days and haven't run into any serious bugs on Xbox.

  • I bet there are fewer people unable to play State of Decay 2 today due to serious game breaking bugs...

  • I've downloaded the game on both PC and Xbox but have yet to start it. Although I've read enough reviews and listened to some podcasts where they descibed quite the bugs and glitches. One thing that was mentioned was that even though the reviewer had to restart the game several times which was annoying, you'd never really lose more than half a minute of progress because of the amount of autosaves.

    I'm still planning to try it out though. The whole zombie theme isn't really my thing but the survival sim aspect of it is something I could see myself enjoying. What I'm wondering though @Gloog is how much you can avoid zombie interactions. My gf is a huge fan of the whole survival genre, but refuses to even try this game because of the zombies :)

  • I prefer my undead with less flesh, so SoT over SoD!

  • @ve111a said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    I now laugh after getting the game pass to try playing with a friend, And I was incredibly let down. After playing, or for that matter not playing, Made me understand just WHY Sot Is 59,99 and State of Decayed is 40, It's not polished at all. I tried playing on my own and its filled with fake walls blocking a way a character can fit through but for the sake of not developing more they throw up a fake wall. You can't play with friends, Both my friend and myself on pc were unable to join each other and Microsoft has you jumping through all these stupid hoops in order to make their wonky connection work and in doing so messed with my computers ability to obtain a DNS address? Still don't know why it did and had to assign one manually temporarily. We both are probably going to refund it and go back to the game that's actually worth the price lol because at this point State of Decay is barely a 15 dollar game.

    you realise both games were built on the back of microsoft servers and both use azure. also my personal experience with SoD2 on pc is Invite friend - friend joins. sure bugs ensues, like boats flyin..... i mean cars flying off the map.

    The Microsoft Xbox app is however Pure trash and so is the Win10 store, both of these 2 games would have benefited greatly from a steam launch/release

    Also side note: to anyone here with the gamepass and "thinking" of trying the game, or any game on the service... Just download and try the game, as well as any other game the service offers that you may be curious about, it is silly to cut yourself off of an experience because someone said something on the internet. Worst case is you play it, don't like it and uninstall it and go back to what you were previously playing

  • @fishst1ck As you roam around it is pretty easy to avoid the zombies. Random "hordes" throughout the world are only like 4 zombies. It is nothing like the amount you would see in Dead Rising or Dying Light. You will still have to fight some when destroying infestations, plague hearts, or doing enclave quests/survivor quests but you could pretty much avoid most zombies until you start focusing on these. You can also pretty easily run away from most of the random zombies throughout the world.

  • @fishst1ck said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    I'm still planning to try it out though. The whole zombie theme isn't really my thing but the survival sim aspect of it is something I could see myself enjoying. What I'm wondering though @Gloog is how much you can avoid zombie interactions. My gf is a huge fan of the whole survival genre, but refuses to even try this game because of the zombies :)

    Spooky games aren't for me lol (can't play dying light) but I can enjoy this game. The spooky factor is super diminished by the minimap/HUD (tells you everything that's hostile), the 3rd person person perspective, co-op, and the fact that the regular zombies are just satisfyingly easy to smash. No avoiding interaction though. Subnautica (one of best recent survival games imo) is a far spookier game than SoD if your gf has ever played that.

    With that said, SoD needs a good smoothing/fleshing out like SoT. Unfortunately, like with all games now, it'll get better with time.

  • @gloog She's also not into spooky games... it's more the survival/roguelite/roguelike or souls games like Don't starve, Bloodborne, Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy, Kingdom: new lands and spent loads of time on The Flame and the flood lately.

    I thought the scavenging for resources and survival aspect of SoD might be of interest for her but the zombies just make it a no go. Ah well, I'll just start playing it and if she sees enough of it she can make up her mind about it :)

  • it would be ok if it worked lol, It's almost impossible to get 2 pcs connected without having to mess with services.msc or cmd commands, And to do that in order to play a game is just flat out ridiculous, That right there is the console privilege lol pc has to work harder to make it work and that right there should not be an issue period it should just work to play coop. All the more reasons SoT is my favorite game.

