Initiate a collaboration between the Sea of ​​Thieves game and the One Piece anime!

  • I am sure that this will be one of the best collaborations in the world. Many people, like me, dream about it and look forward to it. Companies and the game will get a large part of the community and will be able to breathe life into Sea of Thieves, One Piece will become even more discussed, and fans will have a lot of fun.

    Sea of Thieves is a popular open-world pirate game from Rare Ltd., which was released in 2018. On the other hand, One Piece is one of the longest-lived anime in Japan with over 1,000 episodes (source: Animation Association of Japan). Both projects have a huge fan base around the world.

    The collaboration of these two titans will not only lead to the creation of exciting new content for both communities, but it can also lead to significant advertising activity for both companies.

    Imagine the opportunity to play Sea of Thieves with characters and elements from One Piece! It will be an incredible journey that is sure to attract a lot of new players.

    Support this topic so that the developers notice us and we finally see the masterpiece and long-awaited collaboration between Sea of ​​Thieves and One Piece!

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  • Or it will end up like Monkey Island, introduce a story that messed up the SoT story.
    Unless int he future AFTER FlameHeart, they say "End Chapter 1"

  • @burnbacon well, you always have to hope for the best. All the same, if such a collab happens, it will not happen without the supervision of Oda-sensei. He always keeps an eye out for collaborations and they will turn out great. We can only hope, but the idea itself is inspiring.

  • @muntikk1 this sounds awful.

  • A cosmetic set I could see, but SoT should remain focused on it's own universe. Just because something is based on pirates doesn't mean it belongs in SoT, especially when the art styles are so different. Plus people either love or hate anime, so it has the potential to turn the existing audience away.

  • @ostara-mk Well, however, the collaboration with Pirates of the Caribbean was still in the issekai style. Therefore, you can come up with a lot, you shouldn’t limit yourself to a one-line thought

  • I have been hoping and praying for a One Piece crossover/collaboration as well. However, I think a collaboration from Toei/the anime will not happen.

    Rather, I think it's far more/very likely that we would get a cosmetic collaboration, based off of the Netflix live action series. I say this because much like PotC, it'd be easier to translate the ships, outfits, etc - they're more realistic.

    I don't think we'd get a full, total crossover event like PotC/Monkey Island, either honestly - Rare has said they are done with massive crossovers. Instead, I think a healthy cosmetic drop in the emporium, matched with a promotional YouTube video would be perfect.

    I've been very outspoken about a One Piece crossover event, and have even chatted briefly with Mike and Joe via twitter on the matter (they both loved the live action series), and both have played coy to the idea of such a collaboration. Normally when folks ask Mike if x feature is coming to the game, and it's not, he politely shuts it down - when I asked him if it was possible for a One Piece collab he said, "Maybe :)" - HE DIDN'T SAY NO!!!

    Finally, given the fact that Microsoft did an official collaboration with Netflix's One Piece, to create a limited Series X, I think it's entirely possible that they also contacted Rare. Given the SAG-AFTRA strikes that were happening during Season 1, it would make sense to hold off on a big promotion like that - I'd wager that we get One Piece cosmetics during the promotion for Season 2.

  • @captain-coel Many, many people would disagree haha.

  • @valor-omega I found one-piece to be relatively mediocre. I don't understand it's hype. Also so much of it doesn't fit with SoT. People just latch onto oohhh pirates and think it should be put together.

    Monkey Island was lame.
    Pirates Life was lame.

    Both of them had an initial spike in players followed by an immediate decline. With Monkey Island having some of the lowest player counts recorded.*

    I just don't see one piece doing anything different. It would also further delay flamehearts story which has been the can getting kicked down the road for years.

    *steam player count only. I understand there is xbox and pc-ms players.

  • @captain-coel Well, thinking purely in one direction is also stupid. After all, this is a game and you can come up with a huge number of situations that connect the plot. if there is no imagination, there will be no game. the same type of game direction is not always good

  • @valor-omega even just seeing the familiar ship Thousand Sunny would be very nice. Luffy's hat, Zoro's swords, etc.
    all this would add atmosphere and interest + would attract One Piece fans

  • Please no more crossovers

  • The only crossover that makes sense is Pirates Life 2 because Jack said he would return, and also took two SOT characters with him... the relic he introduced had no explanation and was the only crossover that actually added things and advanced the main plot of SOT.

    Still, I don't think it's time for Jack to return, maybe a year or two for that to happen would be the ideal time.

