Merchant cage issue

  • I seem to have stumbled upon a bug in the game. I got the cages I needed for a merchant voyage, but got blown up as a solo crew halfway through. I went to another merchant afterwards and couldn't get any more cages. I don't know where to find cages elsewhere, but I really think that should be fixed.

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  • @infernoraph This also happened to me a few times, with Chicken and Pig cages. I found a chicken one on an Island , used it, but before i turned it i was attacked and lost it. But I could NOT get another from the quest giver. With the Pigs, I even had the pink one squeal a lot and it disappeared, and no it was not stolen, the pig flew off i guess. Still could not get another cage again unless i dropped the quest and picked it up a gain.

  • @endiozo pigs need feeding or they die in the cage and dissapear. when the pigs sit down and squeal like mad that is your final warning to feed them quick or they will be gone. hope this helps

  • @infernoraph its not a bug, you can get lucky and find a free cage on an island, steal one from somebody or cancel the voyage and start a new one.

  • You can find cages on islands, bigger ones yield more chances to have them. Although I hope in the future they add an option to buy extra cages in case you lost the original ones.

  • yeah its a b***ch when you lose the cages but you can get lucky and find more but it best to restart the same mission but don't sell the animals you already have so at least you can sell them instantly when you start it again.

    Also little tip use music to calm snakes when catching them.

  • @infernoraph It's not a bug. It's intentional design choices (IMO bad.) Merchants quests have the worst risk reward in the game and are the least often played (have no stats for that but am 100% sure I'm right) because of their design.
    One friend pointed out that if Merchant's Quests were able to run along side other missions we would all be doing them. I like that idea and also believe they need reworking in terms of balancing.
    Look for Tea Crates Sugar ans Spice and thank god you don't half to do a merchant quest.

  • I think it's intended to lose the cages if you sink or misplace them. But I agree, having an option to purchase more cages for gold after the free ones if you need replacements would be nice, and a gold-sink the game sorely needs.

  • @dracoryx sagte in Merchant cage issue:

    I think it's intended to lose the cages if you sink or misplace them. But I agree, having an option to purchase more cages for gold after the free ones if you need replacements would be nice, and a gold-sink the game sorely needs.

    I think it's intended but not for reasons stated in this thread. In the final beta you could get an unlimited supply of crates from merchants. You could stock up on twenty chicken cages and collect them and return them if you had an open voyage. This can obviously lead to lag, which is why it got cut.

    That you can't get a new cage if you lose it is obviously a bug. They can't expect you to go around finding a new cage when the voyage still says you can get a cage at any merchant.

  • @x1-two Yeah, which is why I think you should be able to pay for replacements. You won't wanna do it like mad if it'll take away some of that hard earned gold with an exponentially increasing cost for each replacement.

  • Same thing happened to me, i believe you have to go to where your ship sunk and collect the cages, BUT I'm sure they only float for a small amount of time before they sink and go to the bottom of the sea bed haha, very stupid system! They should do it similar to the maps and items, when you start a merchant quest, the RB button will give you the required crates, then once you have caught the animal, it's a people in game object that other crews cab steal lol sounds good to me....

  • @senilegold They need to increase the money you get for the merchant quests otherwise no one's gonna do them in the end.

  • Yeah. They definitely either need to increase the spawn rate of cages on islands, or allow us to purchase replacements somehow. I've had several Merchant Alliance voyages go south because I lost cages after being ganked.

  • Same here. Got attacked and lost my cages. Can't get more cages to finish the job.

  • I too find this extremely frustrating especially when I run the voyages where I have to turn in 5-6 animals. I collect them all, go to turn them in and sometimes either get sunk or killed by other players on the outpost (fair play, whatever) and as a result they turn in my remaining cages and then I am left with a quest that is almost unfinishable because I can't go buy more crates from the merchant. I get that you can find them randomly on islands but you shouldn't have to do that just to complete the quest. I think you either need to be able to buy more cages to complete the voyage or if someone does steal a few of your crates, they n*d to be struck from the registry of the voyage and you miss out on those profits. I'm less upset about the loss of coin for not turning in crates that were stolen (its the name of the game) than I am with the fact that I have to abandon a voyage because I can't buy more crates and don't want to spend god knows how long trying to find a crate on an island so I can deliver the last pig that was stolen. What do you guys think?

  • The only reason I can see for Rare not allowing us to buy cages is to keep people from just buying a c**p ton of cages, going to catch a c**p ton of chickens/pigs, then cashing them all in enmasse and never really doing any Merchant questline. Sadly, I can't think of a solid fix for this issue to recommend though.

  • Hello.

    It would take a Craft system in the game, with workshops made available to the players.

    For example, a boat workshop, a blacksmith on outposts and workshops on big islands.

    Players will then be able to craft new items such as cages or special equipment.
    A chicken cage could be made with five boards and two balls for example. A pig cage with two boards and five balls etc.

    This could even add a customization system by making fun clothes with snake skins, pigskin or chicken feather by collecting resources from animals.

    In short, a Craft system would be welcome ...

  • @tententacles said in Merchant cage issue:

    Yeah. They definitely either need to increase the spawn rate of cages on islands, or allow us to purchase replacements somehow. I've had several Merchant Alliance voyages go south because I lost cages after being ganked.

    With snakes finding crates is not even an option... Just had a 4 man crew gank me, lost all my animals, no way to finish this voyage.

  • @coconut-monkey6 animals are worth practically nothing both in gold and rep without the voyages, so even if they did this they would have to spend thousands to get anywhere. Another option would be to allow you to get a free assortment of crates from every outpost, this would take too much time for people wanting to abuse this system, but allow for people on voyages to get new crates when they lose them.

  • @infernoraph The Merchands will only give you the Cages you need one Time.
    If you loose them from whatever, despwaning from all cases there gone and at this point without really many Luck to find them on Island randomly you have no chance to get them back.

    if you loose them your voyage is doomed and you can cancel it right away. because of that many people wish for n option to Rebuy cages at merchands if needed.

  • @danqrl you’re right it’s not s bug, but it is poor game design. At least make it easier to find a cage.

  • @infernoraph I stumbled upon the same issue. It is just very poor game design. I think it should be a rule that you can ask for cages if you are on the mission. I also understand that getting a cage should be limited but in this case it just doesn't add up.

  • Well, you can kinda buy cages if you buy merchant quest, get the cages, then cancel.

    Granted it doesn't help if you get sunk to finish the quest or someone steals a cage or two off your boat.. but that is kind of the same thing that happens if you do any of the other quests and get suck with the loot.

    My main thing I'd like to buy are Cannonball, Wood, and Banana crates.. because they have other uses then just voyages. Also, they are EXTREMELY rare to find in world.

    They should really show up more often either have one guarenteed on a shipwreck.. or at least realistically buying a voyage for one.

  • @puck269 I've long thought that there should be a way to cash in your unneeded supplies at the end of your game session.
    You regularly spend all this time picking up cannon balls, planks, and bananas, then when it's time to log off they're just wasted.

    It'd be nice to be able to sell them without having to hope to find the extremely rare applicable containers while out on a voyage.

  • I really don't see why hey don't make cages purchasable from merchants

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