  • I'm gonna rant a lil' bit now, just have to get it off my chest. I'm not directing it at you specifically @Ve111a , you're just voicing an opinion countless other gamers apparently share, and I gotta say something to offer a different perspective.

    Whatever you pay for a game, you're not paying just for what is on the disc. You're paying to realize the investment a publisher made into a game developer.
    Sea of Thieves was in development for like 4-5 years, and during that time, Rare wasn't bringing in much of a profit. (For the sake of argument, lets pretend Rare Replay wasn't a thing), so once the game finally releases, the publisher, and by extension the developer, is gonna want to make some cash back so nobody goes bust, and people lose jobs.

    This goes for any game. State of Decay 2 probably didn't have as big of a budget, or they're betting on microtransactions, I honestly don't know. But the price of game doesn't necessarily mean you'll get X amount of content. Titanfall for instance, at one point experimented with 64 player matches, but the developers scrapped that. But that was still weeks, or months of development that cost the studio money, so that goes into the price of the full game. Gamers by and large gotta learn to consider, and respect the lengthy, complicated and expensive process of creating games. Both for their own benefit, and the developers themselves.
    They got some really difficult jobs, and the constant rage being poured out online these days isn't good for anyone.

    Alright, it's out of my system, I'll calm down a bit now.

    I did hear State of Decay 2 was buggy, so yeah, either Game Pass it, or give it a month or two, I'm sure they'll get around to fixing it to a respectable degree.

  • @fishst1ck said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    One thing that was mentioned was that even though the reviewer had to restart the game several times which was annoying, you'd never really lose more than half a minute of progress because of the amount of autosaves.

    After spending over an hour trying to get MP to work last night with @Ve111a, the most frustrating part was that the game does not pause. So every attempt to join, I had to sit there in game, watching my days tick by and fend off base attacks.

    I recommend anybody considering this game, definitely game pass it, ESPECIALLY if MP is what you're after. The general consensus on Reddit seems to be "game is broken" in regards to MP, and the support is either nonexistent or horribly outdated.

  • @ve111a Both games are pretty good, and SOD 2 has the same promise as SOT, CONTINUOUS game development and content.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    I recommend anybody considering this game, definitely game pass it, ESPECIALLY if MP is what you're after. The general consensus on Reddit seems to be "game is broken" in regards to MP, and the support is either nonexistent or horribly outdated.

    PC multiplayer sounds broken but on xbox it is still playable. Still buggy but playable. I got disconnected a few times last night with a buddy but I feel confident it was a problem on his end and not the game. I was hoping it was going to be in better shape for launch but hedged my excitement based on the lower price.

  • @lifewcoke SOD is great, but they need to fix multiplayer, the only things you get are the guns and ammo, but not the stacks of food or other resources for your base when playing on another guy's base.

  • State of decay is a lot of fun, especially with friends. It’s hard to take this post serious tho coming from a sot forum. This game is trash. I enjoy it once Ina while. I’m lingering til dlc comes out to decide if I’m done with it. Sod you can play for an hour get stuff done. Sea of thieves you have an hour to play might as well not even start it. It’s the wrong place for this topic

  • @carlosylu The multiplayer experience is definitely lacking and feels like it was just tacked on at the end. Not being able to get the resources from rucksacks is a bit disappointing but at least I can get all other resources/items. Not being able to really use the hosts base sucks as well. This is not a great year for Microsoft exclusives it seems, at launch anyway.

    Oh well, at least I have Red Dead 2 to look forward to.

  • @lifewcoke Stick with solo for now, the feeling of getting attacked by multiple ferals or a juggernaut is thrilling AF

  • @carlosylu That is mostly how I have been playing. Just about ready to wrap up my first town and move on to the next one.

    Edit: By town I mean map.