    About One Piece, let it be a cosmetic partnership only, with ships and clothes... at most one title to participate in the launch. It is not a thing that fits well with the world of SOT, it would probably confuse and hinder the development of the main story, which is already slow without tall tales and adventures.

  • @captain-coel It's certainly not for everyone, like anything else. Out of curiosity how much of it did you watch? It does admittedly take some time to get moving, so I can understand not connecting with it early on - it is a slow burn, but personally, once it gets going it gets real good, real quick.

    I can't say that I agree that it wouldn't fit in SoT, at least cosmetically. In fact, there are a pretty significant amount of similarities in both SoT's and One Piece's world (of course some more outlandish than others, but I digress.)

    Also can't say I agree that APL/MI were lame, but to each their own.

    Fact of the matter though, is that One Piece has a gargantuan following, and remains as one of the greatest manga/animes of all time - the current Manga is still ongoing and cooking, the anime is still ongoing and cooking, we're getting a remake animation series, and the live action show because the most successful anime-live-action adaptation, ever - love it or hate it, One Piece is definitely a king. I've honestly lost count of how many times I've seen/heard of SoT players asking for some One Piece cosmetics, so the want is definitely there.

    I do think a full on crossover won't happen, but I am completely fine with a cosmetic drop in the emporium.

    What's super interesting is that there aren't many games that have the level of massive crossovers, as SoT or even Fortnite (they are honestly kings of crossovers). Personally, the fact that my favorite pirate game of all time also happens to have had crossover events with two of the most well-known and beloved pirate franchises of all time, is nothing short of amazing. Love APL/MI or not, you can't deny that SoT has achieved something pretty unique and interesting. And if/when SoT brings some One Piece cosmetics to the game, that would be THREE of the greatest pirate IPs under their belt.

  • @valor-omega I watched the live action with friends and then sought the first season of the anime out. it just wasn't for me, I won't nay say it's success. It's clearly very successful. I'm not against a cosmetic crossover. Do those all day, for any popular franchise. Heck I'll be Darth Vader lol.

    I'm against a story crossover. I just hate seeing the story in SoT diluted by outside stories.

    I also think a cosmetic drop, even a large one, is less work than tall tale creation.

  • @captain-coel I loved the live action, and it made me appreciate the anime more!

    Yeah I don't want a full-on crossover event either, I'm perfectly content with a cosmetic collaboration.

    Give me Going Merry and Red Force from the live action, and some straw hat crew cosmetics, and I'll be happy!

  • @muntikk1 said in Initiate a collaboration between the Sea of ​​Thieves game and the One Piece anime!:

    @valor-omega even just seeing the familiar ship Thousand Sunny would be very nice. Luffy's hat, Zoro's swords, etc.
    all this would add atmosphere and interest + would attract One Piece fans

    Cosmetic drop? Yes
    Storyline or arc? No

    SOT has too many loose ends in the story currently. I don’t think an entire new premise of the grand line and all of that are going to make it any simpler. SoT and One Piece are vastly different. That’s fine and how it should remain.

  • This collaboration is likely the bigger idea for the game as of lately, but as someone that barely know one piece anime but but understand sea of thieves I don't know how that would work for a story idea. like one piece main thing is you have power but you can't swim and I get sunk all the time and yes skill issues but as I think about it you could make it on a one piece ship I think it Thousand Sunny and just make it hard to sink like flameheart ship and going around doing the tall tale, even make it in some version on one piece universe with sea of thieves that invading like flameheart, dark brethren or gold hoarder trying to get a type of devil fruits or something other one pieces universe macguffin

  • @jon-sea-nah Yeah, I mean I am perfectly content with a full-on cosmetic drop, only. Give us a sort of thematic trailer for it, with the Netflix live-action theme, showcasing the ships and pirate cosmetics, and I'll be content!

  • I don't understand the modern consumer's obsession with crossover. I would much, much rather they actually develop and advance their own unique story which has felt stagnant for two years now. Add some shanties for "You Are A Pirate" from Lazy Town and "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" from Veggie Tales and call it done with the collabs there.

  • @kezmur

    Agreed. Innovation rather than regurgitation of other people’s styles.

  • @kezmur It's pretty simple; people like different mediums and when those mediums share similarities and get crossovers, it's hype. Of course it's not for everyone, but it's targeted specifically towards a certain demographic.

    One Piece is is perhaps one of the most celebrated stories of all time, and truthfully there are thematic parallels between it and SoT.

