RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers

  • @tavishhill2003 They don't work for free though, I'm sure they get paid very well. MSFT was not doing anyone any favors on this or any other project until the fairly recent game pass 1st party announcement. They are out to make money for shareholders, not just give away to the community. They think it's a hit for long term subs to stay, so they finance these 1st party games (Sea of thieves, State of decay, Crackdown, Halo, Gears, Forza etc). If this was not on game pass, I feel few would bother until after release to see what's included at launch. That would lead to missed units sold, many possibly not purchasing until a later sale. The fact that Rare accepted being the first triple A title to release on launch parallel to retail in game pass, deserves proper respect. This is a first in the industry, and it's great for consumers.

    MSFT has a vision for game pass, that's their new baby so they probably gave Rare a boatload of cash upfront because Rare is taking a possible hit on the $60 retail sales for game pass subs which is $ for MSFT.

    That being said, this has been in dev for years, and been shown at multiple E3. It's not a pet project they just thought up last year. It's probably the only game in a good while that Rare has worked on publicly. Point being, what they have planned has probably been set in stone for a long time. They probably have agreements with MSFT to release tri-monthly to keep game pass subs alive. I imagine State of Decay and Crackdown (which are next in line for game pass), will be the same way, different genres or not.

    I'm all game pass here on both Win10/Xbox now, I will not purchase any 1st party titles anymore. So I thank both Rare for being the first AAA in, and MSFT for trying to change the industry to better consumer wallets.

    Let's see what the media says on launch. One thing is certain, no matter how bad it gets attacked by reviews, they will still release some sort of content for at least a year to come. (My opinion).

  • @xcalypt0x Why not just put the responses (answers) in the post as well instead of a link to reddit?

  • @hudson-rl said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    So basically... Anything could be added to the game post launch. Row boats, fishing, mini games etc.
    Also, None of these or anything else you'd like could ever come to SoT's as all we are doing is discussing it.
    Maybe guys, maybe not.

    So many of us wanted fishing but apparently, this game is a strict pirate simulator all of a sudden and it doesn't fit the pirate code... sigh.
    Such a beautiful but shallow game. I'm still looking forward to it and will get my money's worth but the game could have been so much greater.

    Am I hearing this right, that Rare are hesitating on fishing because supposidly thats not what pirates did/do. Surely you jest. I didnt know pirates shot themselves out of cannons. And has anyone ever seen a Kraken. Also does that mean that slavery and r**e are going to be included in the game because thats certainly what pirates did. Surely Rare arent that naive to use such p**s poor rational.

  • @redsatyr5 I made a nice summary on the first page if you want. Comment 6 I think

  • @redsatyr5 Was worried it would get too long.

  • Btw to make things a bit clear
    These are the things we're not getting a launch.

    • dice/card game
    • row boats
    • fishing
    • different ship types
    • change hair color
  • @zynthetikk86 Actually, dice were not exactly thrown out although you can assume so. Also we won't get private crews or tattoos yet.

    Edit: I don't remember ship types being mentioned. Legendary ship itself might be a slightly different type of ship

  • @deashkiin well they said "if they added dice" and "it was prototyped" these are good indications that it won't be available at launch atleast

    Yeah sorry meant the legendary ship won't be a different type, it will probably look different but still be a galleon

  • @zynthetikk86 That's why you can assume that yes but it wasn't quite said. Neither that about the legendary ship or other types. Also some of the other things weren't promised to come at all let alone at launch. I feel like the beginning of the thread is clearer tbh. Some of that is misleading

  • @deashkiin well sometimes you just need to look through all the b******t to find the correct answers ;)

  • @zynthetikk86 lol, right... All hail misunderstanding and disappointment

  • @zeo said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Overwatch, launching at the same price as SoT.
    No play anywhere?
    No crossplay..?
    Apples to Oranges.

    Overwatch isnt microsoft owned so with microsoft taking a cut it would launch more
    Play anywhere is only for microsoft titles, blizzard is Ea/Activision
    Overwatch is a competitive shooter, why would anyone want crossplay? Its an awful business strategy no one on console would play it.

    Cant even compare the two games, they are fundementality on a whole different spectrum.

    Also i love Sea of Thieves and Overwatch, but i have over 500 hours into Overwatch and i paid £30 for it. Sea of thieves hasnt had the chance to stand up to that evidence yet. (Im sure it will for me) But its already cost me £20 more and i can unlock all content by grinding gameplay and without having to spend real money in Overwatch. Theres also no proof from Rare that I will able to do the same. No sure what im getting at here lol! ...but Overwatch and SoT arnt good comparisons imo. #NerfPharmercyAndSombra #ConsolePeasant #JustGot1stTop500 #HashTagsAreLame xD

  • Man these answers are so corporatey..

