Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3

  • How about the issue of the game not remembering what weapon I have selected. Many times I have selected the new pistol I bought but when I equip it I have the starter pistol in my hand.

    For another, it would be great if the game remembered my favorite weapons so I don't have to reequip them every time I log into a new game.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    • Trading Companies now have limited voyage stock that refreshes at 6am every day (in-game time). This limited voyage stock is currently not explained during purchasing.

    So you won't balance higher level missions by actually scaling up the rewards or quality as characters are promoted, but you'll go out of your way to prevent people from doing that job for you, at their expense?

  • @paul-endri said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    "Trading Companies now have limited voyage stock that refreshes at 6am every day (in-game time). This limited voyage stock is currently not explained during purchasing."

    Does this mean the issue is that it's not explained, or that they only get refreshed every so often? Because the refresh only at 6am every day is pretty trash :/

    I agree needs to be refreshed hourly

  • Awesome! Thanks guys. Keep up the good work! 😊😄

  • Me before patch notes:

    "I hope it's not just cosmetics"

    After patch notes:

    "Not even cosmetics!?!"

  • Thanks team! Hopefully the shotgun damage was reduced for the skeletons wielding them too.

  • LOL pc sensitivity increase? Are ducking kidding me? How many complaints have been made about the snail level sensitivity the controller has and how pc has a huge aiming advantage? What the actual duck rare.

    Everything else is good stuff though.

  • wow.....I feel VERY underwhelmed.

  • @skyewauker said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @tyburn-ketch Some things take longer to fix than others. I have zero performance issues. You obviously have some. Why is this?

    Sometimes problems aren't as simple as "hey fix this in an hour".

    Perhaps you haven’t noticed this issue? I don’t expect anything to be fixed in an hour. Some recognition there is an issue though would be appreciated. I am not alone. As in: it is cross platform and occurred after the 1st patch.

  • I'm excited to see their content roadmap video. :)

    I hope they release it today. It would explain things better.

  • @usingjet said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @paul-endri said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    "Trading Companies now have limited voyage stock that refreshes at 6am every day (in-game time). This limited voyage stock is currently not explained during purchasing."

    Does this mean the issue is that it's not explained, or that they only get refreshed every so often? Because the refresh only at 6am every day is pretty trash :/

    I agree needs to be refreshed hourly

    Hours in game take one minute of real time. 6 AM happens every 24 minutes.

  • Arghh!!

    They be good Notes!
    I be a happy Pirate now!


  • "In response to reports of poor ping times in South America, we have now deployed Sea Of Thieves to a South American data centre."
    Thank you, much love from Brazil S2

  • @khaleesibot we still need optional cross play (I can't believe pc is getting additional optimization)

  • So you increased the sensitivity on Mouse and Keyboard when its already faster than a controller!?!?! More PC advantage....

  • @toastywrath sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    LOL pc sensitivity increase? Are ducking kidding me? How many complaints have been made about the snail level sensitivity the controller has and how pc has a huge aiming advantage? What the actual duck rare.

    Everything else is good stuff though.

    They said on par with console sensitivity. I actually have no idea what that could mean lol. Can you move faster on console while ADS ?

  • So along with the "aim lock" that pc users are equipping themselves with you have now made it faster for them to do so? Nice!

  • Patch is good, but we"r still waiting for the Roadmap you promised last week :P

  • @cutlass-pain I grow more and more impatient as time goes on, I love this game but I really need some new content as i'm literally logging in and if there isn't a skull fort logging out and back in until I see one, COME ON I WANT MORE

  • So your telling us to scuttle or ships to avoid pvp players that chase us all over for hours because we have chest we want to turn in not a good answer sorry

  • @therealdadbeard said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @toastywrath sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    LOL pc sensitivity increase? Are ducking kidding me? How many complaints have been made about the snail level sensitivity the controller has and how pc has a huge aiming advantage? What the actual duck rare.

    Everything else is good stuff though.

    They said on par with console sensitivity. I actually have no idea what that could mean lol. Can you move faster on console while ADS ?

    I play on PC with a controller and it seemed pretty fast.
    Mouse must have been sloooooow

  • @cutlass-pain sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Blunderbuss nerf nooooooO!!!!!

    Where is the video on whats coming you guys promised last week?

    realy week patch to.
    3 Fixes, 1 nerf, and some settings changed.
    Wow you guys must be proud, lol.

    All we want is to know whats coming.

    the week is still on right? are yu such a d****e when it is xmas? gosh you kiddos (yes adults acting like a 6 year old are a kiddo too!)

  • @noruas I'm truly losing the will with sea of thieves, I need to be blown away by some kind of content update soon...

  • @lm-robin-hood get a pc bro. It’s not our fault your have an Xbox and don’t like it. The always on cross play is one of the best features.

  • @kon23jr said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @noruas I'm truly losing the will with sea of thieves, I need to be blown away by some kind of content update soon...

    It's not comming any time soon, chill. Come back in june after their Content Update ;)
    They cannot make content in three weeks, that's not how anything works. Especially if they're to keep the high quality bar they have in game ;)

  • Why not just increase the overall sensitivity settings for the controller so we can put an end to all the hate? increase from 10 to 20 or something, so console players can more easily be on par on turning and aiming on PC.

  • @bern-dimall sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    So along with the "aim lock" that pc users are equipping themselves with you have now made it faster for them to do so? Nice!

    what aim lock? there is no aim lock? I testet ADS now with 800dpi on 2.0 sens and it's still completely unusable so don't feal threatened console gamers....until i hit my dpi button har har

  • @sgt-grogdog-68 Don't die.

  • @griautis yeah, they did a good job it’s only been out for a couple weeks. They have to tweak and get everything to a happy baseline before doing major updates or there will be major issues if it’s not done with attention to detail. They really helped out South America.

    You don’t mop the floors before wiping off the counter tops.

    They are doing this the smart way.

  • @sgt-grogdog-68 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    So your telling us to scuttle or ships to avoid pvp players that chase us all over for hours because we have chest we want to turn in not a good answer sorry

    If you cant make it to an outpost and do a driveby drop off, cant out maneuver, and dont want to fight then yes that is your answer. there are many ways to get out of that kind of situation.

  • @khaleesibot what about the content video is it coming out today or friday?

  • @cutlass-pain okay then... yeah I thought most browsers had an automatic spell check.

  • @khaleesibot here's a bug for @teddy-25 and his PC crew:
    Viewing Settings from the Main Menu displays the old key binds screen (no hotkeys) and default binds. You can only access your proper key binds from being in a game.

  • @paul-endri At least it’s every in game day, so only 24 minutes, imagine if it was real time.

  • LOL did they just confirm in the patch notes that PC players used to be at a disadvantage to console players?!

    They just buffed PC players’ aim to match that of console players.

    And all these posts for the past couple weeks complaining about a phantom PC advantage just got slammed shut.

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