    To be clear, I wouldn't be against a full-on crossover event with Tales, but I sincerely doubt that will happen. I would be perfectly content with just some cosmetics, and maybe a shanty.

  • The 'type' of piracy just doesn't seem to fit. Sorry to say but at least with PoC and MI the setting was compatible with SoT. High demand or not if it detracts from the game setting and 'vibe' I dont think it would help the game besides get a bunch of anime fans to pile in and be disappointed that the rest of the game isnt like whatever the one piece collab content winds up being.

    Really the only commonality is the WORD pirates. Even in One Piece the main cast are true blue protagonists and pirates in name only for the sake of being protagonists. They dont raid port towns for loot, or seek out merchants to rob, or attack ships to claim prizes. Its a setting in which piracy just happened to fit as a title but the cast could just as easily been anything else, whereas in SoT the straw hats would feel out of place for being heroes in a Sea of Thieves. Not to mention art style carry over problems, gimmick mechanics, and a slew of other annoying little details that lead me to believe that maybe like Halo, a weapon or ship set should be the extent of any One Piece collab and we leave it at that.

    Not to drag One Piece too much, but it really doesnt mesh anywhere in SoT, and thats fine.

  • @valor-omega I mean if all time….. until the Netflix drop how many people in the us actually new the name one piece?

  • @jon-sea-nah I hope you're not serious haha - - One Piece has a massive following all over the world, matey. That's just a US poll from last year.

    It has:

    • Cooking, ongoing manga
    • Cooking, ongoing anime
    • Anime remake incoming
    • First majorly successful anime live-action adaptation
    • Season 2 of the live action was quickly renewed

    I could go on lol, I think you get I'm pretty into One Piece.

  • @whitestag1992 Yeah, I don't think a story-driven collab would be best - I'm perfectly fine with just some cosmetics (especially since my guild is themed after).

    I would disagree there, honestly. There's plenty of actual piracy and similar piratical themes that happen in One Piece. I think the fact that the Straw Hat crew are NOT those types of pirates, makes their characters that much more interesting. Other, more villainous characters pirate in ways you would expect, but there's so much more rich story all throughout.

    If you step back and look at the themes of SoT and OP, there's quite a few dots that can be connected. The largest comparison is that of the Grand Line and the Sea of Thieves themselves - both are mythical, sought after areas that are rife with danger and adventure. There are authoritarian regimes that seek to dominate said waters/seas (The Marines and Grand Maritime Union). There's rich lore, forgotten/sunken cities far beneath the waves. There's even leviathans, sea monsters, etc. In reality, there are more parallels that can be drawn between SoT and OP, than not. Of course SoT doesn't have devil fruits or haki, but there is deep-set magic, and mysticism.

    Sorry lol, I love gushing about it. For me, SoT being one of my most favorite pirate games, and games in general of all time, it'd be equally amazing to have some cosmetics from one of my favorite anime of all time! And Sea of Thieves already having two of the greatest Pirate IPs under it's belt as is, is nothing short of amazing. Adding some One Piece cosmetics in a collab would be even better!

  • @captain-coel

    The anime takes like between 80-300 episodes to come alive depending on the person. The story doesnt make too much sense before you know all the parties and they start moving against each other. Live action was good, and if you didnt like that its possible the flow of the story will never settle for you.

  • @valor-omega I’m all for that but saying it’s a classic tale is a bit misleading. Pirates of Caribbean, treasure island, Peter Pan are “classic” timeless tales. Not saying one piece won’t get there but it’s not there yet.

  • @jon-sea-nah Peter pan is classic. Potc is a theme park ride ...

  • @jon-sea-nah I don't remember saying it was a classic tale? Maybe I'm being a clown and forgot what I wrote, but while One Piece may not be a classic yet, I absolutely feel that once the story is complete, it will go down in history for sure.

  • I haven't watched the show but I agree with the other replies, they really shouldn't collaborate and make more tall tales with monkey island because it's much more than a standard pirate anime, one of the characters is also present in the POTC universe too

  • "Sure to attract new players" The issue i always have with a one piece colab is not the fact that it would attract new players, but that one piece and sot are entirely different in theme and comedy. The style of the 2 would clash so heavily that i think the issue would then be retaining those players because of such a heavy clash of theme.

    Even monkey island which was half of the inspiration for sot was such a different play style to the game that i couldnt even force my self to finish it. There really is no way that i could see one piece being framed to not clash and actually work well in sot other than only having cosmetics just as homage.

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