Bug: Losing ability to interact with harpoon and anchor when diving

  • Did three dives tonight with a guild crew. Two on PC (Xbox Gamepass Version), one on console Xbox. First dive two of us lost ability to interact with harpoon and anchor. Thankfully one of us could use it. Second dive no issues. Third dive ALL THREE of us lost ability to interact with harpoons and anchor. Thankfully one of us logging out and back in fixed the issue and since it was a guild ship they could rejoin without issue. Pretty bad bug for diving though.

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  • Can confirm, this happened to our crew last night as well, after diving to a raid.

  • As a temporary work around I think you need to quit out of the game (alt-F4 or whatever the console equivalent is) so that you can restart and get the rejoin prompt in order to fix this every time it happens if you don't have other crewmembers to keep your session alive.

    This happened occasionally when doing hourglass, but it seems like more diving is just making this bug worse and worse.

  • This happened to me last night.

  • Same happened to me just now after diving to a skeleton fort (OOS raid voyage)

    Alt+F4 did the trick, but not ideal as a solo slooper!

    Diving in general seems to be buggy- I've had a few hourglass matches where the opponent's ship had un-interactable objects (rigging, wheel, ammo crate, harpoons, cannons) or even things not rendering in at all (wheel, captain's table, holes)

    Is there no in-game bug report option or am I just being green?

  • Had the same thing happen to me right after I finished a skeleton stronghold, could not interact with the map, anchor, or harpoons. As a solo I was hesitant to relog as I had just finished the stronghold and didn’t want to lose the loot. However relogging did work and I was able to use my ship again.

  • I haven't been able to use the harpoons for over a week now. It started off just for ship but now it's all harpoons. Do any of you have any advice on what I can do?!

  • Can confirm. High Seas, PC, post raid dive (fortress specifically). I did not have an issue with the anchor but both harpoons are incapable of interaction.

  • This happens to me probably every time i play the game, a little bit ridiculous that no one has done anything about it as it is a game breaking bug.

  • Got this earlier today, after diving to a fort. Seems to be fine with other dives, but maybe I'm imagining it.

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