  • anyone else think this game will change when over time when MT (microtransactions) come out?

    i think they are being rather secretive to keep release numbers up (dont worry i already bought he game and will be playing it ALOT)

    they want to see how the game goes in those few months, any change they are adamant about not making will sure as hell be considered when microtransaction's come out, especially if daily players numbers are down (which they will be , every game has a drop in numbers 2-3 months after release)

    it will come down to 2 things, how much MT's will the current player base buy, and can we change things to get new players and older players back that will increase those MT sales, i have never seen a game not change to suit microtransactions.

    i dont want safe zones for example but if say they go from 300k active players at release down to say 150k, and say 20% will actively spend 5-10$ a month on MT, they will try get that to 30-40% spending double that by increasing the player base, and if it means bending there "vision" to aquire it i bet they will lol

    in fact i bet my house that in the next year safe zones or something like it to appease the no-pvp please players will happen, or things they dont think fit the game at he moment if only to increase MT sales, it is a business after all and more money means longer the game stays. not to mention you can bet MS will be ever present watching the $ numbers

    funnily enough isnt the first major update also inline when MT's come out

    i hope im wrong but like i said not a single game that has MT, hasnt milked them

  • Has anyone seen them post anything as a follow up to that Ebon Flintlock question on the forums like they said they would do?

  • @crossx2 I made a thread about it here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/37544/should-ebon-flintlock-reward-be-given-to-beta-testers

    Although, I'm hoping they will offer it again in addition to fixing their ways of promoting/advertising exclusive content.

  • @xcalypt0x like new ships to be added in the game

  • @noruas said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Thanks Rare for DODGING almost every question. My opinion of Rare has reduced greatly since this weeks "LOWDOWN on Launch" video and this Q&A just reinforced my opinion.

    I'm starting to feel the same... Im so hyped im back on forum sites and this is all they have to say in a open Q&A. Salty Seas following post launch 👎

  • @cavemancronch said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    anyone else think this game will change when over time when MT (microtransactions) come out?

    Yes. Not a single thread of doubt. The question is what direction.

    i think they are being rather secretive to keep release numbers up (dont worry i already bought he game and will be playing it ALOT)

    Release numbers?

    they want to see how the game goes in those few months, any change they are adamant about not making will sure as hell be considered when microtransaction's come out, especially if daily players numbers are down (which they will be , every game has a drop in numbers 2-3 months after release)

    So there's doubt amongst devs about how the service rolls forward?

    it will come down to 2 things, how much MT's will the current player base buy, and can we change things to get new players and older players back that will increase those MT sales, i have never seen a game not change to suit microtransactions.

    Depends what they do with the premium shop. I voiced my worries on multiple occasions and hope for the best. What comes to players, either the game suits customers or it doesn't. MTs won't affect that behaviour. If it did, I would be horrified.

    Dropped customers have usually moved on so they won't come back without nostalgia and in case none of it formed before exit, they won't return unless a major overhaul happens.

    i dont want safe zones for example but if say they go from 300k active players at release down to say 150k, and say 20% will actively spend 5-10$ a month on MT, they will try get that to 30-40% spending double that by increasing the player base, and if it means bending there "vision" to aquire it i bet they will lol

    Yeah. We need to keep in mind that bending isn't necessarily a bad thing. Often the issue is just improper aspects when only one perfect view can change the flow of the mightiest river. It all comes to fantasies and from fantasies it comes to pace. Progression pace and what progression is.

    in fact i bet my house that in the next year safe zones or something like it to appease the no-pvp please players will happen, or things they dont think fit the game at he moment if only to increase MT sales, it is a business after all and more money means longer the game stays. not to mention you can bet MS will be ever present watching the $ numbers

    When major changes happen, maybe we as a community have also evolved more at that point. I'm more worried about the engine though. Engine worries me the most and how it is prepared. Yeah. MS does indeed watch the numbers. Definitely.

    funnily enough isnt the first major update also inline when MT's come out

    Hope so. At least they have time to think and I have time to find decent components for my PC. If they fail at that point, I'm just going to use my assembly for something else and eat the bitter fruit.

    i hope im wrong but like i said not a single game that has MT, hasnt milked them

    What did you mean by this? Wasn't able to quite follow the thought.

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