  • @lifewcoke Me too, I should be moving to the next map today actually, except if the new content for F13th actually releases today. I lost my main character to a Juggernaut trying to kill him with a knife just for the challenge... God it was a bad idea...

  • @carlosylu I lost my Warlord this weekend fighting a Jugg with a sword 500 yards from the base I just bought. Sad day for the community. But at least I got pictures with her ripped apart corpse.

  • @lifewcoke Same, the character I lost was my main and a Warlod, now I upgraded the soldier to Sheriff. Damn it's a good game, but the thrill when you have no life left and far away from the outpost is horrible...

  • I'm sure its good single player, They just need to have a more modern (and working ) approach to co-op. It's not like its multiplayer its just co-op and the extremes to make it work and how they are handling it is laughable

  • @carlosylu said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    ...but not the stacks of food or other resources for your base when playing on another guy's base.

    Last night I figured out that if you keep a rucksack in your characters inventory you will have access to it when you go back to your base. Still a b****r you both cannot share but you can still get some stuff for your home base.

  • @ve111a "It's not like its multiplayer its just co-op"


    Co-op literally is multiplayer. There is literally no difference when it comes to the design and development of the game. There is still multi-player functionality and it still requires networking. It still takes both players data and runs it through Microsoft's servers. It functions pretty much exactly the same way Call of Duty or Battlefield or what you envision a "multiplayer" game to be. I agree that they should give the players more freedom in the co-op session but that doesn't mean it's not multiplayer. This is probably the stupidest armchair developer position I've seen yet.

  • @bazzberry said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    @ve111a "It's not like its multiplayer its just co-op"


    Co-op literally is multiplayer. There is literally no difference when it comes to the design and development of the game. There is still multi-player functionality and it still requires networking. It still takes both players data and runs it through Microsoft's servers. It functions pretty much exactly the same way Call of Duty or Battlefield or what you envision a "multiplayer" game to be. I agree that they should give the players more freedom in the co-op session but that doesn't mean it's not multiplayer. This is probably the stupidest armchair developer position I've seen yet.

    Co-op typically involves ONLY PvE, When a game is referred to as multiplayer that means PvP. This has been the industry standard for labeling for years. How do you now know this already? lol.

  • @Ve111a vWhat's arguing about the definition of something have to do with his main point?

  • @gloog said in When people were comparing the price to Sea of Thieves to State of decay 2.....:

    @Ve111a vWhat's arguing about the definition of something have to do with his main point?

    That was literally his point that he is unable to make the difference between the 2 lol. Co-op is up to 4 networks typically running of a host connection but in SoD2 I believe it's handled on their end judging by how janky and deysnced it is on any of the people's connection I've played with. Multiplayer takes my networking as its a main hub that people up to 64 is some fps games connect from multiple locations and play together. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that multiplayer is understandably harder and more taxing to run. I've since gotten it to work with multiple port forward, service.msc changes. and even some NETSCH cmd prompts. That was ridiculous to have to to in the first place, When it works or you don't get in a car the game is fun albeit it feels still more like a single player game, But when its desynced and the host is off driving somewhere and you are stuck looking at a crashed car and taking phantom damage due to desync, It's not so fun. TL:DR SOT is still my favorite.

  • I actually played SoD 2 for a bit today, using the free game pass.
    Visually, it's pretty outdated. The combat feels clunky and managing a base seems tedious from a first glance. Atmospheric it was quite capturing tho, and running over zombies in your jeep is quite fun.

    Visually and technically you can really tell the difference between SoT as a AAA game and SoD2 as an indie title. SoT has amazing graphics, beautiful animations, incredible sound design. The gameplay is extremely polished. SoD2 is very ambitious in it's amount of "content" but is very janky compared to SoT.
    That is exactly where the difference in price comes from.

    Anyway, I will continue playing SoD2 for a bit as long as my gamepass trial is active, but I can't really see myself buying it, because while scavenging and exploring is somewhat fun, it doesn't have a long term appeal to me.

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