Just stop with your safe zone ideas and posts

  • No.



    Safe zones do not belong in this game.

    Why is it every single game that comes up you s***y carebears need to “casual up” the game and make it easy.

    After this, a month later you all cry about how the game is too easy now.

    Just shut up, and learn some strategy, some elusiveness, some cunning and hell, do I dare say...some pirating?!?

    Adjust YOURSELF! Not the game to your liking.

  • 11
  • I would anticipate seeing multiple threads like this. Currently the game does not encourage or incintivize cooperation so unless more systems are put in place this will be a trending topic for both sides of the argument.

  • @paloosecannon

    Thank you. I got bushwacked at an outpost, all I could do is slow clap, they planned it well. Best line from Pirates of the Caribbean, curse of the Black Pearl "Take what you can, give nothing back". People who don't like the PvP in the game, never learned about human nature in video games the hard way, I learned from Day Z, hahaha

  • I agree, the threads are getting annoying, but I don't think just complaining about them will help the situation. Recomend on how they can improve themselves, tell them how to be sneaky, or even just go to a different outpost. Me personally? I tell my crew to grab their s**t and prep, cause I'm ramming the island and they better make a b-line to the turn in.

  • I made a thread about a single safe island for socialising. I hope that doesn't lump me in with the weak willed poor pirates you speak of ;)

    I think making outposts safe is idiotic

    I think allowing a single social area where you can only socialise will help role play and social interaction.

  • @sirbats said in Just stop with your safe zone ideas and posts:

    I made a thread about a single safe island for socialising. I hope that doesn't lump me in with the weak willed poor pirates you speak of ;)

    I think making outposts safe is idiotic

    I think allowing a single social area where you can only socialise will help role play and social interaction.

    I can agree with you on one single safe zone for socializing. Of course stipulations accordingly. For this, you are not lumped in with those others.

    However, the moment you do post a whine sesssion how I keep sinking you when you’re trying to leave said safe zone, is another thing.

    I was just being hypothetical. Not actually serious, because I don’t gather you as the type.

    The point being, safe zone or not, if I feel in the mood to pvp, I will figure out a way to put as many advantages in my favor as I can.

  • You're going to get a post from a deckhand about respecting other user's opinions.

    But I see and agree with your point of view.

  • I understand people’s frustration with the fact that people camp out and take treasure from outposts, but we’re pirates, that is what pirates do. Show no mercy, take all the booty and sail the seven seas!

  • @sirbats there is such a safe area already... admittedly the lighting there is bad and the ferryman/captain a little unnerving, but you can socialize without fear for as long as you like there.

  • If safe zones are implemented. I will make it my life priority to make them... Unsafe.

  • @cappjacksparrow said in Just stop with your safe zone ideas and posts:

    If safe zones are implemented. I will make it my life priority to make them... Unsafe.

    And this is exactly what will happen... not hard to sit outside the safe zone... and make mayhem for all entering and leaving the area

7 out of 11