Closed Beta Install Instructions

  • @Deckhands
    We seem to have a recurring problem
    @Caillot-Laurent @Impish436 & now @JJinGA are all founders, none have ever installed SOT Tech Alpha, now none of them can access the beta!!!
    Maybe if a link to the old tech alpha was put up in the store, these guys could DL that, then update to the beta??

  • @logansdadtoo they will have to contact the support team for that as the forums would not be the place to do that.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi
    Most definitely one for support!!
    I was just pointing out the connection & offering up a possible solution ;)

  • Yeah, I spotted that too thanks for the heads up though @logansdadtoo always worth to point these things out so we don't have to keep going over old ground.

  • Okay im having a meltdown! I am a founder/insider. Never downloaded or played the Tech Alpha. I have followed all the instructions with no luck. When I navigate to the closed PC beta link it says Closed beta is currently not available. I have also checked my Xbox Insider hub and there is nothing. No tech alpha, no closed beta. no nothing. Someone please help!

  • @musicmee
    Just wanted to make sure the powers that be had noticed ;)
    At least there is a connection between those with the issue & hopefully if support are aware of it, they will be able to rectify the problem

  • @khaleesibot

    Its not working, I preordered from PC for PC and from microsoft store, it appears only sea of thieves and it says meits too early to play ... if I go to Xbox version I click near the "..." I go to microsoft store and it brings me to the Sea of thieves technical alpha , I started download and its EXTREMELY Slow! , I will take a week to download at this speed and miss the Beta , if that's the correct one ... And after a while the download stops and says Error , technical problems due to microsoft , retry later ... Really?

  • @phillyreid
    Seems to be an issue with founders who never installed the tech alpha m8. Contact support & explain the situation including you're a founder who never installed the alpha ;)

  • @logansdadtoo we’re working with Rare to see if they can replicate the issue, Support is still the way to go for this for now.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi so there is nothing on the insider hub about sea of thieves so i have no link to click on ^^
    but ur colleague on the forum send me this link whitch what i understand should let me download the beta but it just says " not avaliable yet"...
    i have checked many many many times if the insider hub is the same as my sea of thieves account same with the store account tried login and out many this to on both insider hub and store.
    i have even tried to unistall insiderhub and install it agian still the same..

  • @impish436 if we’ve tried everything that we’ve given then unfortunately you will have to wait for Support to get back to you with assistance in this case.

  • My only issue is that support will no doubt take days to reply. I really hope to goodness they reply within the next few hours. This Founder issue as its ridiculous and they should be addressing it ASAP

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi okej so there is is no old link to download the alpha that i could get as @LogansDadToo said it probably that i have never istalled the alpha thats make it not possible that i could install it ?
    what 3dots method do u mean? can't seem to find it :/

  • @impish436 there is not no as we do not provide links, Support would have to assist.

  • @impish436
    You've already tried it m8 & it didn't work, as you responded to my post further up ;)
    & it was only a theory about the old tech alpha & updating!
    As @DHG-IXxRMACxXI has stated, only support are going to be able to help you now m8, good luck, i hope you get it sorted :)

  • @logansdadtoo Thank you a bunch! I was having some troubles with the installation process once in my library wasn't appearing Install on Black Dogs page. With this link youve posted I was finally able to install it. See you at the sea, fellow!

  • @katttruewalker Fantastic! I was having all of the above issues and this link solved my problems. Thank you!

  • @logansdadtoo well i have tried so much now i don't know what is what xD then i have to hope the support can figure this out :)
    but after reading about every post on the forum about this it's probably because i haven't installed the alpha...
    so im not getting the update for the alpha as you write before :/ hope they figure this out soon :P not many hours left before we could play :)

  • Is it normal that I still have no e-mail with key or something about tomorrow start of closed beta except the e-mail I got when was finishing my registration (September)?

  • @zukorus There is no key the install works just like it did for you in the technical alpha phase.

    Since you are a Founder member you use the same process that you did before:

    • Install the Xbox Insider Hub from the Xbox or Windows Store
    • Open the Insider Hub App and got to Insider Content
    • Click the link to visit the game in the Store
    • Download

    If you already have the client from the previous alphas make sure you update it to the beta version.

  • @el-espectro-0 Yes I signed up in December 2016. I have nothing in the Insider Hub on PC and the store is telling me it's unavailable. I have a feeling that I'm not going to get an invite for this either.

  • @khaleesibot
    Well, back in the alpha, installation went quite well, but now i go the issue that if i go to the microsoft store (by the link), i only see the title and the app is not responding to anything.
    I dont know if this is the right topic for this, but it would be nice if someone clould help me.
    Sorry for my english.

  • Just got my tech alpha updating to closed beta. Work can't finish soon enough tomorrow!

  • Hi !
    I'm new here and I have some issues too.
    I'm not a founder and I preordered the game just few days ago (one week I think). I did'nt suscribe to the Insider Program before December 1st. As I preordered the game, it grant me the right to participate to the Closed Bêta isn't it ?
    If so, I actually can't download the games, like some others crew members. On the Sea of Thieves Closed Bêta page, it also says "coming soon" (I'm in Central European Time if it may explain something).
    I'm actually downloading Sea of Thieves Technical Alpha (thanks @Musicmee for the link) but I'm not sure it will help...
    Do I have to contact support ? Or do I misunderstanding something in Close Bêta anouncement and as I was not an Insider before December 1st deadline, I can't play Bêta ?

  • @kal-quantik It will help. The name will change to Beta, I can confirm this

  • @lasershock Then you will have to send a ticket about that. You should have your Founder badge and access to the Beta without needing to preorder.

  • @jcmdeadpool Thanks ! Cross my fingers so.
    Everyone who preordered the game have access to the bêta right ? Not only people who was Insiders before December 1st ?

  • CAN I get an Official Answer?

    I am downloading the technical ALPHA because is the only ne I see !

  • @kal-quantik Jup. Everyone and the old insider

    @n-a-ii-m-a I can reassure you that you do the right thing. Trust me :D

  • I had to reinstall the technical alpha and in the microsoft store it is still called technical alpha. When I lunch the game there's a big alpha in the middle... no update to beta. :(

    Any help or suggestions?

  • I'm guessing this Closed beta access is going to be messed up in the same as the last Technical Alpha which should of Invited everyone that joined the Insider program before 1st December but where a small group of us who have been signed up over a year still didn't actually get an invite, It's still not looking good for me as after trying all the download instructions nothing shows it anywhere to download despite getting my email in December granting me Closed Beta access.

    I keep getting myself hyped up as I finally thought what ever error Rare had on their end would no longer matter and I'd be able to play in the closed beta after getting the email saying I would be granted access for been signed up to the Insider program for so long. :(

  • @fitzfuchs If the game launches and you get a kiwibeard error when you try to play you have nothing to worry about this will be the beta. My version also says alpha they just haven't updated the splash screen.

  • @fitzfuchs
    It does still say Alpha on the 1st screen m8, don't worry you're all good ;)

  • @musicmee said in Closed Beta Install Instructions:

    @fitzfuchs If the game launches and you get a kiwibeard error when you try to play you have nothing to worry about this will be the beta. My version also says alpha they just haven't updated the splash screen.

    @logansdadtoo said in Closed Beta Install Instructions:

    It does still say Alpha on the 1st screen m8, don't worry you're all good ;)

    Thx guys. They had to change only ONE word... xD

  • @fitzfuchs You are very welcome! Yeah right!

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