SUGGESTION [S14: Mischief] Brainstorming

  • Just some free ideation/brainstorming around the Mischief concept from me.

    Daggers Advanced

    • Collect poison from snakes.
    • Add Daggers with poison by dipping into collected poison.
    • the function can be performed by holding a goblet or a tankard, and then grabbing the snake (same as collecting snake in cage), just that you collect poison instead, the mixture must then be made at the quest/captains table for a one use only.
    • Daggers will reflect if they have been poisoned or not.

    Grog Mischief

    • As above, collect poison from snakes.
    • Add poison to another persons tankard (should be easy to do when they are steering the boat, roping the sails etc)
    • When drinking the poisoned grog, the character will die, and able to collect purple lantern
    • The current captain will always have the option to drink or not, or perhaps pour out first and get a fresh brew before the toast. Or drink up your grog when starting the game, so you know you always have an empty tankard in case someone pours something else in it.
    • And as a Captain, you could swap Tankards before making the toast, so a crew mate could suspect this and just poison his own Tankard, in the hopes that a swap would occur.
    • The function also goes hand in hand with the "Im the new Captain" mischief below.
    • The mischief can be restricted to once pr day/gameplay, or make it difficult to collect poison. i.e the crew mate needs a goblet, go to an island with snakes, collect poison, get back to the ship, mix poison on the quest/captains table before being able to do the mischief and thus not get caught in the action, for a one time use.
    • If caught, the mischievous player "could" say they are making poison for their daggers, but when presenting Daggers it will show if they are poisoned or not.

    Captains Log Book Mischief

    • If external player not part of the boat crew gets access to the Captains Log book, they are able to write themselves in as part of the crew.
    • Character gets same nickname colour as the crew.
    • This also gives a purple nickname colour if the boat is part of an alliance towards the alliance members.

    Emissary Mischief

    • Crew votes allegiance to a faction.
    • As a single player (though part of the crew), your allegiance is towards other than the active, and you make a deal with your favourite faction to always work for them.
    • i.e you set allegiance towards OOS, it will then provide skulls when digging, riddle solutions, instead of the allocated event set by the crew.
    • ps: that person needs to be the one digging up the last riddle/quest.

    Allegiance Mischief

    • As part of a crew, you can create an allegiance towards another boat crew and be part of them instead.
    • Bring up your grog, spit in it and then drink to convert with the other crew, or use dagger for blood oath. Can add Emote, show hands, if the Captain suspect mischievous behaviour to look for a scar.
    • new - a crew can use their Captain's Log book to open up for such Allegiance, it will then allow other crews to access this through the Quest board found at any outpost, almost like hiring Sailors in the old days.
    • Payment bonuses will then apply to the other ship crew, ignoring active crew. So when the player sells, it will go towards the other ship's crew as well as the other way around.
    • Putting the mischievous player in the Brig, will return no payment during sells.
    • When in the Brig, that player, must/can cancel the active mischief in order to be let out.
    • PS: 2 player Sloops don't allow the use of Brig ...yet

    I'm the new Captain - Rebellion Mischief

    • The Captain of a pirate ship "usually" earns more than the others, though this have not been implemented as a game mechanic, f.ex 10% more. But if it were, you could also create mischief around it.
    • The person that kills the Captain on an active ship they are part of the Crew of, becomes the new Captain.
    • So the Captain should be extra weary when selling at Outposts.
    • This does not affect the Captain when killed by other crews, only own crew.

    ..I've probably got a few more in store, but let me know if these are aligned.

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  • @admiral-oom All of this looks good on paper, yet you are opening the gate to more griefing and toxic behavior.

  • @metal-ravage Ok, sorry for misinterpreting mischief.

    Maybe not turn off friendly fire, but allow a crew member to become captain through a mischief behaviour. example the current captain will always have the option to drink or not, or perhaps pour out first and get a fresh brew before the toast.
    Or drink up your grog when starting the game, so you know you always have an empty tankard in case someone pours something else in it.
    And as a Captain, you could swap Tankards before making the toast.

    I've played the board game "Raise your Goblets", which includes alot of mischievous behaviour so some ideas are taken from that concept.

  • I've updated the main post to reflect a few more preventions against each mischief that I listed, to prevent toxic gameplay, and allow for more social interactions between crew members.

    Hope you like it :)

  • I've updated the Allegiance Mischief on how to enable it, and how other crews on the same server can interact with it.

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